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sir boxington

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Everything posted by sir boxington

  1. Once again, my issue is with how the story was written to sensationalize the justification of labeling this as a 'landmark' moment. Also, I have never considered the actions of a celebrity or an athlete to be a guiding light.
  2. Well, if Gordon needs 15 minutes of four-letter fame to make himself feel better, the he's nothing without it. And if you need the TV networks to feed you stories and celebrity fame to help champion the causes you believe in, then you are as misguided as he. It was Rosa Parks who sat in the front of the bus, not Ella Fitzgerald. It was 'who's that' trying to enroll at Little Rock HS and the Univ. of Mississippi, not Sidney Poitier. It was Susan B. Anthony leading women's rights, not Marlana Deitrich. It was Jackie Robinson who broke the color barrier in baseball not ***** League showmen Sachel Paige or Josh Gibson. John Wilkes Booth was a famous actor in his day. What if everyone had listened to his views on slavery and politics? It was Ron Kovic who was the true leader of the anti-war demonstrations on Vietnam, not Jane Fonda. Now here’s a version of a real story that labels Gordon as the first “male D1” player and a reference to another basketball player from a lower division that has already come out. CBS didn’t feel the need to sensationalize the story in order to justify its own agenda or grab ratings or clicks. http://www.cbssports.com/collegebasketball/eye-on-college-basketball/24519753/umass-guard-derrick-gordon-is-first-openly-gay-male-d-1-basketball-player
  3. I don't know where to start with this sad commentary. My whole premise was with how the story was written. The facts were laid out in a questionable way in order to justify identifying this as a "landmark" moment. The major sports athletes are the farthest thing from a reflection of the majority. The college players are 12 of the 10-30K students at any school, and the pros are even more minute. They may be highly visible, but it is unclear why so many think they identify with them. NO ONE should 'hitch their wagons' with an athlete or celebrity as a rep of changing societal attitudes. Just because you recognize them and the media shoves a camera in their face? That's ridiculous. I'll always respect Kobe Bryant's response to Travon Martin episode. "Why would you ask me about that situation. Because I'm AA? Because I'm an NBA player? Because I'm famous? I live in LA and don't know anything about that situation." Lastly, if you don't care for 'every single such person', then I'm not going to listen when you want to prop up the few that are actually NOT a true reflection of our broader society. Feel free to continue to celebrate the visible player. I have long ago realized to not pay attention to the people behind the four-letter curtain.
  4. I agree, and I understand the difference. My point is you lose credibility when you single someone or something out just to sensationalize or jump on a popular bandwagon like D1 basketball. If a player at UMass-Lowell playing D2 basketball come out, does it not make news just because their national tournament isn't nationally televised? Why are only celebrity's decisions considered significant? Is Ellen Page being gay any more significant that Plain Jane? If a LGBT leader is more concerned with the celebrity than the common person, then his/her credibility takes a massive hit. That person should be more concerned with the majority, not the sensationalized vast minority. I think it's funny that someone stated, "you really can't be this stupid." It's the exact opposite. I was one of the few that was smart enough to read between the lines and see the story for what it actually is.
  5. Who do D1 athletics benefit? The Econ Dept? I'm not, but it's obvious whoever wrote or edited this story is not that bright. Any journalism or English professor would have ripped this story apart for its attempt to sensationalize by creating facts that are not relative to the news at hand.
  6. Then why did Gov. Nixon attend a parade and celebration party in Warrensburg last week? Should Washington Univ. take down the banners in their gym? What 'people' are you referring to?
  7. He's the first D1 player? There has to be a couple of women playing D1 that are gay. I guess that's not news. What about D2 and D3? Can I assume that since D1 was mentioned or emphasized, that there are others in the lower divisions that have already announced. Or, just like everyone in the media is mentioning that UConn is the only program that has ever won men's and women's titles in the same season, that D2 and D3 don't really count? It seems the media is trying so hard to make this a story, that simple facts and reporting are being thrown out with the bath water.
  8. The winner of the Iowa/Tennessee game has to play at 2:45 Friday afternoon in Raleigh after playing a 9:10 game on Wednesday night in Dayton. Remember, though, LaSalle had the same situation last year. They won in Dayton; traveled to KC; and won two games there.
  9. The Billikens have only played 3 games this month. I think they will get their second wind, and we will see the team we saw in January and February.
