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Everything posted by BrettJollyComedyHour

  1. I've seen that ref at several games the last couple of years. Guy has an Angel Hernandez-sized ego and seems like a d*ck.
  2. Now that TJ has had his senior night, I've updated my favorite Billiken.
  3. I love TJ, he's such a nice dude and he always gives 100%.
  4. Ford comes off like a b*tch when he gets desperate.
  5. I have a good feeling about taking 2 games in this tournament, but sadly, I think they get bounced in the semi-finals.
  6. Did the 119 points we scored last night break our record from earlier this season? I know both games were against non-D1 teams, but points are points. Edit: Yep, by 10 points.
  7. Due respect, Maria, cock-eyed optimism is just as annoying.
  8. Why does Pete Gillen sound like Jon Voight specifically from National Treasure?
  9. Oddly enough someone else caught it before me, just figured I'd post it here.
  10. Yes, that's what I meant. SLU has scheduled against D-III Knox College tomorrow night.
  11. No one is sticking around until 11 on a Tuesday to see all of this lol.
  12. Ah I wasn't able to be there for that, so I don't know why they've decided to schedule this.
  13. Yeah aside from having a senior night, I don't know why they're doing this.
  14. Apparently they've scheduled another game for tomorrow against Knox College, a D-III school.
  15. Enough knee injuries to not even field 6 players would be insane. The tournament starts next week, should Davidson just resign itself to not competing in it?
  16. What? That's news to me. Either Davidson caught massive covid or they're scared of us?
  17. Damn, this is slightly big news. The conference was getting a bit crowded, anyway.
  18. Yeah if you want people to be there, don't make them stay until 11 just to see senior night on a Tuesday.
  19. Well, I mean, if he makes it that far, I'd say keep him.
  20. The band numbers also reflect this decline. I remember my first games in 2013/2014 that the student/band section would often be so full that it was like sardines. We were LOUD.
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