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Posts posted by DoctorB

  1. President just announced a plan do start early and end at Thanksgiving here, to:


    Additionally, compelling reasons are emerging for us to start classes earlier than our pre-COVID-19 start date of Aug. 26. Several leading research universities have already announced their intention to do so. We recognize if an early start date is to occur, there will be disruptions. This has been the way of life for everyone over the past few months. But we also should remember that the fall semester will be an outlier. We are working hard to balance timely answers for our community with making the best decisions we can, while accepting the reality that there are many unknowns before us. We continue to carefully consider our path forward and will continue to communicate decisions as they are made. 


  2. 2 hours ago, thetorch said:

    Husak didn't need shoes to be 7 feet. Husak grew while at SLU. He was at the very least 7'2 and maybe taller. Tallest Billiken player.

    Tallest for sure, had him in a class.  Also retrieved balls for him during shooting warm ups and my estimate is he had about a 4 inch vertical jump... maybe 5"?  Just kidding -- sort of.

  3. 56 minutes ago, kshoe said:

    If the majority of schools are in session and reasonable precautions are taken and someone gets sick from a virus and they have no real proof on how they got it (it could have come from their trip to the grocery store), how could any institution be held liable? People can sue for anything, but winning a lawsuit during a pandemic against an institution for doing what everyone else is doing seems far fetched.

    The White House has been in talks with university presidents and such, about this liability issue.  It's a real issue, believe me, and widely reported upon. Pence and Devos are spearheading the talks, evidently. Some sort of protection against liability would help insure more schools open, to be honest.


  4. 12 minutes ago, billikenfan05 said:

    If this happens it’s not going to be solely to blame on SLU or any one institution. As much as I don’t care for Freddy it’s not going to be on him. Schools have already announced they are cancelling fall break and ending their semesters at Thanksgiving as a precaution.

    I think that is California schools so far.  Alternatively, south Carolina and a few others are already saying they will be on campus. I'm guessing we will know more in 3-4 weeks by mid-June; or end of June by the latest. My guess:  I think we will be on campus @ SLU, more or less; from what I'm hearing there will be lots of options for students to go online.  It's extremely important to know all this ASAP, in terms of housing on campus, staffing, etc.  I was much more pessimistic a few weeks ago, but today they named the new interim Provost, Mike Lewis, whom I happen to know, and have had some dialogue with him about some of these things. There is also the liability issues making the rounds, for all you legal eagles out there.  Fred mentioned in his town hall last week that a class action lawsuit totaling $100 million would be -- let's just say for example -- a bit of a hurdle.  So in the fall, could all students be required to sign a liability agreement of some sort, in case of illness or death?  And what if students get the virus, and someone dies??  Yikes...

    And thus, as for fans in the seats: I'm really not as optimistic, especially as round 2 and the next flu season descends upon us.  I'd guess the games will go on.  ps: you are right, it is not on Fred.  There are lots of cooks in the kitchen on these things...

  5. 8 minutes ago, DoctorB said:

     only one in three Americans can actually pass the US citizenship test, for example.

    I should also say -- given my wife is Japanese and a couple years ago was naturalized here, so she had to study for the citizenship test -- it's got some tough questions.  the way they do it -- you get the 100 questions, and then at the test, they choose randomly 10, of which the person must get 6 correct, I believe.

    So unless you know the 5 US territories; who was president during WW I; how many amendments there are to the US Constitution; or the 3 authors of the Federalists: reserve your judgments!

  6. 56 minutes ago, Clock_Tower said:

    Do casual fans, or more than casual fans, realize that all teams in the March Madness Tournament are D1? 

    This debate about the "knowledge of the casual fan" seems rather quaint to me. this board is populated by rabid trivia hounds. Lots of my friends and family like sports, more r less; but really could not define Div. I.

    I guess what I am saying is -- you should keep in mind that a large % of Americans cannot tell you the 2 sides of the US Civil War; and cannot name the 3 main enemies we fought in WW II, just to give 2 examples. And only one in three Americans can actually pass the US citizenship test, for example.

