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Everything posted by moytoy12

  1. Blocking you now after your outbursts toward other board members and your general hypocrisy. Best of luck Old Guy. No hard feelings.
  2. Thoughts and prayers to his husband. Also, screw that beoyotch Carol Baskin.
  3. Guys and gals, no need to worry. Jared Kushner is now on the case. We’ll be fine. Also, @Old guy, this should disturb you a lot given your radical response to ppl on this board who at least have a scintilla of medical knowledge.
  4. Sounds like a lot of work. I’m just gonna go play in Europe.
  5. Heck, at this rate 3* MBMs have a shot at the league. Unfortunately, I’m only a 2* MBM.
  6. Because it was obvious that they mean 60 million payments via direct deposit by mid-April.
  7. Ummm, it says in that article that "paper" checks won't be distributed until after direct deposit. "After the direct deposit round is complete, the IRS will begin to send out paper checks around the beginning of May, according to the memo." "The office that sends out the paper checks can process nearly 5 million checks per week. Meaning that it could take 20 weeks - almost 5 months - to get every check mailed."
  8. Hey, some good news, it may only take 5 months to get your stimulus check. The Trump Administration is truly the Tiger King of governance. Just when you think it can't get worse...
  9. Ain't that the truth. My parents are a stubborn set of folks. My concern is that they represent a broader group of high-risk individuals in rural America. I'm more of a kindness/good energy guy, which is basically the same thing. Also, I should probably take a dose of my own medicine and be kinder, especially to those I disagree with. I'll work on that.
  10. Trump's bumbling response to this pandemic has endangered my family. My parents are the biggest Trump supporters in the world. They're also in rural Oklahoma where this pandemic isn't being handled with the seriousness it deserves (restaurants in their area are still serving dine-in meals). They have specifically told me that this isn't serious and have quoted Trump's statements as support. They also have worrisome underlying health issues, including diabetes. I don't want them to die. I'm not delighted at their prospects. There is a chance I will never see them again.
  11. I hope you're right re: the number of cases in NY. Although, I'm curious as to whether the actual cases have peaked or if testing has leveled off. I recall a chart from yesterday that showed the aggregate number of nationwide tests have been roughly the same the past few days. Also, this story states "New York City's Department of Health limits testing to hospital patients even as hospitals struggle to quickly turn around tests."
  12. @rgbillikenwins billikens.com today. Shut it down.
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