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welcome abe

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>Didn't get enough? What do you think I'm going to do? Hang

>myself because a bunch of low-life insurance salesmen from

>Belleville hurt my feelings on an internet chat board? You

>think you're so high and mighty to think you can belittle

>someone who has an opinion? Who died and made you king? Last

>I heard, people don't get lynched for voicing an opinion,

>George Wallace.


>And what's this about a self-esteem class? You think I have

>no self-esteem because I occasionally post on an internet

>message board? Fella, you need to realize that lowering

>people just to raise your own self-esteem is an addictive

>problem that can only be treated by therapy and

>rehabilitation in a certified center by certified



>With that said, if you'd like to beat my ##### for having a

>problem with Brad Soderberg and his blatant failures at

>recruiting top 100 players, I will post my address below and

>if you'd like, you can pack a lunch and come over to 5636

>Waterman Blvd in the world-renowned St. Louis Central West

>End. And the zip is 63112, if you'd just like to send a

>letter bomb to me instead, Ted.

Did Metz get his feelings hurt? lol.

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