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Everything posted by MB73

  1. Would be cool for Brad, but Kramer is not IU material.
  2. I am in St. Louis and have Direct TV so I will see it, but overall, the SLU TV package is inadequate, hurts fan interest and recruiting. MU kills us with their coverage.
  3. I am a SLU fan but defend Duke from those who hate them out of some sort of jealousy. Duke is a solid, class program we should admire, emulate to the extent that our limited resources are able. IU is apparently firing Sampson, (good!) so take them off my list of teams to upset Memphis... IU will be a mess. BUT Memphis will fall before Final 4.
  4. "ACC down overall this year"???? C'mon, do not make stuff up. ACC is number one (1) in RPI... not the only criteria, but to say they are "down" is just to serve your position as a docuented Duke hater. It is tough to keep these kids "up" for every game, especially loooking ahead to conference tournaments and the NCAA's, so big conference top teams get upset every year over a grueling big time conference schedule. A lot of teams in the ACC could beat Memphis besides NC and Duke, especially on the road, if they played the whole ACC schedule, like Miami, Clemson, Maryland, WF, etc... same applies to Big 12, Pac 10, Big E. My point is that Memphis can coast and there are only threats are Houston and UAB, and they are not as good as the above teams. Duke is vulnerable to power-physical game if the refs let it happen in the NCAA's, so I would not favor them to win it all but think they can get to Final Four. NC is more likely to get there if they get healthy. UCLA, maybe Tennessee, Ku. But Memphis will get knocked off before Final Four by someone like Indiana, Xavier, Mich. State, we'll see... perhaps a side bet later... Oh, I was there last nite, first row, SLU looking much better.
  5. I am talking about conference play, in SEC-ACC-BIG 12 etc where you can get beat any nite on the road when you are not "up". Memphis beat GT, U Conn, AZ, Gonzaga in non-conference, not bad, but not impressive either. Easy to focus when you have a few big games, easy to coast in easy league. Tennessee will be a big game for them... but again, they can focus on big games 'cause most of conference games are cake. NC-UCLA-DUKE-KU-Tenn- etc cannot do that...
  6. Memphis will fold in tournament. Not used to day to day pressure. Duke, NC, UCLA, Tennessee Final 4. Duke got hosed Sunday, all five starters fouled out @ Wake Forest. WF fought for win for deceased coach. Biggest fix since New Orleans Saints won Monday night game year after Katrina. Before that, The Warren Commission.
  7. You probably all know this NIT-ology site: http://tcaa.puretecmo.com/nit06.html
  8. OK, I am done with the Duke thing. But I do think you and Roy are the same guy. (Like Jesse Jackson and Reggie Jackson. Ever seen them together?)
  9. Your statement about academic integrity and recruiting are without merit, and please do not point to the minor "evidence" that has been cited. Duke is # 8 academics (USWNR), in ACC, last 15 yrs super success in NCAA, a few championships, very few players in "real" trouble, class program, class coach... Gonzaga? Creighton? No comparison. Minor leaguers. I like their programs, wish SLU would get there, but not even close.
  10. Your "twin brother" on the board called me a Duke fan, and you pretty much did, too...
  11. You are consistenly wrong. You are "volume rather than quality". I am a SLU alumni, born and raised in St. Louis, never moved, still here. SLU scholarship varsity athlete, (not basketball). SLU basketball season ticket holder for many yrs. BIG SLU fan. Hoping Majerus turns it around, but a bit nervous, will he stick with it? If SLU ever plays Duke, I hope SLU wins in blowout (ha!). Just that you guys hate Duke out of jealousy, when they are a premier basketball program, and bring up stuff all the time about how you hate them... even take pot-shots during the "Floyd The Crook" discussion. Rowdy Duke student / fans? Stay in tents 5 days and nites to see game! We WISH! Answer my question: academics, class program, class coach, no thug players, winning program last 15 yrs (i.e. modern era)... what schools? Then wise up.