    One survey listed some of the embarrassing answers given on the test:

    -Seventy-two percent of respondents either incorrectly identified or were unsure which states comprised the original 13 colonies;

    -Only 24 percent could correctly identify one thing Benjamin Franklin was famous for, with 37 percent believing he invented the lightbulb;

    -Only 24 percent knew the correct answer to why the colonists fought the British;

    -Twelve percent incorrectly thought WWII General Dwight Eisenhower led troops in the Civil War, while 6 percent thought he was a Vietnam War general;

    -While most knew the cause of the Cold War, 2 percent said it was climate change.

    Young people performed worst on the test. Out of all test-takers under the age of 45, only 19 percent passed.

  7. 1 minute ago, BilliesBy40 said:

    Respectfully, it’s more that everyone realizes this, yet it doesn’t need to be mentioned every step of the way.

    Respectfully is good, thanks.  But respectfully;  I actually read through this entire topic, and so far, I was the first and only person to suggest that roster spots may have some relationship with this ongoing crisis.  Makes perfect sense to me, and I am a higher ed insider who thinks about all this in relation to higher ed, so I just brought it up.

    almaman likes this
  8. 27 minutes ago, Clock_Tower said:

    Doc B.  Go ahead and take your fear mongering to the Coronvirus thread. 

    Sorry, I really do not want to monger in fear!  But people are speculating about roster spots.  I think if you, or anyone, believes the corona situation is a non-factor in any of this, I guess time will tell.  But I'm really just asking if it might become a factor.  People on here tend to talk about all of this as if nothing is going to change... or we will just suddenly be back to normal...  sorry for suggesting it may not be that simple.

    HoosierPal and cheeseman like this
  9. This is an amazing pick-up that fits our roster almost perfectly.  I think the health issues are significant but he has plenty of time to recuperate and get ready.  I have no idea how this will fit into our 13 slots; and I have no new inside info or anything; but I will say, that for a variety of reasons I will not spell out, I would not be overly shocked if either JG or HF are not back. 

    For one thing, (and again, this is just my own thought and not any prediction): but inch by inch, it appears there is a fairly likely chance that campus will remain closed through the New Year -- if not longer.  that scenario would almost certainly have an impact on graduating seniors... I'm just sayin', think about it.

  10. John Oliver is doing amazing stuff these days.  I watch his reports weekly: very funny but highly informative; rhetorically and stylistically he is at the top of the heap right now, in terms of political satir.

    Another excellent source at the moment is the Atlantic online site, with many excellent reports on higher ed.  I love our roster and the new guys, but I and many of you other MBM's are not going to like this headline one bit:  https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/04/will-colleges-be-open-coronavirus/610657/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share&fbclid=IwAR2w-X74feBg-99X-he9f1BjdlqTH3fGLc8cAQlMNq7V41Q-JNYDp2muQVw

  11. lots of terrific suggestions; problem is, I cannot head out and try any.  I much prefer sitting in a joint as opposed to carry out; and yes, I know we should be supporting our good restaurants.

    I'd give another shout out to Roper's; and Shaved Duck.  Did anyone mention Adam's Smokehouse or the pastrami at Bogarts? 

    ps: are there other cole slaw nuts out there, like me?? (creamy, not vinegar) -- if so: where is the very best cole slaw??

  12. 58 minutes ago, billiken_roy said:

    60 minutes?  the new yorker?   can you supply a better source than that left wing nonsense?  thanks.


    35 minutes ago, slufan13 said:

     If the most important Republican in this country is also telling the story that we'll have 100k+ deaths, I am going to assume that we will have that many deaths.

