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For us casual fans, what other teams have offered matters because it gives us a chance to gauge a player's skills and ability. Its certainly not an exact science (look at the recruiting gurus who rate a player based on offers) but as a fan who would like to know more about players that I dont get to see for myself, it helps.

The point about whether or not Brad can judge that talent is a separate point. But, sometimes it takes time....do we know how many times Brad got to watch Lance play? At which games early in the season? How did Lance perform at that game? All of these things need to be taken into consideration when we criticize Brad about not offering early enough. Say the three games Brad saw were poorly played by Lance...do you offer when you have seen the poor play and read box scores from ther games that you didnt watch that show him playing well? As posted elsewhere, there wasnt much chance to see this kid play except this season due to injury.

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actually if you are talking about offering in december, at that time slu wasnt looking for a "shooter" then. they were in the market for a power forward, and no way i sign stemler as a power forward.

stemler became more and more attractive as it became more and more apparent that polk and brown were struggling to find consistency. and as stemler continued to excel, it became apparent it was worth over looking stemler's shortcomings to acquire his shooting prowess.

i assume storm you will be back here a year from now to tell us how lance's season at indiana went. see you next may.

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