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Posts posted by brianstl

  1. LFV, FLoyd is a hell of a coach. Just a pretty crappy person and maybe soon an inmate if the IRS investgation rumors are true. But the man can flat out coach. How he is able to convince those kids to restrain their indvidual game for the team at an inner-city school is something you dont see much.

  2. How about making education and security a priority. V you are not a member a the vashon community and never will be, hell you dont even live in the city. But, keep on pimping Flojo. You obvious dont care about the kids there at all. You really are a pretty sad person, not caring about all the kids that are not even getting a chance.

  3. Just wait for some of the juicey stuff that will come out in the next few days. Now that he has no power over anyone in the district skelaton are going to come flying out of the closet. Some of the stories are unbelievable. This is just the start of this man's downfall.

  4. Wrong again V. Veronica Obrien, an African-American, was leading the charge on getting him fired. You and Flojo can try all you want to make this a race issue but it is not. Also, if you read the Vashon audit one of the main problems was the lack of having to get approval for expenses. So you are wrong on that front too.

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