    Roy: I'm impressed that you are so bright that there is nothing you can learn from major media outlets, including 60 minutes, the gold standard of TV journalism.  You must just be super smart compared to the rest of us MBMs.  Are you really unequipped to watch a program like 60 Minutes and detect what is politicized and what isn't?  This is why I fear for our country... to be honest, I'm sick of hearing from people who think everything is just "biased."  Intellectually dishonest and lazy, is all it is.  I dare you to watch the 60 Minute story and please explain to all of us the "bias" or "nonsense" being reported there.  You keep asking "why the hysteria"?  Watch the story.  It's heading here, soon enough, I'm pretty sure.

    As for slufan: my fear is that, even at this late moment, the Great Leader is still underestimating here.  Again: I truly hope and pray I'm wrong.  But when this hits us here locally -- or wherever you happen to be --  we shall see how attitudes change.

  13. 14 minutes ago, billiken_roy said:

     i want to know why other situations with far more deaths never were given the attention and hysteria that this has gotten.  all people want to tell me is this is different.   yeah it's different .   less people die.  

    Roy, all due respect, but please watch the 60 Minutes piece.  If you think the NYC hospitals are not now gravely "different" than during any regular flu season, you are simply too politicized or whatever to perceive reality -- and/or possibly off your rocker.  Again, I hope I'm wrong about STL following a similar story-line. I'm honestly surprised--and partly horrified--that many Americans still seem not able to grasp the situation yet.

    Then read this interview about the abominable misinformation weaponized by the Right, and its effects on the early decision-making at the federal level. 


    Again, I hope I'm wrong: Again, I hope I'm wrong: Again, I hope I'm wrong: Again, I hope I'm wrong: Again, I hope I'm wrong: Again, I hope I'm wrong: Again, I hope I'm wrong:

    Zink likes this
  14. Another terrifying look at the situation in NYC on 60 Minutes last night.  I'd say it is about a coin flip whether the STL region will be facing a similar disaster in about 3-5 weeks.  Personally I would not bet against it.  And ps: according to experts, the biggest risk group is made up of obese/overweight males over 60, which is most of the people reading this right now, I'd wager...


  15. I have little doubt that there are already millions of Americans carrying the virus.  And hundreds of thousands of deaths is a strong possibility, at least based on my fairly wide-ranging reading on this.  I am no expert, but for those suggesting this is just the stammering, hyperventilated MSM: you really need to get out in the sunshine and fresh air today.  If you aren't fairly alarmed by the reality of this pandemic, I suggest opening up your media sources a bit.  I already have one colleague with a father-in-law in dire condition in STL; one good friend who is a health worker and is infected; and another friend whose daughter nearly died from it in LA.

    I'm astounded that so many wish to politicize every single angle, either pro or con Trump.  Look at the disasters in the NYC hospitals, and think about how our own situation here locally in about 3-4 weeks might look like that. Governors in LA and MI this morning on MTP were both searching high and low for equipment.  It may get bad, friends.  Go Bills!

    Zink likes this
  16. 2 hours ago, Quality Is Job 1 said:

    No, because he didn't use up all four years of his eligibility; so I didn't count him.

    That's pretty unfair to Elliott, a tough kid who tried very hard and stuck it out.  Another recent 4-year good guy/good student & citizen is John Manning. These kinds of kids are extremely valuable to a program, because they transmit the cultural capital and maintain a level of continuity.  This is extremely valuable in terms of practice and learning the system: take a kid like TJ Hargrove -- I give the coaching staff a ton of the credit for his improvement; but some of it is due to leadership and xample and transmission of how to practice, etc., of guys like Goodwin.

    All things being equal, we want the great 4-year kids.  They typically mature so much and strengthen their bodies a lot in the first 2 years -- just look at where our juniors are going into their senior season. Tough, resilient, experienced leaders/ ballers. & teachers too...

    CBFan likes this
  17. 1 hour ago, brianstl said:

    Must have missed all the schools shutting down and college board testing being suspended.  Depending on how long this all goes on, many incoming recruits could have major eligibility issues.

    Ahh, I get it.  But we teachers/ profs are all busy making sure to finish what we started.  I am assuming this will be dealt with OK. 

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