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Posts posted by MrKnowItAll

  1. no man... you have failed the athletic department. you and levick, i think something is going on between the two of you. im beginning to figure it all out.. you two are siamese twins, and you are located somewhere in the lower mid section... interesting... very interesting.

  2. yo soderberg, whatever happened to obi??? and dixon??? i thought they were supposed to immediately help our team at the 4 spot??? also, whats up with husak? is he not the worst basketball player you have ever seen? why did you give up in ian so early last season? why dont you trust your best players with 2 fouls late in the 1st half? why did we never appear to run any offensive sets? why did we not adjust against the press during the conference tourney? why did we never make any half time adjustments? why do you love the 4 guard set so much? why dont you address the media postgame? why do you seem so lackadaisical in regards to recruiting? why did you throw sloan under the bus after his technical during the last game of his slu career against notre dame?

    *** enough with the bad

    I really respected and admired the job you did with tommie over the summer to greatly improve his technique and outside shot. I enjoyed your defensive schemes most of the time. I loved your intensity. I appreciated your unwillingness to give up after tough losses. I liked how you had the ability to take it to xavier most of the time. You really seemed to get a decent amount out of a whole lot of nothing (but, that was on you). Its good that you are involved in various charities around the community. Many people i have talked to seemed to have great things to say about you. And finally, you coached my all time favorite slu bball player... josh fisher.

    *** goodluck to you, i hope you find a new job soon.... go back to the big ten, you will not have to sell yourself or the school (because the big schools do that themselves), and you fit in great in that conference with your style of coaching. Grace and peace

  3. yes rick, please come choach slu... we really need a top notch choach to help choach our players up.. our current roster consists of many players that are very choachable, and you will be loved by the community as slu's mens bball choach... and we have great academics here.... good enough to spell coach, *choach*..... maybe you can help shore that up as well.... choach.

  4. "be damned any thought to his or anyone elses reputation or feelings."

    awww.. did sodie get his fweelings huurt???? poooorbrecito... biondi might be arrogant because he is usually right... and a jerk??? what, is he a jerk now because he 'stepped all over' levick's back and discredited her and blahblahblah... i hope you hold no true leverage or authority in whatever field you work in. you LOVE soderberg who did NOTHING for our school (in reality), and you insult biondi who has done EVERYTHING for this school. you are confused.

  5. are you levick's tampon or something?

    you are so quick to disrespect and insult biondi when he has been here for ALONG time, and he is who has done EVERYTHING for SLU... but, levick, she has been here for a year or two, and all of a sudden she deserves the final say in matters rather than our president who is EVERYTHING to this school??? get that sand outta your *** bro.

  6. yeah your right... soderberg couldnt have broken any type of recruiting regulations and what not.... you know why?? BECAUSE THE GUY DID NOT RECRUIT... and if you can set up a phone call or meeting for me with brad, i will tell him everything that i have said today on this board... in fact, i will print this whole thing out and email it to him right now and kindly ask him what he thinks...

    AND you questioning MY character under the guise of anonimity of a message board tells me you are a coward... at least leave your full name after making a BOLD statement like that.

  7. "he just happens to be in the public eye, more people care ... but that is the only difference"

    that IS the difference... THAT IS MY POINT

    it is pretty ridiculous to think i was creating negative inuendo about brad's character.. i said that he could have done something wrong within the guidelines of ncaa regulations.. its nothing serious (and i clearly chose my words to discount my statements as fact), it could be as simple as buying a player dinner and not documenting it... but, if the ncaa found out about it, it would certainly get back to biondi.... and i feel that biondi was aching, or looking for a reason to fire soderberg (hence why earlier i said that brad was on 'thin ice' with biondi [in my opinion]) despite the ad's current support of him..... understand, it is nothing personal... just speculation..... i dont think brad will acknowledge your undivided support of him on this site, and give you any type of props. its hard to believe why someone would have a problem with what i am saying.... its not slander, its not defemation,... its opinion.

  8. no, it would not be OK in any type of 'normal' or 'typical' workplace... but, unfortunately for brad... he is not involved in the 'typical' workplace. his job ensures him vast riches and benefits because he (and every other college/professional coach and athlete) is subject to public scrutinization and analyzation when events such as a 'vague' layoff or trade/transfer occurs... its hard because he is a good guy, but that does not excuse him from simple speculation for the sake of discussion. i am not out to hurt his feelings or make him look bad, or any posters on this forum... i am just looking at it from all angles. im sorry if i actually upset anyone, and i think brad is a decent guy, but i feel that should not silence my opinions.

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