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Midtown Madness

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Everything posted by Midtown Madness

  1. Links! Program note: sorry if there's a drop in quality. As you'll hear in the episode, I have been homebound for the last 48 hours with an injury from a nasty bike crash Sunday. I recorded this from my bed under the influence of heavy medication. Big time respect to Momo for doing this interview. English is his second language and doing a zoom interview doesn't make things easier for him. I realized about 5 minutes into this interview this was a Peter heavy one. Partially due to me being medicated and my humor not translating across language barriers. So we mutually agreed I was more of a passenger for this. New interview with incoming SLU freshman big man @c1sse_momo4: -Starting basketball late -Playing in Monaco -How he ended up in Arizona -The meaning of family -Becoming a shooter -American vs. Euro game -Senegalese food (near campus!) SLU landed a gem in Momo. Check it out! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midtown-madness-podcast/id1552953967#episodeGuid=2fc556bd-ec01-4f54-91e0-6da3286ddac3
  2. Season 2 of the Midtown Madness has more or less come to an end. As we enter the Summer Peter and I would like to first thank @SluSignGuyfor allowing us to pimp our show on this platform and being incredibly supportive of our show and content. Second, this would not be possible without the posters, readers and lurkers of this message board. Billiken Twitter is growing by the day but this is still the major gathering place for die-hard Billiken fans and I would assume ground zero of our listener base. We would probably put out Billiken content regardless of how many listens or views we get, but not only does it make it easier on the psyche to know people appreciate your work but also it helps us attract financial support of sponsor(s) and isn't donated by listeners. Barring a magical decade run of multiple final fours, I don't think our show will ever be a source of steady income to either of us but running it in the black is a lot more sustainable than the red. Looking back to the past of the "relationship" Peter and I have had over the last 18+ years, I still have to stop and laugh that he's become my podcast partner and one of my closest friends. He has brought so much more to this little show than he gives himself credit for from his obsessive research of recruiting, to his knowledge of CBB from the inside out, general knowledge of the game, an incredibly patient on air sounding board board for my dumb references, humor and most importantly being able to reign me in on air and social media. @slufan13, I love you but I don't think you and I together would be having this much success. This next season has the potential to be one of the biggest in Billiken history and by virtue of the fact that we do better numbers when the Billikens are putting up Ws I cannot wait to see if our little show can ride that wave to a wider audience. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING US YOU MESSAGE BOARD MORONS. Personal and shameless section: I will always be 126% committed(inside joke of sorts) to this show as long as I have 90 minutes a week to devote to recording, but I can't overlook that I'm decent at talking on audio/video and would love to at least explore the possibility of a long term transition into more media with broader audiences as a career. So if anyone has any connections within St. Louis media I would absolutely appreciate linking me with them. Finally, I would be dumb not to at least post our social links to this (DMs are always open, welcome and appreciated): https://twitter.com/MidtownMadPod https://www.instagram.com/midtownmadpod/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjKU0PHmMCH70XutSS9NUAA Please drop us an Apple Review https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midtown-madness-podcast/id1552953967 https://open.spotify.com/show/1p2II1i9LLMcyysnF9jfkg
  3. I'm shamelessly bumping this thread. The further away from this interview I get, the more fondly I look back on it. It's lowkey one of my favorites, though Kramer will be 1A interview of this class for me.
  4. Peter said it best on the show, "I keep waiting to just not vibe with one of these recruits, but they all just seem like character guys" https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midtown-madness-podcast/id1552953967?i=1000565375432
  5. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midtown-madness-podcast/id1552953967#episodeGuid=b995b9c1-f1fa-4cc2-aca0-f2bba6a1f81e
  6. DIRECT LINKS! Interview w/ Cam Redding; Forrester and Cisse Commit to MBB; Baseball Takes Two of Three from Dayton and Three Seed in A10 Tournament https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midtown-madness-podcast/id1552953967#episodeGuid=04431edd-48a7-4e46-b394-42723173b8dd
  7. Technically speaking. But she was Tilletts assistant at Longwood before CSU.
  8. If you haven't listened to this episode yet, I implore you to do so! The juvenile pickle discussion is enough to make the 90 min listen worth it! The interview with Colin Suhre really is interesting for Billiken fans, especially those around long enough to remember the days of checking this board for Go_Bills pirate streams solely because it was the only way to watch games. Beyond that, Peter and I had a great discussion on the state of NIL/College Basketball.
  9. Shameless bump, and a little explanation on this episode, if you haven’t listened yet. There’s some really good basketball notes and discussion in this episode despite it being very baseball heavy. I promise you listening to Colin Suhre ahead of the basketball talk is absolutely worth your time! I’m sure @Pistolcan do a better job articulating this point better than I.
  10. Nice little lighthearted situation yesterday at the baseball game. https://instagram.com/stories/midtownmadpod/2827978632021146901?utm_source=ig_story_item_share&igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  11. This means a whole hell of a lot to me. Starting over from scratch is not what I wanted to do but it’s been incredibly rewarding. I owe so much to Peter, who took a leap of faith in me joining the podcast. Going back to when we became aware of each other years ago to where we are now as friends and co-hosts. It’s pretty amazing. Also open to it. He was really cool, not a big talker but I think he was open to talking about anything, he was really excited about the coming season. Finally, beyond posting new episodes and podcast updates I’m taking a sabbatical from this forum(both accounts). For now twitter is enough and I know I have friends monitoring this board if necessary. I am fully committed to keeping this podcast continuously churning out content outside of vacations. In fact I’m unveiling some really cool additions to our video show that should enhance the viewing experience. But to keep my emotional well-being on the level while covering the Bills, I don’t have room for the board. So I apologize if we are getting tagged on here or receive feedback on here. I know Peter will pass it along as well.
  12. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcfwMGjgwzz/ Some technical issues with the Youtube Upload. It's currently processing and will be available soon!
  13. Still working out all the kinks of what we can use the platform for but we're there. Pretty much influenced by Nick Kramer @ our twitter handle on Instagram so we figured we might as well at least sit on it. https://www.instagram.com/midtownmadpod/ https://www.instagram.com/reel/CcQ-A-TgZi1/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
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