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jimmy two times

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Posts posted by jimmy two times

  1. Shoot our season average from 3 and it's tied.

    Mike Crawford. Sorry Crews randomly decided you suck.

    Yea not to harp on it, but seriously, how does Crawford not see the court the last 3 weeks? Barnett played good defense, but can't shoot, can't handle the ball...for god sake, we needed, so badly what Crawford brings to the table: shooting. Oh, and he can get to the rim from time to time as well...he isn't one dimensional. That's the thing that will puzzle me all off season. Hopefully the kid didn't get his confidence crushed. Hopefully he doesn't frickin transfer.

  2. It was a great three year run. Last year was the best year of them all, this was close. We just didn't have the firepower...RM did exactly what we brought him in to do. We need to build on the momentum. I'd give a ton of credit to Dr. Chaifetz as well...just need to develop our guys and get the right kids in here.

  3. Do I need to spell everything out for you fools?

    The implication is that if Aaron Craft were black he'd just be some relatively underrated glue guy on a good team.

    and if Mike McCall were white (and played in a higher profile conference), he'd be as well known (and hated for it) as Aaron Craft.

    I think the big part of it is that craft plays for Ohio State and in the Big Ten. Not much of it has to do with him being white...I could argue most people irrationally hate him because he is white too. Not sure that race has anything to do with it...

  4. Is it a given MM guards Smith? I respect MM's D, but wonder if JJ wouldn't be a better choice. Smith's pretty slight guy and putting a big body like JJ on him might take it's toll.

    I wouldn't put Jett on him. Jett isn't moving well laterally and I wouldn't want him trying to chase Smith all over the court. I think MM is a better defender overall anyways...I think the perception is Jett is a better defender simply because he can make the occasional spectacular play (some crazy blocked shots) that MM simply can't do, but fundamentally, I think MM is better.

  5. but Mike McCall is the Black Aaron Craft

    Aw, man that gave me a shiver. I hate Aaron Craft...but point taken. Let's just hope Mike really locks in and more importantly, hits open threes. I wish he would be more aggressive sometimes, i'd rather have him taking shots (or getting fouled for christ sake) than most.

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