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Everything posted by dlarry

  1. No shame in losing to Vermont. Getting absolutely waxed by Vermont….there is some shame in that.
  2. I’ll be happy if they go into half down 6 or less.
  3. They probably know Grady Glaze! Beacue they are Canadian not because they are well-coached.
  4. Is this your way of telling me that Knollmeyer has eligibility left and will be making a return to Billiken basketball? That would definitely make me smile!
  5. “Broken bones in your foot aren’t a big deal!!” Elliot Welmer…probably
  6. Well that doesn’t have me super confident about today but I feel better about his availability long term.
  7. He’s definitely hurt. We don’t want him to be injured.
  8. Layup drill for Wyoming Bills can’t throw the ball in the ocean
  9. Yep. That’s makes it hard too. I pretty much need to commit to staying off the interwebs for the rest of the day.
  10. That’s usually what I prefer but I need to make precautions before going that route. 1. turn off phone notifications 2. Let people know I’m watching it later so I don’t get text messages 3. make sure the car radio is on a non sorts station 4. cross my fingers nobody out of the blue tells me the score.
  11. Decision time is looming. Do I follow along while working and listen to the last 10 minutes on my commute home or do I try and avoid the score and watch it on DVR when I get home.
  12. Not sure why Allen Iverson is writing articles on Wyoming basketball but it seems to me he took one to many Charles Oakley elbows to the dome.
  13. No idea how that would translate to college but he did a nice job of recruiting to CBC.
  14. Probably didn’t get his season ticket application turned in on time.
  15. Good point. Probably not. I would guess that falls into the “stick and stones” theory.
  16. I was confused by the flagrant as well. I replayed it a few times when I got home and didn’t see anything out of the ordinary. I would love a ref explanation on that one. Maybe he said something? I didn’t see any elbows.
  17. Possibly not in game shape form the injury?
  18. Im not saying it was necessarily Ford’s fault tonight but it is definitely a trend. Who knows maybe this was a one time blip this year but the track record of blown leads has me nervous.
  19. At some point blowing these huge leads becomes a coaching problem and I think that point was about 4 years ago.
  20. Good teams win great teams cover!! 8.5 spread. Win by 9. Guess that means this is a great team.
  21. Can’t press when you can’t make a field goal.
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