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Everything posted by LindellWest

  1. The ol Billikens.com 50/50 dance. A treasured part of the boards cultural history. What happened to our cultural historian anyway?
  2. Fine, Based on the knowledge presented to me by certain parties, and with consideration to his prior performance in regards to leadership, it APPEARS that Fred is an incompetent leader Better?
  3. I think we have earned the right to level incompetence accusation............
  4. Systems should have been in place to handle one persons absense. At this stage in game the responsibility for this is that of one person, Fred. As the old saying goes, A fish rots from the head.
  5. my dude, I appreciate the positive outlook, but Fred Pestello is the president of SLU. Whenever you think he cant make it any worse for the university, just sit back a wait.....
  6. New semester, but remember, nothing is ever Freds fault, something about previous admin, complicated process, new dorms, being a nice guy, other repeatedly trotted out excuse, blah blah blah blah. .
  7. If a decision came down Thursday, clearing the players, and the admin still makes them sit out through an appeal against a finding of innocent, someone should be fired. Although with the history of SLU who the f knows.
  8. This is on tough one, I do agree that if we are to give assault accusations the serious weight and consideration they deserve, punishment should exist for trivializing this situation with false accusations. If the accusations are proven false, this girl did an undeniably terrible things to these players, and terrible things to other people who may actually be victims of assault, creating an example where an accusers should not have been believed.
  9. I have gotten a few text from people expressing concern or with questions, some with more fire than others....
  10. Sounds logical to me. I want a resolution as much as the next guy, but the ends don't always justify the means.
  11. Fred has lost all control. He has turned a difficult situation into a clusterf--k, and seems poised to go for full unmitigated disaster status.
  12. It's possible but the equipment and process are pretty regulated and an
  13. I took his statement to mean he was worried that it was more than just a rolled ackle bc he wasn't back on the bench. But I could be wrong.
  14. Did our president ever get the noodles and company situation figured out?
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