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Everything posted by ThreeTimeBilliken

  1. Having sex with an intoxicated person is not against the law. (Incoherent yes, just intoxicated, no.) If both parties are intoxicated, then who committed the crime? When I lived in Clemens, we had 24 hour visitation rights. A girl could be in your room at anytime. By the way, what is "scotch free"? If I get to molest someone AND get free scotch, I'm there.
  2. And yet whether such an assault even occurred has never been established. We really don't know that anyone was "a victim".
  3. And if both the guy and the girl are intoxicated? Who violated the policy at that point?
  4. These guys are fools if they write an apology that says anything other than "I'm sorry you mistook our actions." The statute of limitations on sexual assault has not run. Any apology can be used as probable cause to re-open the criminal investigation. And, no, you cannot have an enforceable clause that it can't be used in a criminal case.
  5. You, sir, are an idiot. This had nothing to do with RM.
  6. http://www.stltoday.com/sports/college/slu/article_ea1cd948-d70a-11df-9ba1-00127992bc8b.html
  7. I know they aren't the power they once were, but I think NC State would be a great addition to our schedule. Debbie Yow is now their AD. Does she hate us or would she be willing to work with us to get them on our schedule. Same goes for Romar - a home and home with Washington with be fantastic.
  8. I forgot to add. The 1990 team did not have a Billiken on it that I remember.
  9. I have 4 season tickets. My Wife & I (both alums) and our two young sons. I try to teach my boys that you wait near the entrance of the section until play stops before going to your seats. It is amazing how many "adults" push past my kids to get to their seats. This year I've taken on the habit of loudly "reminding" them why we are doing this in hopes of educating those pushing through. It cracks me up when a 20-something hears me and just stops with a kind of "I never thought of that" look on his face. The 40-somethings just keep walking.
  10. Again, nobody has answered this. What team rule did anyone break?
  11. No, the crime of sexual assault involves intercourse by statute. No one was charged with the crime. However, to a lay person, namely this girl, when she complains that she was sexually assaulted, it could have a whole plethora of meanings. To a lay person, fondling, forced oral sex, etc etc are all sexual assaults.
  12. Nothing against you personally Big Bill, but all of the negative comments have been pure speculation. At this point all we've had is an allegation and a prosecutor said there is not enough evidence. Everyone is speculating. We don't know if any players were drinking. We don't know if anything at all happened at 3am. We don't know if any players even had sex with this girl. At those point, it is only fair to assume the players did nothing that would warrant Rick "taking action."
  13. Rick is not going to "take action" because, by doing so, he will be forced to disclose their identities and SLU won't do that. SLU will be more than happy to let this story die.
  14. True, but no one has shown any reason for Rick to "take action".
  15. What do you mean by "it"? At this point it doesn't look like anything happened. Why should "action" be taken if they didn't do anything?
  16. How does sexual assault of a 16 year old girl amount to "Taylor will "probably" be charged with third-degree rape, which is statutory and carries a term of up to four years"? What a load of crap.
  17. Anyone that appreciates the humor of "Recess" is alright in my book.
  18. Please explain how you do that. You manage to type words but yet say nothing. That's cool. You want the athletes held to a higher standard. But that standard is set by your beliefs. I get it. Do you really think that "the higher standards they will always be accountable for upholding" includes not cheating on their "girlfriend"? Please give me the specific action that you know for a fact was taken by any of these individuals that should cost them their scholarship here at SLU.
  19. Ah, but that begs the question. How "significant" is that other if he's willing to cheat on it? Sometimes, one person thinks the relationship is exclusive and the other doesn't. We are talking college boyfriend and girlfriend here, not marriage.
  20. :giggles: Seriously - cheating on your girlfriend. Were supposed to make a rule that no scholarship athlete can cheat on their girlfriend? Sorry to hear your bitter over one of these guys cheating on you. But, as they say, There are more fish in the sea.
  21. You stated "we had players put themselves in some sort of situation" and "they would naive to think they cant get in trouble or have a situation be exagerated (sic) or just be falsely accused." These are not opinions. Any one that ever has sex with a girl has "put themselves in a situation" that could be exaggerated or falsely accused. We cannot expect players not to have sex for 4 years.
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