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Everything posted by BilliKat

  1. I have no idea what weight it has, but since this is where we come to talk about it, and it hadn’t been said before.. that was what I heard. little bit of a touchy subject I know all too well.
  2. Oh I’m sorry. Did my 5th post of all of this 280 pages of unknown thread trigger you? I started it with saying it was fodder. Who knows what’s true and not.
  3. Another grain of crazy. This is what my dad heard from someone close to the program, but I figured I’d give more fodder to reach 300 pages. He said that he had heard Goodwin wasn’t even there, but that it was taken on his phone. Beats the hell outta me.
  4. I’ve been so up and down... I don’t know yet where I stand. I’m so angry with the school, but I just can’t imagine not caring when ‘billikens basketball’ is talked about or on tv. I really thought I was done, but with these past three weeks I’m right back in full support. I just can’t quit the Billikens.
  5. I’m sure that in some way shape or form, they will start a recovery process. Hopefully a strong one and sooner rather than later would be ideal. But man, this whole thing has put everyone in such a mood. Politics don’t really have a place here ( other threads) and there’s no point kicking the board members while they’re down. Tomorrow we start fresh again like we always do. Support the boys left in whatever way we can without feeding the admin. I will say because of all I have on my plate I will unfortunately be a fair weather fan and likely not invest as much time money or emotion this year... but I know I will when the new captain takes over and rights the ship ...whenever that may be. I just lost my 99 year old grandmother and her last words were ‘be sweet!’ Take note!
  6. I just got back from Ireland late last night... had a lot going on today... just wanted to check in on the board and ....I officially don’t give a darn anymore. F it. Thanks for wasting my time and money you . I really hope the consequences aren’t as bad as I believe they will be. I really loved being a billiken fan, I wanted to share that with my daughter.... but this is just so wrong on so many levels.
  7. I'm saying 10... only because my optimist side that says 13 has been, unfortunately, off this year.
  8. I do like the Billiken karaoke. And the band always gets me fired up.... come on second half!
  9. I'm hoping for a Christmas present miracle tonight too... this board has become a lot less fun when we've finally all agreed on something.... which is hating on anything and everyone who is connected with this ugly situation. I miss the days talking about Evans, and Jett.... or Conklin and Loe... come on santa, give us the team already!!
  10. I'm only able to see through the board.... I'm in a spoons tournament of sorts....be specific, please
  11. Every. Single. Day. I get on to check that someone has posted ' all good, they're playing in the upcoming game!' And every day I'm disappointed to see how ticked off everyone on the board is at finding the same disappointment of nothing....
  12. That was a blatant joke meant to call the one person people keep saying they're sick of seeing on the court.... I even thought about a follow up post to state that but assumed it was transparent enough. Lesson learned. Jk and emojis after everything I say to give correct emphasis for you.
  13. Yeah, I knew it should be coming down to that time, but it's nice to have a specific date....
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