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Posts posted by BrettJollyComedyHour

  1. 12 hours ago, TheChosenOne said:

    And Crawford is married to a former women’s hooper, right?

    Yep, Mike is married to Erin Nelson from the women's team. Erin and most of her available teammates were present at Maddy Gits' wedding this past weekend to Ford-era basketball ops guy Michael Wilson. Even Coach Stone was in attendance.

    TheChosenOne likes this
  2. 9 hours ago, MusicCityBilliken said:

    In my hospital work days (now retired) it meant  a patient leaving 'against medical advice'.

    I mean in this case it seems apt because this person sounds like a troll or they're delulu as the kids say.

  3. 5 minutes ago, SluSignGuy said:

    @billikenfan05 and @Pistol have arguably provided more unique content for Billiken fans than anyone else in the last 5 years is also in the conversation (also hat tip to Jack Godar and West Pine Bills). They interviewed Harriman right after he was hired, and in general how many outlets were doing non-puff interviews about the SLU basketball program in the last 9 months?

    Schertz has not been on the show yet (and I have no inside knowledge of this status), but I can see why. @Midtown Madness held the Athletic Department's feet to the fire.  I do not agree with every position they took, but they did help bring attention to shortcomings in the SLU program - which ultimately was good for the program.  Because of this, I can understand the AD not wanting to put Schertz on the program right away, especially (and no offense to @billikenfan05 or @Pistol) when he can get on mediums with larger audiences.  If someone is listening to Midtown Madness, Schertz going on the show is unlikely to sell another ticket.  And the questions may be tougher (but I expect most of them to be fair).  So what does the AD really have to gain by putting Schertz on?  Probably not a whole lot at the moment.  But I do think it would be a good interview.

    This is about as perfect a summation as you'll get. We have a wealth of quality content that doesn't tow the line of the AD and we're lucky to have it.

    NextYearBill and Pistol like this
  4. 6 hours ago, gister said:

    Last year the drum line performed outside as people walked into the arena.

    Right I know that, but it makes it sound like we're concurrently performing during the games.

  5. 11 minutes ago, brianstl said:

    The article that is linked in the post says the drumline will be performing at basketball games this season.

    I...don't know how that's gonna work.

  6. 20 minutes ago, thetorch said:

    Are the drumline and the band separate entities or do they share some members?

    They share members. Last year we had about 6 or so people who did both, but they are separate in terms of the events/sports they perform at.

  7. 2 minutes ago, billikenfan05 said:

    Drumline's presence at SLU soccer games is fantastic. 

    Yeah all the people I know that are in it like it a lot. Most of them come from high school MB/Drumline backgrounds, anyway, so it works.

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