  10. I wouldn't be surprised. That is exactly the kind of 'hard news' the Today Show is known for. The game is at 12 noon in Brooklyn. The show is live in the East from 7am - 9 am. That gives them 3 hours to get to the arena.
  11. They will not make Kansas play SLU at the Scottrade. If they fall that far, they will be sent somewhere else.
  12. When is that? Just because Timmy giggles at Hayes stupid one-liners that he believes are clever, doesn't mean they are hilarious.
  13. I'm surprised USA Today has Virginia a #3. I thought they would be higher. They are ranked fifth in both polls. Are they really going to allow Dayton to play at home for a play-in game? Do the Flyers need a win over SLU, either this week or next, to book their ticket? It seems they are having a hard time filling up the San Diego regional. Obviously, Arizona will be in one pod, but to bring in SLU and Mich St. seems like a stretch. Could New Mexico rise high enough to get a #4 and play in SD? Why is there not more talk of the Billikens going to Milwaukee or San Antonio?
  14. I didn't realize that 101.1 took questions off of Twitter and texts. And inane ones at that. Just be glad they took some time to filter in some basketball talk around all that NFL draft discussion. Talk about inane.
  15. Yet, Mizzou is still considered a bubble team, and Kentucky is still ranked after losing to a crappy So. Carolina team.
  16. I'm not sure they want to announce this game's final score until after the Billiken's game has ended. There is no need to do any scoreboard watching when you control the conference title with a win. I understand they are being played at the same time, so there's also no need to provide an in-game score at the arena.
  17. My Lord, it was a JOKE or a play on words. Levity can be a soothing medication. I didn't leave. I knew the game wasn't over at that point. If you took a breath afterwards and go back to the flow and sequences of the game, you have to admit the 18-2 run by the Iron Dukes pretty much was the primary series of possessions that could be said "officially lost them the game." I know it’s not “officially” over until the clock hits 0:00, but that run was definitely the defining sequence as one looks back.
  18. Dwayne's World said that the bandwagon fans "left before the team officially lost." In a light manner, I surmised that the game was officially lost during the 18-2 run. Do you get it now? RB2. I won't quit on them. I will be back for the Dayton game, and I'll will watch the A10 and NCAA tourney games on TV. MM. Is 6K empty? I might be wrong, but I thought I read that between season ticket holders and student tickets, that total is a little over 6,000. That's where I got that number.
  19. The bandwagon fans like myself are the reason there is more than 6K in the joint. I didn't notice many fans leave before the 18-2 run. It seemed like they did after that.
  20. Two thoughts on this picture. Even Jaime Garcia is looking down on and disgusted with the Tigers. And he has a lot of nerve to be down on or disgusted with anyone. Where's the Number 2 Illinois jersey with the bold type DISAPPEARED?
  21. I don't understand how Duquesne is better than their record. They are 3 games under .500, yet they are only one spot ahead of a team that is 14 games under .500.
  22. You guys are definitely sly. Are you cyberly giving each other a high five? Does someone have a birthday coming up? I know the perfect gifts. http://www.toysrus.com/buy/science-kits/edu-science-csi-jr.-investigator-kit-51007-3767187 http://www.ebay.com/bhp/detective-kit http://www.wikihow.com/Be-a-Junior-Detective I have also noticed that since I re-posted my original thought on the thread's question, that no one has taken me to task for it. It's just been constant barbs. My guess is you originally only read the portion that you didn't agree with. Or you couldn't comprehend how the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs tied the first and last one together.
  23. I actually noticed this myself. How do you ID the person? I really don't know. I use the quote icon above between the twitter and code icons.
  24. Weren't Taylor, Tiller, Lyons and Lawrence all Quin's recruits? They were all on the 08-09 team that went to the Elite 8.
  25. I'm not sure if this is Sir Boxington, MUDKAT and Postcard................... or SLUFan13, Jbizzle09 and brianstl??? https://www.google.com/search?q=tin+foil+hat&espv=210&es_sm=93&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=z2kPU5bPN4f4yAHDqoDYBw&ved=0CDEQsAQ&biw=1440&bih=799#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=VVL1I1kzFx_vXM%253A%3B8Zi3FPg1T8fwfM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fbigmedia.org%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252Ftin-foil-hat.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fbigmedia.org%252F2013%252F10%252F02%252Ftin-foil-hats-in-vogue-among-conservative-radio-hosts%252F%3B608%3B489
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