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Everything posted by almaman

  1. If Reggie improves as much as this coming year as he did this one he'll be all conference. As he's only been playing 1/2 as long as all the other kids his age this is possible. If Miles, Milik, Davell and Marcus could play at their respective historic peaks we could be awesome.
  2. Wow. When I said fire him asap, I didn't know May would do it seconds after the game ended. Really, could of gotten messy if we'd of forced overtime
  3. RA, MC, And JB the 3 guys we seem to think are the main 3 for next year 20 points, 3 of the 4 sophs who looked good as freshman who have been written off here 49 points. strange season.
  4. fun pool would have been pick top 3 scorers before each game. been all over the board.
  5. dead year indeed, not one comment about cheerleaders on here.
  6. guy does same think Reggie does and they call it on Miles!
  7. yikes on K O'N. should we look at the High Point guy?
  8. Think i saw Kevin O'Neil on tv. has he been mentioned on any of these 31 pages. looking good and healthy.
  9. Dayton's recent woes take the shine off our "moral victory"
  10. A-10 should pay you for these previews and put on website.
  11. If you really want to think long-term, ideally we would combine Diener and Lavin DNA and genetically engineer a supercoach. If Rachel Diener were willing, this could be achieved naturally. If not, I'm sure SLU's research labs could find a way to make it happen. guessing catholic school not gonna get involved with god playing of that nature even with my favorite pope at the helm.
  12. on the tube it looked like a lot of enthusiastic students dressed in camera baiting costumes
  13. In short, the coaches have a unique and different insight into the players as compared to us who watch only the games. This is the main point supporting my hysteria comment and other thoughts. 62 years old was season ticket holder from RG's 2nd year till JC's first. I never played any sport on any team and as smart as I think I am I've never thought I knew more than the coaches. Been a Blue's fan since they got here. I remember 60's when everyone I knew seemed to be hockey experts, always bitching about this and that. at first I thought they all must of moved here from the Great North, but as I grew older I realized no one knew WTF they were talking about but that stopped no one. Reason I hate watching sports with others because it's all selfish moaning unless things go right. Knew many that hated Larussa the whole time he was here. I surely couldn't unstained some of his moves but knew well his track record and now look at his legacy. Ever since i came upon BMB around end of RM era I've been astounded by some of the whining on here. At first I figured there were some folks on here that had real inside info and I'd learn some behind the scenes stuff but after surfing through the Big East threads and then the FBJT nonsense I now feel there is a real void of knowledge here. The constant grass is greener, if only we did this is laughable. If i suddenly woke up a HS b ball star and was choosing schools the 62 year old me could rattle off at least 75-100 places I'd rather go to school than here. That we get anyone that's really good here amazes me.
  14. Did paper make similar observation about MY and his last 3 games?
  15. I wasn't as lucky as some who have apparently better sound on their tube. I did not get to hear JC tell the walk on to dribble around till last few seconds and then emulate half our guards and run into the middle of the forest and have their stupid selfish shot rejected. here's a thought maybe he said dribble down the clock as just about every team with the final shot does and then make a move find the open shot like MY finally did with MC who missed wide open 3 that would of won game. Again I didn't have sound up loud enough to hear coach say do what you want I hope it works out.
  16. We held the 26th place team in the nation to 2nd lowest first half in their history. If we got either of the Reggie rape calls, the one where they landed in his vertical space. and the reversed charge, frosh phenom scores one basket, or MC makes a 3 or converts both his ft or Ash hits his 1 and 1, we win, yet it's JC who lost. The hysteria here is a microcosm of good old USA and the rise of our new demigod front runner not to go political.
  17. nor will Hines, both sucked in OT MY will never be the best player in the A10.
  18. oh well. If Dayton has a Rammer he must of been screaming on that call that gave us another chance to brick
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