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Everything posted by billikenfan05

  1. I think a lot of them are company seats. Also I was told there was a bad accident on 40 and traffic was real bad so that may have accounted for the empty seats
  2. Good to meet you too Jim! I guess I should have mentioned I despise politics
  3. If you want to converse more with me about all of this I would be more than happy to listen to your ideas at the game. My picture is here and Im sure I'm not difficult to find.
  4. It would seem as though you grew up an x fan
  5. I wouldn't come close to calling it trolling. If I was trolling I would have called you an idiot and been done with it. I simply explained to you that I believe that you are wrong and explained why I think there should be an Ed Macauley statue outside Chaifetz. Don't get all indignant about it.
  6. Please explain your lovefest with Xavier?
  7. That makes 0 sense. The fact that they don't know who he is just proves our point that a statue is long overdue...
  8. Right, I get that. I really was just posting a story about a sad college football fan(thought at the time it was basketball aka more relevant). My title was a bit misleading again my bad.
  9. Because people think they are entitled to stuff. This guy thinks that every game should be fair as far as crowd noise goes. If you want a bipartisan crowd, go play tennis. I probably should have made a more specific title. Apologies Pistol. By the way it was college football. Misread that part of the article.
  10. I thought we were too. Apparently NextYearBill wants a dick measuring contest.
  11. What's your point? Because I'm not going to respond to some dumbass with a 12 year old psyche on a basketball message board about my sexual history that makes me a virgin? I'm in college broski draw your own conclusions.
  12. "...his balls were on my face. Been my boy ever since." -nextyearbill Are you gay?
  13. Norfolk State fan is the BIGGEST baby in the world. http://www.barstools...hear-the-plays/
  14. I know I'm not wrong that he has a slight resemblance to Tom Frericks?
  15. Are you sure you aren't confusing Tom Frericks with the bartender?
  16. Idk, I used to have a picture of me but I took it down. I might find a new one to put up
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