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Everything posted by FromGreeceWithLove

  1. I would have to take NB's opinion on this one. Danny Brown is a fine athlete, but he is not an explosive leaper. I honestly do not know if you could run an alley-oop play for DB, unless the pass was right on I do not see him getting it down on a cosistent basis. Justin Love had some very impressive bounce to his game. However, he did not have it like Mo-Jeffers. Word has it, Marque Perry was an unbelievable leaper before injuries and I heard Romar saying he went to an All-Star game to rerecruit Marque so to speak and that Marque was absolutely amazing going thru the lay-up line.
  2. I think Ian is a great player, I am just saying that the majority of the time it looks like he is running on little to no sleep. He shows fire at times, but not consistently. My comment was not meant as a bash to Ian or his ability, it was a compliment to Morrison and also a shot at the overall lack of passion the Billikens showed to end the season.
  3. That is true, he did start crying before the game was actually over. My point is that some have mocked the passion and emotion that this kid played with when I would do anything to see this same kind of passion for the Billikens. Ian Vouyoukas constantly looks and plays like he needs someone to throw some cold water on him to wake him up. (maybe that could become a job of the student managers) The point is I will take a kid pouring out his emotions for his team, even if it results in him crying on the court with 15 seconds left to play in the Sweet 16.
  4. I agree with you 100%, I was just saying that the NBA seems to market its players and not the teams.
  5. Redick was also the guy bricking his team to loses against UNC, in the ACC tourney, and ultimiately the NCAA tourney. JJ Redick cost me a good deal of money while I was in Vegas and I will never forgive him for that. He choked and I was more than happy to see his career end like that. As far as marketing, the NBA markets the individual players or stars and not the team. Its all about Lebron, Melo, DWade, Kobe, and KG and not the team.
  6. I guess he is a ***** for crying after playing his ass off for 40 minutes and losing by two in the Sweet 16. If Adam Morrison is a ***** then I would love for SLU to have a team full of *******. I would consider folding with three games remaining in the season with a potential tournament bid *****.
  7. Adam Morrison is an extremely marketable player and I think by far the most marketable player in this years draft. Morrison is one of those players that opposing fans love to hate; he whines a lot, utilizes a little bit of the european soccer flopping to get favorable foul calls, and plays with an unblievable amount of passion and flamboyance. I do not think there are many players in the NBA like Adam Morrison. He is a well spoken kid and he actually has opinions on things happening outside of athletics. He has the scoring ability to make a big impact in the leauge and there are very few white non-foreign players in the NBA. I think he has a chance to be a very popular athlete. Adam Morrison does not fit a mold and I like that about him.
  8. Good take BMetz, I do not see how anyone can disagree with you. This was supposed to be the best team the U.S. had ever brought to a World Cup and they came out and completely embarrased themselves. We played scared and were extremely overmatched. Princess Lando looked like he was running in mud against Ghana. I just want to know where the urgency was. The U.S. played with no heart and no sense of urgency. I will accept the U.S. not making it out of their group in the World Cup, but it better be because they were overmatched and not because they were outworked. This team peed down their leg when faced with the worlds finest and that is embarrasing. This team should stay in Europe where backing down is acceptable.
  9. Josh Fisher plays for Real Madrid and I heard he is having a good deal of success over there. Anyone who has seen his fiance, maybe wife by now, knows he is a very fortunate individual.
  10. Iggy, that is a great assesment of Danny up to this point in his career. I feel like when he gets the ball I am constantly yelling slow down. When he plays under control he is a nice player who can have big scoring games.
  11. I wouldn't say I am really defending TKBilliken, I am defending his source. You all are discrediting some things he posted which happen to be true. I completely understand why you would do so seeing what TK has done to this point, but I do think if TKBilliken used his head he could actually provide us with some solid information on the program. Like I said his source is credible and would definitely be a benefit to have some of his insite posted on this board. However, I do see how you can say that TKBilliken's credibility is pretty much shot.
