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Posts posted by GoDucks349

  1. Best of luck to the Ducks. I've never had a problem in the past, and this game didn't change that. If you represent UO fans as a whole, you guys are a classy bunch.

    Usually, like any university we've got some "not so nice" fans, usually they are the newbies/bandwagon fans. We try and educate them to act like you've been there before. Talking trash is just non-productive.

    Should you get out this way to visit, you'll find that we live in a very beautiful part of this country. And if you like the outdoors you'll love it even more. Myself, I'm retired, 5 miles from a small golf course that costs basically nothing to play, flyfish, white water raft, and hike. Others in my area love to ski, white water kayak and mountain bike. I've got a beautiful home on over an acre with a 120 feet of river front, the area is surrounded by national forests. We've got Elk herds that can ruin a golf course, bear, cougar, fox, bob cats, and deer that may wander into town under the right circumstances.

    We have our problems, it's a very small community so job growth has been poor, medical and dental are about 35 miles away. But so is the University of Oregon.

  2. I don't get this whole Cal-Oregon fandom collaboration. I mean if you asked me to put aside my differences and root for Xavier, I'd tell you to open your mouth so I could ###### down your throat. I honestly don't get this at all.

    Makes sense to me. I can see Cal and Oregon fans pulling for each other. It would be harder, much harder if it was the beavs or the puppies from seattle.

  3. Wonder if native Eugeneian Brian Conklin will be in the stands???

    It's really frustrating when in state talent leaves. Kevin Love, Kyle Singler, Danny Ainge and yes guys like Brian Conklin as well. I mean come on, Oregon has a very small population base we should keep local talent!!

  4. Their numbers are surprisingly similar to ours. Definitely an edge in rebounding, but not as significant as with Xavier or NMSU. They turn it over 3-4 times per game more than we do. Their games are slightly higher scoring but the margin is similar. Percentages are close. Interesting.

    They're putting too much stock in our Washington loss, so I'm not going to put too much in any of theirs (Cincinnati, @UTEP, @Stanford, @Cal, Colorado, Cal, @Colorado, @Utah).

    Good wins over UNLV, Arizona, UCLA twice, and now Oklahoma State. To take a little steam off the "5-1 vs. the top 25" stat, 2 of those were UCLA, 1 was Arizona, and 1 was UNLV (the last was OSU). UNLV is no longer ranked, and both Arizona and UCLA have gone down a decent amount. Arizona is the highest-ranked today, at 21st.

    Scoring is very spread out, with 3 guys between 11 and 11.5 PPG. 3 more between 8.7 and 9.4. Kazemi is the biggest matchup problem for us. Their top contributors seem to all be either seniors (Kazemi, Woods, Singler, Emory) or freshmen (Artis, Dotson). So they've got some experience, especially in the frontcourt. We'll need to get to Artis. This is all new to him.

    Dotson had 17 in the first game.

    Kazemi leads the team in both steals and rebounds, which seems rare. Loe and Remekun need to be tough with the ball when they get it inside. I hope the refs are calling it tight, too.

    Woods, Austin and Carter can have a big impact inside. Woods can put up 20 very quickly if you don't put the clamps on him

  5. anyone who quotes Keats on here is OK with me. But we're still going to have to spank you guys, sorry.

    RM was a kind of savant with the round ball, all this is due to his hiring. Everyone here knows that -- and if his magic got Utah into the Pac 12 and the final game of the tournament, perhaps his legacy will get us into -- ??

    Well as far as the spanking goes, I think this will be a low scoring game where 10 points will be a big lead. So I don't see any spanking going on. If either team gets a big lead its going to be tough to come back. Ducks need to limit turnovers and shoot better outside against Saint Louis. We play good defense for the entire game, rebound, control the paint and we should be very tough to beat.

  6. Haven't seen VCU before today. They look very quick, not big or physical inside. Sort of long lean and quick inside. Be interested to see if Mich pounds them inside. Mich looks solid and should do ok if they handle the pressure and quickness. Don't know which team has the depth to sustain the pace. That could have an impact.

    Easier to slow down tempo (advantage Mich in my opinion) than speed up the pace (advantage VCU)

  7. I loved this guy. Great coach. Loved what he did at Utah. I think what he did there had a significant impact on Utah getting into the PAC-12. Many times he was one of the first coaching names that came up when Oregon was looking for a coach. People in Eugene loved this guy. You're luck to have had him as a coach.

  8. I think it will be somewhat like the La Salle game. The Bills will let the Ducks hang around through halftime and then throttle them.

    It looks like the whole country has underestimated the A-10 this season.

    I'm not sure that's all that wise. Oregone has done well in the second half. If it's close at the half Oregon is in good shape. They tend to play much better defense in the second half.

  9. PAC 12 teams are so far having their way in the dance. But so are our A-10 brothers. I do think the PAC 12 gets overlooked, especially when UCLA isn't in the top 5 every year. I have great confidence in our Billikens, largely because they were mentored by the Obi Wan Kanobe of hoops, Rick Majerus, and they have maturity. Still, this is the dance and anything can happen, ie New Mexico losing to Hahvahd. I do think the maturity factor kicks in here and we win, but it will be a nail biter.

    Oregon is just getting started building the bball program. Facilities are in place, new arena, beautiful student academic center, new weight training facilities, etc. Very good coach, still could use a few more fairly dominate offensive players. Honestly, with the early departure of "super stars" to the NBA these days, I'm beginning to think it's not smart to recruit them as they will be "one and done". Rather have good talent that works hard and plays team bball.

