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Everything posted by Flashman

  1. I'm not sure what's worse; reading these comments, or my hangover. I woke up and checked my blueberry and my mother has disowned me, Rickma refuses to take the pointersaurus challenge with me, and the Rammer stole my girlfriend. I will never speak ill of the great Dr. again.
  2. Let's not confuse the original argument. All I am saying. Pay attention now. We (the fans in the stands) should not be chanting the name of the man (who did indeed pay for the stadium we sit in) because he gets as excited during the game as we (that fans in the stands) do. I have nothing against the guy, I am sure he is busy, but, let's save the overwhelming admiration for someone else. If we chanted for Majerus like we did Chaifetz I would have no problem.
  3. Biondi has "stuff to do" let's chant his name when he shows up.
  4. Oh come on. The man owed SLU and saw a chance to get his name on a building.
  5. RIDICULOUS!? Well I am NEVER cheering for you.
  6. NO you know what. F that. If you are a fan, show up. Come to the games. If you are a CEO you can come to games. F that.
  7. I know this is very unlike Message Boards but, I change my mind, I'm wrong, I have no place complaining. I understand that if someone like Barrack Obama shows up for ONE game no matter the importance we will cheer that he came. So for someone like Chaifetz to come to a game it is worthy of a couple of cheers. I was just frustrated at the number of people of the first two games and wanted to take it out on someone. Pretty exciting first post.
  8. Alright so if I donate loads of money I'll be cheered for and chanted at for merely showing up? So our importance as a fan equals our down payment to the team? I have nothing against the man I just don't think MULTIPLE chants for him are warranted for finally showing up to a CBI game.
  9. Like I said in the beginning. No ill feeling towards Chaifetz. No booing or guff. Let's not celebrate those who show up when it's popular.
  10. Alright. I never thought of that. If that is true then I have no problem with cheering for him.
  11. I don't fault the man for high fiving willie. That's a dream come true and a wet dream for half the people on this board but, chanting his name for having courtside seats and giving a s*** come on. Let's have a standing O for people who have been there every game. He has gotten his applause for his financial contributions loads of times save the noise for the people actually playing game.
  12. Did I say boo him? Cheering a guy that shows up when it's a full house. Go ahead. I never saw a cheer for Biondi for getting this whole thing going.
  13. I really appreciate the win tonight. Kwamain had an amazing first half and the entire team played consistent the entire game. I do not want to take anything away from the team and the coaching staff. I do have something that bothered me during the game. Cheering for Chaifetz. We have all showed up for every game this season and cheered on. Even games like Indiana State a lot of us showed up and yelled until we were told to sit down. Chaifetz did not. He hasn't been to the last two home games. We don't need to Boo him or give him any guff but, cheering him? The team, the staff and the fans were amazing and I barely understand why I am complaining but, this really bothered me. Thank you for your time.
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