  12. I think you are missing what everyone is saying, nobody is expecting him to be a star. He is the type of kid who may not have the most ability on the team, but who makes it hard for the coaches to take off the court. Watching Luke play in practices and pick-up, he can definitely score the ball and is much more athletic then he is given credit for. I think he will become a consistent contributor, teams will focus on Tommie and Kevin and Ian and I think Luke is the type of player who will make those open looks. He did not do that last season, but I expect him to the next two years. As everyone has said, Luke is a role player who accepts his role and will do anything needed to win, Danny Brown may have more ahtleticism and a higher ceiling, but he has not shown the consistent effort. I agree with you that Danny would have to be the guy the coaches would like to step up and earn the starting 3 spot, but I am confident the team could win a lot of games with Luke in the starting lineup.
  13. Any word on how the local kids are playing?
  14. He has a source who is extremely close to the program and who should not be indentified on this site. Realize TKBilliken was wrong, but atleast had a sound source who made him aware the Vouyoukas thing was more serious than most thought.
  15. Dewey, I absolutely agree with you and the comparisons to Sloan and Drejaj are on point. They are the type of guys who accept whatever role is needed for the team to win. My first post on this website was in question to why Luke Meyer wasn't getting any minutes. He is deceptively athletic and is going to give you his heart every minute he is on the floor. I know the injury held in back a little last season, but I expect him to be very productive for us and see him being a more consistent scorer as well, similar to how Sloan was, not a guy who is going to fill up, but who will hit the open shots and get buckets here and there. Luke Meyer is the type of player who is a team firt guy and just a winner.
  16. I saw Kramer today at the camp so he must have been a late addition then. Kramer is on a team with Brandeneberg and another area kid. I also saw Suggs and he was walking around with a kid I was told was from the East St. Louis area. Roundtree is also at the camp again this year. It will be interesting to hear how these kids perform.
  17. I could reveal TK's source but it would anger a lot of people, including the person who he talked to. TK is friends with this kid and I am sure he has no idea TK posts on this website. TK heard some things that I am sure were intended to be confidential. It would also anger a lot of the players on the team, eventhough this individual had no idea his comments would be posted on this site. I say we agree to let it rest, TK made a bold prediction and passed it off as if it was fact and now he was wrong and looks like a huge jackass.
  18. TKBilliken and I are friends, but definitely not one in the same. I made that last little question to give him a little laugh while at work. I see broy and rich posting within minutes of eachother, but I would never question whether or not they are the same person. If you had read our posts you would see we are definitely different people with far different reasons for posting on the board. As far as the relationship between Ian and Soderberg, whoever said they would bet money on them having a great relationship I would love to take you up in it and just need to know where to pick up the money. I think this topic should be dropped do to it only really getting people angry and I don't think it is a productive argument seeing as it is all based on hearsay, although TK is friends with Vouyoukas.
  19. Thicks, I don't mind having my name in my profile. I just don't see it necessary for him to have referred to me by my full name in a message, I don't see other people using their names in posts.
  20. Basketbill, I have no disagreement with you, TKBilliken abused this site and I probably should not have defended him to the extent that I did. He was trying to have a little fun at the expense of some true Billiken fans. However, I would prefer it if you did not put my name on this site.
  21. I guess defending a friend is completely uncommon and foreign to this site, since it must be my alterego. You two are completely wrong, but thats ok, you can believe me if you want. I am sure there is a way you can find out who the two of us are. As far as class, you were the one who called me a loser to begin with, so I am not sure how you could say that.
  22. That hurts Rich. TKBilliken is not my alter ego, but I am sure he won't be posting on here anymore since he was wrong on the Ian call. Over 3,500 posts on this website would make me question who the real loser is.
  23. Well, what I was saying is he went out on a limb based on credible information he received. I believe that would be going out on a limb. He did not have firm information saying Ian was going pro, so he was definitely going out on a limb by saying Ian would go pro. How would you say Matt Walsh going pro would have been any different from our own Ian Vouyoukas? And by time and time again you mean the one day of interviews he did announcing that he was putting his name in the draft.
  24. Not true at all, I never said Ian would go pro. The only things I defended were his source and his statement that Ian does not care for Coach Soderberg. Those are two things that I will continue to argue if you want. TK made a bold prediction and now looks like a jackass.
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