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Everything posted by smithchad660

  1. Y U MAD THO? Seriously, why are you Bilikens so aggro all the time?
  2. Man you guys are too easy. Take a Xanex or something, you need to chill out. Oh my God, you mean we lost games also? No . We also have a top 25 road win, how bout you?
  3. Irony. It was you that lost Sunday, not us.
  4. I'm pretty sure we beat you in the CBI not too long ago. Like I said enjoy your title for now, you earned it, but if you don't think this year will be different, then you really are a group of delusional fans.
  5. It took several post to figure out I am nowhere near Wichita. lol I got nothing but love for you guys, but if this is going to be a legitimate rivalry I have to rub your face in it, understand?
  6. You guys can't handle winning or losing. When you win, you guys think you're the second coming of the 95 Bulls. When you lose, 1/3 of this forum suicides, 1/3 talk down your players, and a 1/3 tries to Florence Nightengale the other 2/3.
  7. I looked up the word denial in the dictionary, and I saw this post.
  8. I hope Rockhurst has a good season to boost your RPI, you're going to need it with your OOC and the way the conference is looking.
  9. Yeah, we committed ranking suicide this weekend, and Juvonte Reddic is basically giving away all the NBA money he was supposed to have. I hope you thrash Wisconsin. I'll definitely be tuned in. Tired of seeing that 7ft guy all over the TV. I need you guys to be ranked super high when we play you this year since we just ourselves for the forseeable future.
  10. Are you kidding? Some of your guys have been over there posting these types of comments for a like 10 months. Old Guy, much love.
  11. I just came to return the love. It wouldn't be fair for you to think about us so much, and ignore you. Unrequited love is always the worst pain. I wouldn't want to hurt your feminine sensibilities. Maybe later, when this is all over, we can get an apartment together and start a life! A life where nobody can tell us whose ranked and whose not! Whose team matters, and whose doesn't! Tis but a dream of my foolish heart!
  12. AMDG has been coming over to our board for months. Talk about obsession. Does SLU offer a class on the history of VCU?
  13. Oh I see what you did there. You are implying that VCU students are so dumb that they would not have the ability to walk up stairs? That is HEE-LAIR-REE-US. Really man, you should do an open mic or something. Like I have never heard a joke like that ever. SLU = Lamest people I've ever seen post anywhere.
  14. That 5 page thread isn't dedicated to SLU, and it's us laughing at the hate. Your thread is a shining monument to how full of yourselves you are, and how you need all the attention in the world to feel good about your team. Hilarious. Don't you have any other song to sing other than last year's games? Must suck to feel so underapprecciated. It's okay, I'd give out hugs, but you guys might try to gang rape me afterwards. All SLU does is obsess over VCU. I'm flattered really that you care so much. SLU = Most insecure fanbase in college basketball
  15. Your wit and brevity are clearly unmatched. Woe unto me for coming onto this board filled with scholars and fine young men. You guys are a joke for real. You actually think posting 40 year old pics from the internet is original or clever. Jesus man. I'm embarrassed just posting here.
  16. Sad thing is, I got mega respect for you all, your team, I really do, but look at this thread, you should all be ashamed of yourselves. What a a bunch of butthurt soft bunch of clowns.WAHHHH CHANGE THE RULES!! WAHHH NOOBODY LOVES US!!! WE NEED ATTENTION WAHHH!!!! You can have your bragging rights for the next couple months, but in your heart you know the truth. You know you don't have any talent coming in and you know that you're going down when you play us this year. So just keep desperately holding on to last years wins, because you have no hope of defending your crown. And if you think hand checks are unfair, how fair was it to have a guard with a seuxal assault charge? lol You recruit at Pelican Bay?
  17. Look at the rankings *****, we're #14, and you're somewhere between MIzzou and U of Puerto Rico. So your wins from last year mean dick this season. You know how I know you guys are losers at heart, because you keep bringing up last years wins. 4 page thread dedicated to VCU, how novel. And if you want to bring up the past, what happened last time you played in Richmond?
  18. Coming from the school that has a 4 page thread dedicated to whining. OOOOOOOK.
  19. I prefer Will Ferrell lookalike, but yes.
  20. I would hate to live life like y'all, just pissed off all the time for no reason. I have never seen a thread on any sports forum that reeks of this much jealousy. Poor babies, VCU gets all the press WAHHH WAHHH! You beat us twice in our first year in the A10 and you think you've conquered the world. Sleep tight little babies, you got a whole season ahead of you.
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