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Posts posted by MrKnowItAll

  1. "He has an agenda. Has used multiple names to try to support

    it far a long time. He has gone on other boards claiming

    similar bs. It is best if everyone just ignores him from

    here on out."

    skip (or anybody for that matter), you seem rational and logical... can you please read me and brian's argument in this tread, and please tell us who is being out of line and immature/rude about this, and who is acting/discussing in a respectful manner??

  2. i was kidding when i said he was drinking, or banging cheerleaders, or beating on biondi... but, i do know that an employer does have the right not to disclose any reasoning why an employee is fired... when my dad has to fire someone (very rarely), he tells me he gives no reason at all for liability reasons. and ok, i get it... brad is a good guy, but so are alot of people fired in this business.. heck, im sure just about all of us are good people. i am not out to harm brad, im just speculating. this is a forum, where people state their opinions. its not like soderberg gets on this site and reads it, or anybody of any importance.

  3. No, i said 'which i THINK it is'.. which implies OPINION... if i said 'which i KNOW it is".. that would imply FACT... I never once said I had sources or inside info.. if you do not think that article came close to what i was saying (in which the article was SUBJECTIVE as well), i am truly ashamed if you are a SLU alumn.

    OK, you got me... i have an agenda... to destroy soderberg's reputation via message boards.. darnit, im caught... pwease dont tell on me.. :(

  4. simply saying we have 'multiple sources' is just as credible as my speculation. evidence, evidence, concrete evidence my friend. otherwise, your claims are viewed as speculation just as mine, but at least i admit that my claims are opinion.

  5. yes he is classy.... but most importantly... he is SUCCESSFUL. I want RESULTS, and i truly believe in biondi acquiring the means to achieve them... and who cares if he undercut levick, he IS THE PRESIDENT.. that is HIS JOB.. he is in charge, and i have no problem with that considering everything that he has done for the school, community, and city.

  6. majerus went to chitown to meet with scott skiles, and chaefitz happens to reside in chicago and owns a box for the bulls... and he is a large contributor, so it makes sense to me. he will meet with the AD, but it is obvious that biondi is taking total charge in this matter.

  7. i was saying that heath's firing and smith being run out of kentucky was very unjust in comparison to soderberg... in reality, most schools would have fired brad 1 or 2 seasons ago. so, all in all, i was stating that because brad is a good guy and he tried real hard, it does not merit him keeping his job when he is in a position judged by results. this is a business, much as you probably hate to admit it.

  8. but, it really shows how bernie and co are so desperate to write something and anything. If slu hires Majerus, bernie and everybody else will be writing and speaking of slu finally being on the right track and blah blah blah... this particular 'homerun' will cleanse slu of any bad reputation, with slu fans, bball fans, media, and the city of stl.

  9. Frank C. JUST said on his radio show that Majerus made it public that he is very interested in SLU's job, and he is in Chicago meeting with Chaiftz(sp?) to discuss the job; in addition, he just received numerous game tapes of our last season. Frank said be patient, but its looking good though.... AND, biondi said that Majerus is his #1 and best option, and will practically do what it takes to get this done.

  10. "i dont think biondi would hesitate for a moment in throwing that out there for the public to see and demonstrate that "slu wont tolerate that" if indeed such was the case."

    i disagree... biondi is a classy man and leader, and it would be horrible business to throw an ex head coach 'under the bus' during a current head coach search. that is... IF soderberg even did anything wrong to begin with.

  11. i am not attacking brad's character... i am offering possibilities of SLU's lack of response to the current situation. I am not hinting that he was drinking with students, or sleeping with cheerleaders, or slapping biondi around... misconduct or wrong doing can involve complex ncaa regulations and recruiting policies that are very easily and ignorantly broken... and i believe that COULD (not fact, just opinion) be the case, and it appears that soderberg was on thin ice as it was with the administration and most importantly the president, so maybe that is what lead to this rash decision.

  12. yes, i did... i never once said brad was a bad person, i simply stated that one possibility of his firing might involve him doing something wrong. I was offering speculation on a very naked subject via:


    that argument is pretty logical to me, and i said that IF that is the case, SLU might have been so vague on his firing due to sparing his reputation as being such a great man and what not. and then, you offered that if he did do something wrong, SLU should throw him under the bus and practically destroy his name and future career.

    attacking and insulting me is doing you no good. try being civil.

  13. ok, i am baffled at your logic.... i have never been on UDpride.com (heck, i dont even know that that is)... but, i am sorry if i made you feel incompetent or even stupid by proving everything you write wrong... i will try not to disagree with you anymore.. because now i know what you ultimately resort to, very desperate and alittle pathetic.

  14. i do too, to a certain extent ... but so was tubby smith, stan heath, and most other collegiate coaches that have been fired this offseason. i just feel performance far outweighs one's personal charisma or character, unless the particular person is a total scumbag...

  15. just because i respectfully disagree with you, and offer explanation to my arguments... you accuse me of being some jerk (which i am assuming) that used to be on this board?? well, i hate to break your heart, but this is the only screen name i have ever had on this board. dont resort to that type of behavior because i disagree with you, it is kind of sad in all honesty.

  16. I was simply offering logical reasoning/explanation/speculation for the event of his firing... show me ONE time I stated that he did something wrong without pointing to the obvious that it is speculation. and it is not just speculation on my part, look at the tread i posted earlier about an article... dont try to 'turn the table' on me.. that is immature... and yes, he does deserve speculation on my part, any person who takes a public job such as a DI head coaching position (with a salary of 400K/per year) is largely subject to mass speculation when any 'out of the normal' event takes place...

  17. why are you so fixated on press conferences???? geez... what kind of class would SLU show by throwing a 5 year coach under the bus after an incident that resulted in his firing (if that is the case)??? im sure if they did, you would be writing, "slu handled it all wrong, what were they thinking, brad deserved better, he's such a great guy, blah blah blah...." and by the way, its not even big news around the country, many analysts wonder the real reason for it going down,... but only bernie burger and other stl talking heads are publicly outraged and butthurt over it...

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