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Everything posted by billikenbill

  1. DJ charge, 6 turnovers, bills up 35-30 at the under 4.
  2. Javon with the sweet back down, up 8, but Mason from three.
  3. Davell, bang, he got another one!! Bills up 6, 20 for Roby!!
  4. Rammer complimenting the officials for their excellent work so far. Give them time, Rammer. Won't be long til we hear, "That's the worst call I've ever seen!"
  5. Foreman from JG, lead to 3, bills shooting over 60% from the field.
  6. Ball handling getting sloppy. Turnover Bess, 4 on the team so far.
  7. JJ shooting from too far out. Gone cold from the arc.
  8. Don't worry, we've got AH on the bench and he's ready to aim and fire.
  9. Roby with 14, Grayer with 12, 2nd media, bills up 20-17.
  10. Another Mason triple, those guys can shoot, lead cut to three.
  11. Bad start Foreman, lead cut to 18-13. Turnover and the foul... even though it was continuation. Foreman out already. 7-0 bad guy run cuts it to 4.
  12. Davell, bang, he got another one, up 17-8, davell with 13! And one!!
  13. SLU Block Party, another French Rejection, but a three. Up 14-8
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