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Everything posted by BIG BILL FAN

  1. Go away. You have no interest in anything but trashing SLU players. You are one sick person...........
  2. Perfect description, Hines had far too much confidence in his game.
  3. It was a 3 point game when Hines proceeded to lose the ball twice and forced a bad shot, which led to 8 straight Bonnie points.
  4. And apparently Hines thinks he is Steph Curry as well. He just kills any momentum you get.
  5. Why do you care if anyone responds to his posts? People vent all the time on here. I think the ones overreacting are the ones screaming to ignore him. Again, this is a privately controlled board, ban him, if not then expect him to post and people to react to him.
  6. Instead of yelling at me, yell at the moderator to ban him. He’s not going away otherwise..
  7. What the hell is wrong with you? Just stop the bs.
  8. He doesn't have any insight, he's just a loud mouth Mizzou troll, who is praying that Goodwin ends up in Columbia.....A better name for him would be coach loser........
  9. Not saying I know anything, but does anyone find it odd that Raboin hasn’t appeared in even one game?
  10. Any of her beliefs and actions could be considered in making a determination of whether her decision is tainted. This is something another arbiter or possible juror could consider. I think the most damning evidence is the severity of the punishment. From my admitted limited knowledge, this punishment seems far over the top, considering what others have received for a similar offense. Again, even if the facts are accepted by everyone, isn’t the punishment reviewable by a second party?
  11. The question is whether she is allowing her bias to influence her decision. Compared to other situations at other universities, her punishment seems extreme.
  12. Not if they had the authority to do so. You don’t have to question the findings to still question the punishment.
  13. Then stop attacking people and you won’t be called a prick....pretty simple
  14. Here is a key point, even if SLU followed all of the Title 1X guidelines (which is debatable) they still have the authority to determine the punishment. Universities have had a wide range of disciplinarian actions for the same action. The severity of the punishment, compared to what others are receiving for the same findings is appalling in this instance. The higher ups at SLU do have the power to alter the punishment if not the findings. I hope enough pressure is applied to rectify this egregious decision. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bustle.com/p/how-do-schools-punish-students-who-violated-title-ix-each-university-has-its-own-system-81503/amp
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