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Everything posted by mrjoelabs

  1. https://vipbox.im/watch-saint-louis-vs-southern-illinois-stream-1 This one is up, no scoreboard or graphics
  2. Does Dayton jump to B+ and Butler drop to A after the result, or stay the same. Perhaps it was a fluke..
  3. Which means they stay unbeaten and once again are working towards being the national darlings in the A10. Meanwhile we lose to the team that will finish near last in the ACC due to a variety of dumb moves by Ford, and horrible refs he couldn't control that made it close. SLU should have won today by 10 points or more. I doubt Dayton beats Virginia, but they will get a shot
  4. Considering Pitt shot double the FTs we did....yea....
  5. The underlying issue is still the Goodwin/isabell problem. Goodwin with 16 in first half..none in second...they need to sort this out
  6. Stuck on 70 points for like 4 straight trips. Ford as good as he coached up for Seton Hall, horrible today. Cant blow winnable games
  7. This one was a Travis blunder...no doubt. Have KC in there at the end...anything but French. Not sure what the isabell thing was.... goodwin vanishes again when isabell is on the court...so many things out of sync
  8. Between the Big East refs on Saturday and these ACC refs today, I've never seen so much corruption.
  9. My heart stopped on that shot....wow...what an effort to win 5 v 8
  10. This crew is indeed beyond reprehensible.... Souring a good performance.
  11. 100% Right. Isabell is a nice scorer, but hes a 1 year guy. Just shoot the ball and shut up
  12. Either way, Goodwin got triple doubles last year running the show. It should be his show, hands down. Do we want him to transfer? Ford has a history of mismanaging star players. He wasted Marcus Smart at OK state and never could win with him. And can we at least get Thor on the court and see if he can hit a 3? And perhaps see more of Thatch... This team looks like a bunch of guys playing streetball..no cohesion, no plan, no system. Last year they were a well oiled machine (once they figured it out), with no talent.... Maybe they just need time. But these chemistry issues should've been sorted out in practice. Or Ford's history of getting big recruits but having underwhelming teams is going to bite us.
  13. Now that its May, does anyone in the know have any clue if JG is re-enrolled and back on campus?
  14. Yea, I agree with that. If only we could even approach such a model and system. Villanova is probably the best run program in the country based on their resources. And it SEEMS to be a clean program too.
  15. Villanova is an urban, catholic private school with a smaller endowment, less students and just like SLU no D1 football, although they do have D2, or whatever they are calling it now football. Why is it they are a top flight basketball program, and SLU can't be? At some point in the 1970s their administration decided to take basketball seriously. SLU's did not, and still doesn't. The other day, someone suggested we want to be Loyola. Not really, in truth we want to Villanova. And there is no reason we can't be, except for bad management by this school. The Big East would gladly take us if we had enough dominating A10 years, and we could move right in. Maybe Ford finally can make that happen. Meanwhile, Villanova will keep winning titles. The only other non football school to win in the modern era (since 79 in my mind) was Georgetown. Of course another Big East team. SLU needs to get to the Big East, and get serious. Otherwise we keep treading water. Happy to see Nova win it over corrupt Big 10 Michigan
  16. Apparently not by much. This NCAA is so corrupt.
  17. That isn't an "Aldridge" type game (for the run he has been on) And he was MIA in the second half. Wish he would've only had those stats against us.
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