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Everything posted by provos528

  1. Beat you by 2 weeks, guy ruined my ignition. Good thing it got a transponder chip so it wouldn't start without the key but still spent the insurance deductible for it to be fixed.. Justice for me would be a bath in bear mace.. Gotta love St. Louis
  2. Bernie's statement lacks credibility with no tangible proof that this is what is going on in RM's mind..besides he traveled to San Francisco for the Rams game back in the weekend, and with Mizzou football preoccupying his upcoming articles.. I doubt he was able to talk to RM recently..
  3. There is a time for everything.. looking for brighter future
  4. F@3k I hate that bar.. To people just drink don't eat..
  5. If Husak was trained properly just imagine IV and him together playing on par..
  6. It is really unconventional basketball we are seeing right now, we will win this game by 5.. I just put everything on the hands of RM right now..
  7. I think Tommie is smart enough that he knows has to learn from RM's style of coaching to be a more successful player and individual in the future, to have more tricks in your bags would greatly be a big advantage.. Short term loss for a long term gain..
  8. Definitely "the Angle of his dangle' would be forever etched in Billiken lore..
  9. BB was able to post the source http://www.sportsnetwork.com/default.asp?c.../aen4112279.htm The problem is with this sportsnetwork site.. but being a controversial post the source should be posted together with the quotes so there wouldn't be any misunderstanding..
  10. http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/stor...55?OpenDocument In case anybody missed this in the Post Dispatch.. A free beer would be enough for the info..
  11. If luck comes my way, I will gladly sponsor a Football team complete with stadium.. Mark my word..
  12. Welcome to the SLU Family, Brett and Brett's Mom and Dad.. Glad to see you on board!
  13. http://pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib...=rss&feed=3 An interesting game later..
  14. Houston Baptist may just really be excited to play again as a Division 1 Team.. These guys still have no conference..
  15. The thing is Dallas Baptist beat them 108-103..
  16. But we will be in more news pages/Sports network mention than before even by just beating NC AT&T (played tough) and not just a footnote.. .. that's part of the million dollar factor.. "Majerus wins first game after comeback"
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