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Everything posted by A10Ref

  1. Baylor, imo before their pause would beat gonzaga by 10+, now they are losing to 2 win ISU. I bet they win tonight, but c'mon brotha. Open yo eyes
  2. Well, for one, I hope that this virus is less of a factor (seems like a no-brainer but you asked) Two, have you ever heard of people working over a summer and getting better? Maybe you weren't a fan during the Conklin days or you are just misremembering
  3. only grain of hope is I bet 1-2 of the senior stay
  4. All i know is that our team will have the biggest fire under our ass going into the A10 tournament. We can win 4 games in ... 10? days lol. Easy money. If i know one thing about Travis, it is that he thrives when doubted. I mean, he was a 5'10" PG for Kentucky....
  5. fair fair... but i would argue we did play well in that game.
  6. again, I bet your whole bank account you are wrong. I am assuming I won't make much on this bet, though.
  7. yeah the bonnies are a bad team.. get your head out of your a**
  8. I will bet you your whole bank account that you are wrong
  9. I've watched a lot of basketball and never seen officiating take the game like that in my life
  10. Good stop and we get the ball at the half.. Let's go on a run
  11. seems as if they can have any contact they want and any time we touch them it's a foul. Never seen French fly like that without a foul
  12. what should i drink for this game? Wine, beer, whiskey, tequila, rum? Anyone have any good luck drinks they stick to? Need to put in my work for a bills victory
  13. Very very sad. Prayers to him and his family.
  14. You have to wonder if French got covid sometime before the season and never really recovered from it... Only thing that explains some sort of regression in my mind. He is an all-time great, and I am looking forward to a long overdue French double-double tonight.
  15. lol yeah, can we get an edited title or a new gdt?... this is some bad juju
  16. as rick ma would say, starting is for high school
  17. No Bones just changes their offensive output - still need to navigate their "havoc" ... I dont think we have ever won at VCU and I would love that to change.
  18. Bad shooting days are 80% of the time a product of good defense. I thought we smothered the Bonnies.
  19. I want to see a demarius poster on crutcher... he was so close to putting down an all-time dunk on Osunniyi so Crutcher should be the size to make it doable
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