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Everything posted by 2010andBeyond

  1. Wow. Really?? I guess if you bang a drunk girl (who would do that??) you should make sure she enjoys it..
  2. Wow. I'm this might take awhile to respond to. 1. You are repeating yourself. Drinking at slu is not against code. They sell beer at games. You can drink on campus if of age. So I'll count underage drinking. Throw out 'drinking in general'..whatever that meant. 2. "opposite sex in dorm" what? It is also not against code to have someone of the opposite sex in your dorm. Having sex could be against code. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one. So far you are 2/4. 3. "It is illegal to have sex with an intoxicated person" The players could also claim this. And I should be doing 25-life... 4. "None of us know what happens really besides the fact that people were drunk and someone had sex with someone." Exactly...thats why this is bs. Thanks for ruining your argument. 5. I don't think this would have prevented anyone from wanting to enroll at slu. In fact, if this were swept away, or dealt with immediately after it happened, we wouldn't have to think about it now. This is hurting SLU's rep far more now than it did when this came out. How would I deal with it? I would say, "hey boys, we are getting pressure from a administration/donor that we need to do something about your little situation. you two are going to sit out 4 games. sorry. also, keep it in your pants. thanks."
  3. Don't forget that the initial judgement was one year. Hopefully, they will take it in stride and realize that one semester isn't that big of a deal. After all, they can give slu the shaft after this year and leave. At this point they are even more severly penalized if they transfer.
  4. To echo Bizzle's speculation, and I have no idea if this is required at SLU, I know a full-scholarship basketball player at another school and he is required to take summer classes because they are given housing and meals throughout the summer.
  5. You can't punish someone on 'might have'. So, what school rules did they break besides underage drinking??
  6. There is no way Biondi just sat back and watched this unfold. You don't need any inside info to figure that out.
  7. Except for the 'victim'. Put 2&2 together dude...
  8. Exactly. So why are two of them thrown out of school? The other one must be reeeeaalll trustworthy
  9. This makes me want to puke. I'm guessing slu decided that 'big time business school donor x' takes priority over the basketball junkies
  10. Once again, if having drunken sex is a punishable offense at SLU, most everyone on this board should have been punished. I violated student policy, and was caught numerous times, but was never actually punished with any severity by slu. Too bad these guys were just because the admins want to keep up some bs image. Get lost RB, go celebrate somewhere else.
  11. Doesn't this totally conflict with the Channel 5 report?? God, slu is a joke..
  12. Well said moy. If what we heard is true, maybe the boys got their own "WTF?--insert emotional response here--" out of the way when the initial one-year was dropped. Here's hoping at least one of the two sucks it up and says, "screw it, its only two months", writes a vague I'm sorry letter, and comes back with a vengeance.
  13. On second thought...maybe I would write the letter. Dear ####, I am sorry....that my c0ck is so big! Peace.
  14. Wrong in who's mind? Apparently not in the STLPD's, and I care about that more than a bunch of do-gooders over at SLU. Like it or not, gangbangs, tag-teams, bukkakes, etc. are not illegal.
  15. I believe you are right and that is sickening. SLU is basically copping out by forcing them to say sorry, which implies guilt, and thus giving the university the relief of being the bad cop. God I hope they decide to comply, but if I were them, I doubt I could do that.
  16. I am at a loss for words. I really thought that with RM and the arena SLU had decided to get serious about having a basketball team......NOPE!! I will never give the university $1 again, and I really hope they get their a$$es sued off. This obviously was handled in a very innapropriate way...A LETTER OF APOLOGY!?!?!? WTF?? The administration doesn't care about SLU basketball, so why should I? I'm glad they managed to scam me out $450 though...
  17. I am taking it as a positive sign that we haven't heard anything yet.
  18. I tend to agree. I have been a big LaRussa fan over his tenure, but I'm starting to wonder if the time is now for a regime change.
  19. I put down a seat deposit a few months ago and haven't heard anything back from the ticket office. I know its still early, but I am wondering if existing ticket holders have already been asked to renew or uprgade? Just trying to figure out how far along in the process they are...
  20. From what I have noticed it is rare for RM to make the substitutions. Its usually Moser. Also thought it was interesting that Moser called, I believe two, timeouts last game. I hadn't noticed that before, but maybe I just wasn't paying attention.
  21. I loved when the band started chanting "worse than fordham!" hahaha
  22. They were awful.....glad we took care of a crappy MVC like we should. Final score was closer than the game really was. We were up by 10 after 5 minutes.
  23. A letter of protest?? What is the big deal? The game isn't until 8pm. There is plenty of time to get a ticket before the game. The tickets are reasonably priced.....Some people just don't feel right unless there is something to complain about. I am looking forward to going in and sitting (basically) wherever I want.
  24. I would definitely recommend Gateway also. It is much nicer than Forest Park, and probably close to the same price. Quick and easy to get to from downtown as well.
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