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General Topics about the Athletic Department

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My question is, when is the arena going to be built? It should have been built by now, two yers ago they said it should be built. Lets see, Father Biondi is not putting the coaches offices over in the new building, so why have a arena if the coaches offices are not even being built over there. What do you say to a recruit, when he or she comes for a visit and your offices are as big as the NAIA school down the road.

2. Why does the administration drive nicer car's than the coaches. At Ohio State they are driving Explorers, Navigators and here the assistant are driving malibus, and ford focuses. What do you say when you pick up a recruit in a Malibu.

3. Then why did Father Biondi take the cell phones away from the men's basketball and women's basketball staff's. Obivously he doesn't think coaches need cell phones. How do you recruit when you are driving and want to call a recruit. Both programs have cell phones but now they have to pay out of their own pocket. Hell, my friend who is an assistant coach at McKendree has a cel phone and the school pays for it. How do we expect the coaches to do a great job recruiting when our president won't even pay for their cell phones?

These are the questions we should ask at our next Billiken Club meeting!

On a better not I met Shimmy Gray the other day and she is a real nice person and seems to know how to hold a conversationand she even talked to my daughter. Unlike Pizzotti, who never cared about anything but herself.

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The answer is still a two or three years down the line. The new arena will be nice but construction will not begin until 2007-2008. St. Louis will never be like Gonzaga or Xavier because the administration does not care about sports. When was the last time that you saw Father Biondi at a basketball game? My guess would be that he has never seen a game. I hate to say this with such a great freshman class coming in but they will not get to play in new arena. Until Father Biondi leaves or get fired, our sports programs will not be NCAA tournament competitive.

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I cannot say about now, but when I was living in St. Louis back in the early mid 90's Fr. Biondi frequently went to the games and he sat very close to where my season tickets are located. I am willing to wait until we actually break ground on the new arena and then we will know what will and will not be housed within the arena. I am quite skeptical of some of these comments by people supposedly in the know, as they really may not know squat. It is rather easy for one to claim knowledge and hide behind an internet monniker.

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you will find out later this summer about when a shovel will be placed in the ground. first and foremost the research building is/was number one. even if the $35 million was all accounted for the ground breaking would still have had to wait for the research building as to not have a faculty/staff revolt, per Fr. Biondi's wishes. The research building had there ground breaking, and there is a big push for the final BIG gifts for the building/arena. The big gift or gifts will push the number to $35 million or past that number. YES there will be COACHES offices in the stadium! trust me when I say this, the project is close to being a reality, albeit if it is only the first shovel going in the ground.

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billiken4life said, "When was the last time that you saw Father Biondi at a basketball game?"

he actually rarely misses a home game. sits center court about the 7th row behind the scorers table right in front of kim tucci.

now the question is since you didnt know that, do you go to any games?

so much for your credibility.

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"you will find out later this summer about when a shovel will be placed in the ground."

The only way that they can give us a specific date would be if someone bought the rights to the new arena. I have a bad feeling that they will just keep telling us that fundraising is going well and groundbreaking won't be far away. The fact of the matter is that the arena should have already been built. I have a feeling that we are all getting our hopes up for nothing. Not saying that the arena won't be built but it is still a year to a year in a half away from breaking ground.

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I drove by SLU's med school campus to check out the bookstore's new merchandise. The enormity of this research center for the med school campus is impressive. I can see why Fr Biondi needed this to get done first, to maintain the overall integrity of the academic mission of SLU.

While at the bookstore, the manager and I had a looong talk, told her to look up this site to read what we all had to say about marketing and promoting.

There are a number of new shirts, only two ties, a whole load of sweats and such. Too much baby and kids' stuff IMHO (and I'm a pediatrician). The manager said there are three different web sites to get SLU merchandise (go figure). There apparently is one for alumni, and they can design their own shirt with style, logo, etc. Have not found it yet, but that is a novel approach I had not previously heard. The other two must be through the athletic web page, and through the slu.edu website.

She said there are new merchandizing things "in the works". I stopped her there, and told her how long we have heard there are better things coming. the time to provide is now. She was very interested in hearing what I had to say, and said she would check out our site.....Whatever.


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would have been to tell her to check other schools. i have been to a lot, and imo it is rare to find a school's "bookstore" not be geared towards it's athletic team. go to the cincy stores and all you find is red and black. no pansy greens or pinks, etc. and the logo is everywhere. it has long shocked me that the billiken, which might be the coolest logo in all the world isnt maximized.

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we did speak at length, Roy, on the Billiken, and the absence of stuff with his face. I picked up a tie with no Billiken, two shirts without and one shirt with a Billiken on it.

She seemed truly interested in my input...possibly just adminispeak, but she seemed truly concerned. I thought they should have more stuff at the soccer games. Six of us went to the SLU/IU soccer match two years ago. We outdraw IU each year at soccer. IU soccer field had a huge permanent booth just for selling IU stuff, separate from the concession stand. We have a little table with a few things. (IU being national champs a few years in a row doesn't hurt, either)


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you mean like the banana slugs? you are so right. they are in the final four every year.

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