  12. There are other references to Duke after post # 6... You use "godlike" as manipulation, but to me it just accenuates your jealousy. Answer me this, as I asked before, what program would you like SLU to emulate? ... that has the highest academics, a "class" program, class coach, no thug like players, and consistent success the last 15 yrs. Who is better than Duke? When you look at academic rankings, which I realize are not infallible, you have to start with Stanford, ND, VD, GT... most state schools like Michigan, Fla VA, have hide 'em PE courses for jocks.
  13. I heard she injected Clemens. A guy told me! This is all baloney, some of it has some substance, perhaps. A few current Duke players have SAT's in the 1200's, so that means according to another slimeball on this board that to average 800 some of the other players would have to be in the 400's. Bottom line, a lot of schools make exceptions for basketball and (especially) football players. But Duke does not have jock hiding foo-foo-basket-weaving-PE-courses to hide players like a lot of schools do. Tell me what school you would like SLU to most emulate as it relates to: academics, "class" coach, "class program", non-thug players, and consistent winning performance for 15 years, better than Duke? Put aside jealousy and think. ND? Stanford? VD? GT? Remember, most of the state schools have the jock-hiding courses.
  14. This is about Floyd Irons and Vashon and you guys compare this in any way to Coach K and Duke? Jealous bastards. Give us all a break, drop out of the discussion.
  15. What do you know? Who the hell are you to say this? Jealous of an exemplary basketball program? Top academics, yet still have winners year after year. Is Coach K perfect: no. Does Coach K have class: yes
  16. Irons is scum; glad he was finally exposed, sad that he was allowed to harm the sport for so long. BUT, how could you, in any way, compare Duke to Vashon? I see the point you attempt to make, but it is convoluted / ass-backwards / female logic at best. Coach K has class, runs a class program, with class athletes, in a top 10 academic school, and Duke basketball usually in the top 10, and has won several titles. No comparison.
  17. Everybody knows that "winning solves everything". Remove that from the equation. The point here is, all things being equal, MU has clearly been getting biased coverage from SL Post since the '60's, to my knowledge. And a lot of it is because MU grads are in the sports dept at The Post. This affects public perception, recruiting, etc... Almost a joke... I like predicting the coverage when I get the paper in the am, how SLU is going to get finessed.
  18. Hard to make exact comparisons with all the teams and states, different dynamics most of the time. Here we have only one BCS team, middle of the state, small town, we are in big city w/ SLU... example compare to Texas with multiple big schools all over the state.... cannot be done. How about the journalism thing, with MU famous school of journalism, grads take that degree to the SL Post! SLU doesn't have one! Still say SLU gets the shaft, MU journalism bias goes back at least into the 1960's... MU basketball is not winning, either, the last few years and they get top billling every single time. Only time we got front page was when we stunk it up with 20 points.
  19. Agree. SLU TV coverage is awful. MU is pulled into positive opportunites as member of Big 12 on ESPN & FSN especially when then play KU, Texas, other good teams. Postman is no statistician.
  20. It doesn't prove anything. You keep saying that it is a numbers game. That isn't the point. The point is really that The SL Post has favored MU even though this is ST. LOUIS. For 30 years++++. I would take EQUAL coverage and sign in blood. There are and have been many people on staff from MU that have done this... Favoring MU helps MU get more following. Favoring MU helps MU get better recruits. Etc. Recently, the bad loss to GW made front page headlines larger than Dec 7, 1941 or Sept 11, 2001. Burwell wrote 4 articles in 6 days praising Anderson after his kids got in bar fight. Etc. (Now write another ten posts)
  21. Again, not sure how long you have followed this, but I have for over 30 yrs. MU grad Bob Broeg (Sports Editor at the Post for a long time) was a great man, liked him, respected him, but he was 100% MIZZOU-MIZZOU and his whole staff followed suit... do you deny this, too? And please expain the Friday after we beat RI, front page headlines w / color picture highlight the KU-MU game TO BE PLAYED Saturday while SLU victory is on page 3? Not huge in one instance, but this has gone on for years, so not a "waste of energy".
  22. Even with The Super Bowl coverage from one of the greatest Super Bowl games ever, huge upset, etc., they still manage to squeeze KU-MU game on top left of front page...
  23. NE must not have been able to tape Giants practice or steal signals. Glad NE went down, hell with them.
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