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Billiken Rich

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Everything posted by Billiken Rich

  1. You must be joking. I kept waiting for the unbelievably idiotic mother or the hollywood-style-evil-US-govt to shoot that little piece of sputum. Drew Barrymore just hit my list of despicable Drews based on that stinkburger of a film.....
  2. ONLY in the wedding singer. Fifty first dates ok. The rest crap.
  3. Good one Roy. While I don't really like him, I don't feel annoyed that he's sharing the same air on the planet with me. Drew Pearson also doesn't annoy me. Bledsoe and Deiner though.......
  4. I never cared about the America's team stuff. They are my team and they aren't great at the moment AND I HATE BILL PARCELLS! I HATED TESTAVERDE! I HATE DREW! HAS THERE EVER BEEN A PERSON NAMED DREW THAT I COULD STOMACH????? NO!
  5. Sarcasm is fine. If it's used in a sentance with a phrase like "c** guzzling gutter ######", it loses its charm. Further if it involves this sort of base crap and involves players on the basketball team, it should go.
  6. Metz, whoever gave you the "just a dumbass kid" remark in your ratings was just right on.
  7. My guess, Polk and Ian will light it up on offense.......
  8. If he was making fun of my kid that way, I'd have words with him after the game. It's funny if you don't care about the kids. Laugh it up......
  9. Not to be too mean but in a couple of cases, I'd agree with her.....
  10. If he or she throws some money at the right folks I'm sure we could get a decent PA announcer. Maybe he'll do us all a favor and drop an N-bomb on the air and we can fire his sorry booty.......
  11. It would be interesting to watch Tiger Woods play golf with only a five iron. If it's necessary for us to play 4 guards due to not having a power forward, it's troubling. Newborne didn't seem that bad last year. JJ should perhaps follow DC to Utep. Meyer and Danny could fill in a bit. After Heinrich, Tatum, Brown, IO, etc I'd hoped we were through to times when we needed to go small out of necessity. Welcome back to the Dobbs, Jeff Harris, era? Hopefully we won't get outrebounded by UMSL.....
  12. I was making fun of the CIA not your conclusion. I also think the lack of info leads to either unpleasant speculation or loss of interest. It's sad to think I more time on the NYTIMES than I do here.......
  13. If the Billikens were really modelled after the CIA we'd all know what the players ate for breakfast this morning. Hell you'd probably be beefing about Anita's cover being blown after see watched an east side game and scribbled some notes...... The lack of info sucks but the Bills are more Mossad than CIA.
  14. I agree that both deals might be the best that can be done. That doesn't change the fact that they suck. How is it possible that this town has only one am radio station with a decent nightime signal?
  15. Great, now I'm more po'd that we didn't get Shaw. #$%#$%!!
  16. Really? I thought it was Shaw and civil engineering. Oh well. I imagine aeronautical engineering would be available through parks......
  17. I admit I've probably heard a solid hour of his show during the last 5 years. Sadly work cuts down on my pro-bono work for the vast right-wing conspiracy.........
  18. I thought I remembered that being a problem with Matt Shaw as well....... C'est la vie......
  19. FENTON is on the fringe of their nightime signal. Using a highend (for me anyway) receiver attached to an external antenna I can get 750 WSB Atlanta, 780 WBBM Chicago, 570 Detroit, and assorted clear channeled powerhouses from San Antonio to Boston. I cannot get 590 18 miles west of where the Billikens Play. To call this situation a disgrace is to call gang rape a mild social deviation.
  20. Except for Cardinals and Billikens since I was driving back to St. Louis from Atlanta after Thanksgiving in the year 2000. 750 WSB from Atlanta had wall to wall election coverage including the supreme court case. KMOX came in eventually and was doing a pathetic ask the lawyer program. They suck. They've sucked for years. NPR has better, more middle of the road talk and even that lake woebegone crap is better than most of the KMOX lineup. What if you had a 50,000 watt station and nobody listened?
  21. Charter is a crappy TV deal (unless you are already chained to that ship---if it's available to you) No ESPN games. This is a dark time for the force.
  22. That's actually an interesting bet. Were I a betting man, I'd take it. Missouri's candy-a$$ out of conference schedule VS The Billiken's somewhat softer conference schedule...... Tough to say......
  23. My son has heard of "football" played with a round ball but hasn't seen it since his little remembered pre-k experience playing it. By the way THE COWBOYS ARE ON NEXT MONDAY NIGHT playing real American football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate the Rams because I don't get to see my 'boys much anymore.
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