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Everything posted by RogueCop

  1. >I was sitting right behind the basket. As soon as it >happened I turned around and told the person behind me, >"that's good." It was a bang bang play, but the basket was >good. A genuine ...the committee may call you to testify. Hope you don't wear glasses.
  2. I am wondering where all the negative posters went also. I love to gloat---AND-while this was a SWEET WIN---call it negative or just realistice but the 22 turnovers could have been our demise last night---well in a way it was and we luck out in the end.
  3. brianstl, you got some serious stereotyping going on in this statement. What's up with that? Is the pressure of this game getting to you?
  4. "Blake to the bench." I agree totally. On CSTV this weekend they said he was averaging 18 points a game. Who needs it?
  5. SheltieDave, I don't know from where your sarcasm looms...but...my point is this...here is just "another" list of a non-expert that Ahearn's name appears. I am not saying that Ahearn has any chance at the NBA....but anybody who does has to at least be listed on some kind of a list I would imagine...and again...his name appears yet on "another" list. Some people out there must appreciate his talents even if we don't...so lighten up for god sakes!
  6. Check out page four of the following website...interesting that Ahearn's name is on an NBA recruiting list... http://www.collegebasketballnews.com/4thmdn.pdf I guess if Ahearn is recruited to the NBA for the next century or so we can continue to agree to disagree that he wasn't good enough to wear Billiken Blue...but he was good enough for the NBA...nor was he good enough to play in our confernce...and oh yeah...any NBA team that would even consider him would definitely not be considered "experts" in in way...shape...or form...
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