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Bills By 40

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Everything posted by Bills By 40

  1. I've seen every bit as many qualified people predicting an even split, 1a/1b, or SLU favored as #1 than I have the alternative. It wouldn't be misrepresenting. If you see otherwise I believe you're selectively choosing the wrong outsiders.
  2. I've always had peeves with Stu. He sucked until Carter lit a fire under his @$$ and now he calls us Dayton's second fiddle? No thanks. How are we supposed to expect increased local support when the number one media man is downplaying what's posed to be maybe the best SLU season in like 7 decades?
  3. Bold of y'all to assume we'll have any close games this year. I plan to win them all in blowout fashion with the exception of one double-digit loss to La Salle or something.
  4. The F*** is this, Stu?! Zero tolerance for this. It's an objectively 50/50 race in the A10 and I'd argue we have the upper hand if there is one - experience, team chemistry, maturity...arguable #1 point guard in the nation. This is gross.
  5. Got an idea, now hear me out...let's just win the rest of the games on the schedule.
  6. Whomever wrote this did so with complete disregard for Martin Linssen.
  7. I love to see all this progress in merchandising and strategic partnerships. All of these branded clothing options will do wonders for the marketing department because it's all about visibility. Peter Millar makes some real nice stuff so this is an interesting change of pace from the typical athletic apparel stuff we see. https://www.petermillar.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwvsqZBhAlEiwAqAHElc8kk7uoAmOAE9uGxBSbq7K9WWvZ96bqHrcWMTL4qEO-BIPGciCTDBoC94sQAvD_BwE
  8. That Loyola Marymount record at 122 looks pretty tasty to me
  9. 100% a handball, enough calls missed both ways to go around. Chalk it up to "how the cookie crumbles". You don't win games when you're outshot 20-4.
  10. Agreed. Holmes, Oduro, Okoro, in whichever order you please. And Yuri is better than Ace.
  11. Let's hope for a 25-10 game en route to a double digit dub
  12. Thank you for this - I just got tickets for Thursday and Saturday.
  13. That would be electric, though. 40-year old LeBron dunking on 18-year olds would be appointment television
  14. Yuri 1000% should be a national household name. At least among basketball fans.
  15. A point guard that plays soccer is very appealing to me. The spacing and vision necessary to play soccer would translate well to the basketball court IMO.
  16. I looked for it briefly and found nothing...but you'd assume there has to be. Doesn't imply that episode 1 was with Yuri though
  17. Even I, the self-proclaimed #1 Yuri Collins fan, am not suggesting that he could be as good as Chris Paul. I'm suggesting that they have similar skill sets, playing styles, and roles on their teams. So there's a lane for Yuri in the NBA to do what he does at the next level, albeit scaled significantly. I see how my comment would be interpreted otherwise, but trust me, there's no amount of blue kool aid in the world for me to be that far off-base
  18. This is without a doubt the best produced Billiken content I have ever seen. Dude got a high caliber interview, did his research, was well spoken and had good chemistry with Yuri. Not to mention the production quality. I'm very impressed, and we should all hope that he sticks around for a lot more content throughout the season. EDIT: My favorite part of this is all the CP3 references. I've made that comp plenty of times but to see all the side by side videos is sick. That's gotta be Yuri's NBA ticket - be the next CP3.
  19. I remember him having dunks. And being good at it. He showed his dunk package off on the Europe trip once or twice and dude can definitely get up
  20. This article mentioned he had 0 dunks last year...which can't be right, right?
  21. We can share the brand lol this board is big enough for the both of us
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