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Everything posted by brianstl

  1. Courtside will be wearing a mask to hide his identity and be announced as from parts unknown.
  2. http://jdstiles.com/redneck/highrise.jpg
  3. Take me out. http://www.lilligren.com/Redneck/images/re...st_training.jpg
  4. If the mods give the ok, I will post them again.
  5. Jimmy once in bed. I didn't think that was very appropriate.
  6. If he was 8'2" he would be the first pick in the draft.
  7. Take work and a lot of bad blood. I say we start now.
  8. If you want to pm me your emails and I will send it to you.
  9. Clicked the link and still it didn't open?
  10. Pictures of redneck SIU fans?
  11. Why was the SIU fan of the week thread pulled?
  12. You got that right. He is no thug and would not fit in at Carbondale.
  13. That is what I am thinking.
  14. http://f7.yahoofs.com/users/453cfb80zad587...hQYbTGBq5UOgTVN
  15. Cheerleaders!!! http://www.trojanwire.com/images/cheerlead...ANFORD_2004.jpg http://images.sportsline.com/images/spin/c...offs/06-5v7.jpg http://corbyfanpage.tripod.com/OSU_tush.jpg
  16. I know you have seen him play far more than me, but when I have seen John his mid-range shot has looked really good. It was when he got outside of 15 that his shot struggled. Am I right about his mid-range game or did I just see some games when he was hot? There is no doubt from what I have seen that Suggs is the far superior player, but I really like John's game.
  17. He doesn't have the criminal potential they look for in their players in Carbondale. Nor does he have the potential to fathers as many kids with as many mommas as they like.
  18. And yeah they will use like that a few times every game. For all the people that want to compare him to Novak and Pittsnogle, he is already bigger than Novak ever was in college and the same size Pittsnogle was his senior year. Folks he hasn't even started his senior year in high scool and he has that size. He is going to be a true five. Wait till he gets into a college lifting program. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/player/profile?playerId=10981 http://sports.espn.go.com/ncb/player/profile?playerId=12275
  19. That is not the reason the US keeps losing. The fact that most of are guards can not hit a 15 ft jump shot on a regular basis has for more to do with it. The fact the team always has too many shoot first point guards hasn't help either. Centers that played only 8 feet in did fine for 70 years and it has only been since the breakdown in fundamentals in US born basketball players that team USA has suffered in international competition. It is really nice if your center can play away from the basket and Thompson can, but he should be close to 7 foot and 275 by the time he arrives on campus. He will be a legit 5. Too many people still think he is the super skinny kid that played for the Eagles last summer.
  20. Touchy Timmy. You just keep on paying attention to our program just like everybody else in the nation is. The big time is on its way. Get use to losing players to us it will become a regular occurence.
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