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jimmy two times

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Posts posted by jimmy two times

  1. McBroom should not start, I'd rather have him coming off the bench for instant offense at the 2. I am still puzzled as to why manning continues to get the starts. Reggie just needs more and more playing time and he will lock in. Ash is starting to drop some of those layups, imagine if he can find his stroke by conference play. I still think he has the talent and athleticism to do great things for this team the remainder of the season and especially next year.






    In fact, Yarborough is the only player who seems to be stringing together consistent performances at this point. Just put him on the floor and let him do his thing.

    I agree and I like your lineup. The only thing that matters is developing the young guys. Manning should be removed from the lineup period. He's a complete disaster and as a Senior he has no future here. I still am bewildered at what a disappointment he was from day one and then worse, he subsequently strings together three straight summers of zero development. I cringe when I think back to Majerus' comments about him being a future NBA player...good lord. I feel like Agbeko is also clueless when it comes to court sense and I wonder if he will ever get it. I don't see the point in playing Glaze either...if he's healthy, he should be bouncing at Humphrey's.

  2. Was in the doctor's office today and found a year old SI w/ cover of Coach K and J. Parker. It's gonna be hard steering JT away from him. First, he has his great record going for him, save the last couple of years. Second, he tells recruits he's worked w/ the best players in the world as US Olympic coach, and that he can teach them their traits, habits, etc. This article alone would be a great recruiting tool as it reveals how much work and attention he gives his special players. Little details that refine their games. Going to be a hard sell for JC and staff.

    Is anyone in Jayson's family on the waiting list for a heart transplant? If they are, then we have a shot, based on past scenarios.

  3. This is correct - O'Hagans is the official Billiken bar for game watches this season. Garrett is the owner (moved operations from Halsted Harp) and is a great supporter of our efforts and Billiken basketball. We had a test run after our Make a Difference Day event a few weeks ago and we were able to have the entire party room downstairs. We will use that room for larger game watches and special events.

    We are working on getting a "season beer cup" for discount drafts as well as dates for official game watch events (more food and drinks specials, give-aways, etc.) I will be updating the FB and Twitter feeds with details and will also post here.

    As always, O'Hagans is the place to meet for all Billiken games; Garrett will have the game on and sound for all games being broadcast on cable.

    Nice work...we've really had this figured out the last three years, it's a long cry from sharing Sedgwicks with 4 other teams.

  4. I really like this team thus far. I'm a little irritated with the Sophs, but I can deal with that given the promise of the freshmen. Hopefully these guys will continue to develop and even better, Manning will be long gone next year and we won't have to watch him take a dump on center court anymore.

  5. Is O'Hagan's going to be the new alumni bar here? The Harp will be missed dearly, that was such a great atmosphere and a breath of fresh air - was definitely found wanting on the TV situation though. I haven't been to O'Hagan's in a year or two, has it changed much? Good bar and all, but can't remember it being a place I'd ever go to watch a game.

  6. Agreed. Nonconference schedules like this make it hard to justify buying season tickets, but I guess I will just treat it as my donation to the alma mater for the year.

    Right. Well, beyond that, there's usually a few games or a tournament before the conference schedule starts (New Mexico, Wisconsin, etc.) that you can circle on the calendar and plan your day around...couldn't find one instance of that here. Oh well.

  7. I would imagine most people on this board had no problem with what I posted.

    What you posted was really funny and perfectly fine. You made the mistake though of not following the billikens.com charter, that any kind of sarcasm or attempts at comedy that even hint at criticizing the kids (even though Larry is 35) are strictly prohibited, else you are subject to over reaction from all the blue hairs on their high horses that run this board.

  8. I don't think Glaze should start. At all. I've said before, he is not a basketball player and has no skills whatsoever. What he is clearly, is a lunatic that happens to bring intensity and defensive rebounding, which in certain spurts, is needed. I think he is an energy guy off the bench we can throw in there for a shift per half. I wouldn't want him out there over Lancona at the beginning of the game for any reason? Why? Lancona is 100 times better than Glaze is right now.

    Manning is concerning. He is an above average defensive player, but way below average on offense. Awkward and devoid of court sense. He needs to really refine his offensive game this summer, but he will start and get a lot of minutes at the C spot.

    I like Crawford. A lot. No idea why he wasn't out there...maybe he showed up to practice still drunk or something one day and landed in the dog house. That stuff happens all the time and you never hear about it. Crawford will be fine. What I like most is that he is a pure shooter who also has a knack for getting to the rim, along with the size to finish. Important because he isn't one of those guys where if his 3pt shot isn't falling, he brings nothing to the table (see Barnett, Jake).

    McBroom strikes me as a good bad shot maker, if that makes sense. He can score and I like him. He's small and his defense and ball handling are concerning, but I think that's just the trade off with him. I think Reynolds will really push him for minutes. He's bigger and strikes me as more poised.

    I like AY a lot. I think he will bring a skill set and athleticism on the wing that we haven't had for awhile.

    It will be fun to watch these guys develop.

  9. I hope our players that are coming back next year JM, TL, AM, aren't sitting around dissecting all of the calls they thought the refs blew and making similar excuses instead of focusing on getting better.

    Complaining about the calls is on the table for both teams after every single game. It is pointless to deride the officiating after a 15 point loss when you go 0-15 from three and one guy you needed more than anything goes 2-14.

  10. I can't fathom Manning or Glaze becoming half of Brian Conklin next year. Hope i'm wrong, but not a single shred of evidence says I will be. Glaze cannot play basketball. I respect his energy and hustle, but he isn't a basketball player. That's obvious. If he learned how to dribble in the off season, i'd take that.

    Manning shows good defensive ability...he really needs a complete overhaul of his offensive game. He need a big man camp to learn a few reliable post moves. He needs to get stronger and finish stronger around the basket. He still looks incredibly awkward out there at times, as if this was his first day in his 6-11 body. We need improvement from him badly.

  11. Tell me that the loss of RL for a big portion of the first half wasn't.critical-you've got your opinion and I can respect that but I have mine!

    It was critical. But he committed all those fouls and I even thought the flagrant call was fairly obvious. He swung his elbows, blatantly. You will get called for that, whether we agree with the rule or not. I just don't buy that the officials took us out of this game. 2-14. That's the game dude.

  12. Whiner and an excuse maker. It is more like we need to be held accountable for poor ball handling, poor shooting and just a terrible offense through and through. That isn't to discount the best three year run we've had in recent memory and what these seniors did, not to mention a stellar defense, but we all know what our undoing was. Blaming it on the officials is delusional and immature.

  13. Tell me they didn't change the complexion of the game, And yes they do rig the brackets so the upstarts have the hardest road.

    Dude, enough. You'll get nowhere doing this. The refs had nothing to do with it. MM was 2-14...that's the game. We needed to play great, we didn't. It happens.

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