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Socal STH

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Posts posted by Socal STH

  1. I'll take an ugly win anytime over a "good effort" loss. Who were those Dayton announcers? Kavitz, Cheffitz, Chavits arena? Dwight (sic) Evans? OH, and a big thank you to the Dayton coach for costing his team a chance to make a last second comeback.

  2. I also found it on TV on a cable feed from FSNOhio (!) during the 2nd half. I hope Tu Holloway gets it that he just got "zipped up". Now the Believer Billikens just have to show up at UMass on Saturday, not the Billiken Doubters. And what did coach say to HiLowe to get him to power up like that? Last time I saw that was when there was a bloody nose back in Anaheim.

  3. Agree it was a great crowd last night for the middle of the Christmas break. Also, kudos to the band - even at about a third strength they are better than lots of other pep bands we have seen.

    Now - I have a new favorite player on the team. Brian Daly. He is pictured in the Post-Dispatch today sitting next to Rob Loe. Way to go P-D. Don't they have any editors down there at all to check what they put out?

    I also figured out the P-D scheme for coverage. They have a table set up in the concourse to sell subscriptions. Apparently they are tying their coverage of the Bills to how many subscriptions they are able to set on site. Their very own pay to play scheme. When will they figure out that this is their home town team?

  4. It's always good for the team members to get some + press attention. Great to see today in a CA paper a blurb on how the top 25 fared that included the Bills!

    Re: team play. CR has room to grow. RL needs to get mad more often. KM needs to just keep playing, work out the kinks, and make sure he's taking quality shots. Major kudos to BC,CE,JJ,DE.

    As a team, they need to consciously control the tempo because that's when the ball control/rebounding get messy. Easy when things are going well, tough when the shots aren't falling or the stops aren't happening as they'd like.

    Went to the SDSU / U Cal game today - both good teams - but we are so much more physical and do many things (boxing out/ screening/ Passing(!)) much better. Just wish we had the quantity and energy from the student section that SDSU gets. The SLU kids that come are great, but there's room to make it a much bigger force in making the 'fetz a tough place to play.

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