  10. Prior to hearing from some of these Oregon fans, I have always liked Oregon and their fans. I haven't run into many through the years, but the ones I have were always pleasant, civil, and very informed. I always root for them to come out of the Pac-10.

    All this being said, I would much rather be playing a team I cannot stand as it has a lot more enjoyment in it.

    In regards to the game, if they bring their "A" game and we do as well, I don't see us losing. Not because they are not good (they were robbed in their seeding), but because we are just that good when we play our game. It will come down to turnovers and if they are prone to turnovers it could be a big issue as we are so good at causing them.

    Everyone's got some fans that aren't all that great. Ducks included. It just makes sense to have reasonable exchanges rather than talk trash. That's just a waste of energy.

  11. PAC 12 teams are so far having their way in the dance. But so are our A-10 brothers. I do think the PAC 12 gets overlooked, especially when UCLA isn't in the top 5 every year. I have great confidence in our Billikens, largely because they were mentored by the Obi Wan Kanobe of hoops, Rick Majerus, and they have maturity. Still, this is the dance and anything can happen, ie New Mexico losing to Hahvahd. I do think the maturity factor kicks in here and we win, but it will be a nail biter.

    As a Duck I'm hoping Dotson, Artis and Singler shoot better from outside tomorrow. Just got to hope the further we get into the tourney, experience will come with wins and be less of a factor. Obviously to do that the Ducks have to win tomorrow and that's a tough assignment.

  12. Haha, there it is. Good.

    Ever since they voted us OUT of the Rose Bowl in 1948 things haven't been good with the arrogant mutts. What I love is they are stuck hanging on to a football NC that took place before most of today's college football players were born. Making them old old news.............. Damn, you got me started on them......... Got to get them out of my mind and get back to NCAAs........

  13. Just in case you didn't know from the video, that screen was the handiwork of Brian Conklin, our leading scorer from last season. Conklin, who was a senior last year and is now playing pro in New Zealand, is from Eugene, OR. He was especially excited about that game, as that was against Washington.

    LOL........... That explains a lot........ I NOW love that "screen"............. Like they say keep the taildraggers off the white carpet, way from granny's leg and spread papers if you have to let them in the house.

  14. thanks for the info exchange, good to have it out w/ passionate, knowledgeable opposing fans.

    now let's get down to ass tacks. how slutty are your cheerleaders? we all know they're hot as ALL get out, but do they put out? i can't really comment on our cheerleaders, as they were still a little woofy when i went to school. now they're the saintsations, and they're much better looking. i hear they're reasonably slutty as well.

    have you heard any eiffel tower type rumors about your cheerleaders? anything exciting/extra slutty? it's nice to have a ferrari in the garage, but as ferris bueller can attest, it's a lot more fun to drive it. especially with a friend. and maybe even another chick. who cares if you can't take the miles off?

    do they eat duck butter? duck sausage? do they DUCK ON DOWN AND GET THEM SUM!?!?


    please get back to me at your earliest convenience. thank you.

    Well I honestly wouldn't know, I'm a pretty old guy, it's been a few "decades" since I was an undergrad..... Not that I don't love good looking women, I married into a family of beautiful women. My mother-in-law worked as a model when she was young, my wife modeled in LA when she was young and one of her nieces is currently modeling in LA.

    It would be a bit creepy if a old guy like me knew what these young women did with their personal time....

  15. We need to drop this St. vs Saint thing it's just stupid. Also big loud crowds for the other team don't bother SLU see VCU in NY, or Hinkle Field House. OU fans aren't known to be all that rowdy anyway something about granola and birkenstocks makes you chillax.

    Here's your SLU scouting report:

    SLU plays tough man to man defense all the time. The players bought into the system and are usually in position and keep up the intensity. We have the best depth at guard where we rarely turn the ball over even against teams that press like VCU. They have quality possessions and can move the ball well to find the open man.

    We have a couple outside shooting big men that can be matchup problems PF Ellis and PF/C Loe. Loe is 6'11 and is not always on but he has the green light to shoot the 3. Right now our best player is undersized PF/SF Dwayne Evans he can get his shot off inside even against 7'5 defenders. His only weakness is 3PT shooting. The other weakness of SLU is in rebounding and Jett's outside shooting. We make up for that by having quality possessions not requiring offensive rebounds and Jett can take almost anyone off the dribble to the hoop and dish some dimes. This is a complete team and will be hard to prepare for in short time because there is no one player or aspect that you can focus on to shut down. SLU can win ugly and it can be clicking and blow out very good teams see UNM, Butler, VCU games. I think SLU wins this one by 7pts.

    Ok, St. vs. Saint........... Counter point, OU is Oklahoma University. You'll be playing the U of O as in the University of Oregon. It is a touchy issue with Oregon fans. Ganola and birkenstocks translate just fine during football season. Successful bball teams just haven't gotten that support yet for some reason. Maybe one or two more years and some advances to sweet sixteen or elite eight and PAC-12 titles will bring the crazies out for bball.

    Yea, I'll be interested in how Oregon handles big guys who can shoot from outside. Center in particular, As for inside Oregon has plenty of depth to make people pay physically for coming inside.

    I'm guessing Oregon will play plenty of helping zone defense.

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