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NCAA Bracket Contest Winner & Billikens.com Donor
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Everything posted by Taj79

  1. @kshoe: really??? All three???? Man, my internet feed was really bad then. No offense intended, however.
  2. Spoon was great but I'd associate him more with Missouri State than us. Of course, if he had one or two years at UNLV and they are doing it, why shouldn't we? But as pointed out, we lost our one, true legend in Ed and zip, nada, zilch. We don't get it -- werwant to be big time but have no clue what that entails.
  3. Lunardi had Dayton as a 9 seed this past week. Temple might have been an 8. SLU and X were 11-seeds. As I see it, Temple is poised to finish on top. I really don't care as long as we have a top four seed in AC and don't have to play Tuesday, March 6th. I'd prefer to avoid Temple because, as anyone who's been to Boardwlak Hall will tell you, the 45-minute to hour drive down from Philly gives Temple (and St. Joe's and even La Salle) a distinctive Philly flair and de facto home court advantage. I still expect the "rogue" warriors at the top of this conference to start to fall. Winning breeds confidence and that will be a hard thing to shake. La Salle has to still go to Richmond, Umass and St. Joe's as well as entertain us and Temple. The Bonnies have to go to Umass, La Salle and Charlotte as well as hosting Temple and St. Joe's. After Dayton loses to us this weekend, they still have to go to Fordham, Duquesne, Richmond and Xavier. Given their road and (recent) home woes, Fordham becomes a tough game for them. Cooked! And talk about cooking -- Umass has to go to Dayton, Temple and St. Joe's as well as hosting Xavier. While thisis wid eopen, I think every team should "just win baby." It will take care ofd itself for anyone.
  4. The internet feed included the play-by-play from 101. I thought Rammer delivered a cow many times. As I said in the GDT thread, one sequence for Rammer was "Kloof with the ball on the right wing. He drives. He stops. He pivots. He jump steps. he walks. He scores." Late, Gathers fouled Cassity on the sidelines in front of the broadcast team. Earl says something like "Gathers obviuously didn't like that call. Look at the scowl on his face. He's saying to the ref 'Hey we're Bona, we're in first place. You can't call that on me.'" I also thought in the first half that refs were challenging both coaches as if to say "I'm in charge so sit down." The smaller of the two black refs seemed to have a Napoleonic complex. The bald white guy was just awful. Why did they review that Bona foul in the firts half? Rammer thoguht they were headed to a double foul and they seemd to be looking to finger Jett. Bona fans wil complain and I cannot argue with their feelings of "we got homered." But there was no finesse in their game whatsoever. These guys were really incompetent. Worst I have seen in a while.
  5. Needed that one. Have to stoke the home fires with wins. Istill have confidence that Dayton, Umass,La Salle and these hacks will falter down the stretch. Their hard schedules are to come. Loe and Ellis can't play against even the semi-questionable Bonaventure athletes. JJ,MM, KM, DE and BC allcame through in that second half.
  6. Rammer: "Kaloof .. he drives, he crosses over, he jump stops, he wlaks, he scores." Did not see this coming after that firs thalf.
  7. Great game to cxome see Nicholson play. Bye bye five fouls.
  8. Techs: Cook hard fouled Conk and got called. Then he got in Conk's face trashing it. Teed. Nicholson had two first half fouls and was whistled early for his third in the second half. Sound was off but it looked like he protested the call too much and was teed.
  9. That is all we ask of Kyle! The appropriate shot and three. 64 to 53.
  10. Sounds back with the RAMMER!
  11. Ellis' main defense is the flop. You CANNOT do it every play.
  12. These refs just plain suck. They are equally bad all over the place. Conklin mugged but get called for an O foul?????
  13. Earth to the Bills: It ALL Conger now.
  14. Rhodey takes out Umass. 81 to 78.
  15. Did theyjust hit Nicholsonw ith a foul and a tech!!!
  16. And there went the sound. Mitchell fouled taking a trey.
  17. I'm for the tech no matter the team. This manhood-questioning, trash-talking has to be stopped.
  18. My sound just came on!!!!!!
  19. Dayton loses by ten at home to Duquesne. I think the Benson Bounce is in full swing. Lunardi won't have them as a 10 seed any more.
  20. rhodey and umass to overtime in kingston
  21. Pitiful exhibition given where we were last game. And we nailed Nicholson early to the bench with two fouls. Can't seem to cover Conger. X edges out GeeDub, Temple trashes Fordham, St Joe's by ten in Richmond and La salle take sout Charlotte at home. dayton down 6 to duquesne with under 40 seconds.
  22. Down 38 to 36 at half. Uninspiring play. Maybe it has to do with Conklin out. Notthe result/output one would expect after last game.
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