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Everything posted by billikenfan05

  1. Okay I ran out of stuff to read on the interwebs and want to hear everyones take on the game and their predictions.
  2. I'm a Uni-geek and usually I like throwback looks. I like the lettering and colors but I find the sleeves ugly.
  3. Runnin' and I are sitting here yelling at CS to just shoot the gotdamn ball...... Oh wait newsflash mini feed: Runnin' Billiken has just hung himself.
  4. Ellis is playing like a middle schooler tonight as well.
  5. I'll have to ask him how about his grandmama when they make the trip here.
  6. OI OI OI! C'mon bills hold them to -19!!!!
  7. Sorry Hayes, in class once again feed is grainy and I can't do audio.
  8. I heard Rick was going to be on Season 2 of the Jersey Shore. This was confirmed by the Situation at Club 15.
  9. Where will all the prostitutes hang out if they tear down of the taco.
  10. http://www.fox2now.com/sports/ktvi-slu-maj...,0,685405.story
  11. This post is pointless. I thought we were close to getting past this.
  12. Are we talking about Tegler Field or the Dog Park thing.
  13. I'm calling SLUmor on the buying of Del Taco. But if it were true my vote would go to a Chipotle.
  14. I'm kinda pissed they bought it. My friend lives there and it's awesome. SLU will probably ruin it.
  15. I really don't understand why you think that this is out of the ordinary for student athletes to miss class for road trips and we are the only school that has to deal with this. I believe we have tutors to help make up for missed classes.
  16. Uhh broskis, Majerus was in St. Louis today.
  17. "the real villan is Eckersley because he knew he was blind and he still said F#%# 'em!"
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