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Larry the Legend

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Posts posted by Larry the Legend

  1. Rich,

    Nice words tough guy. Name calling makes you a real man... I didn't know that comment would raise your blood to the point of trying to fight me. If you can get your short minded brain to work this morning and recall a certain USA Today article a few months back with KL and TL on the cover - that is where I was getting my info. Now the article does not state that KL chose SLU for those reasons and those reasons only. The article really doesn't say he did but it sure sounded like the kid wanted to stay close to home. Reasons why I believe that - the article talked about home cooked meals, seeing his parents often, visiting his brother, getting to see his sister play, etc., etc.

    Now in my opinion and my opinion only, that is why KL chose SLU. Yeah, BS had something to do with it but that was not his main reason in my opinion. I guess BS had to at least offer the kid a scholarship.

    I guess I have to put a disclaimer up before I make a statement like this again because I surely do not want to be called a yahoo by some dork named Rich.

    And no Rich, you cannot have my personal info.

  2. jp18,

    I think I can speak for most on this Board in saying that it is just disheartening to see recruits of Roundtree's caliber (or close to it) go somewhere else. And to a local school for that matter. Especially right now with the players in SLU's program and the potential to compliment them and take SLU to the NCAAs. That is all. I think we are showing our passion for the program, that's it. I also think you will be shocked to see that a good percentage of this Board did know who Roundtree was before yesterday.

  3. Roy,

    Someone earlier today or yesterday posted some comments that Roundtree chose SIU because the program is winning and making it to tournments. Now those were not his exact words but that is what I got out of the post regarding the rivals.com site on Roundtree. So, once again a recruit choses a school that has been successful the last few seasons and he wants to continue that trend. Until SLU starts making post season tournaments, I don't see SLU taking a majority of the local talent. Yeah, they may get a KL and TL, but as we all know KL would have played at SLU even if you were the coach and TL wanted to stay close to home.

    And no, I won't give you my personal info.

  4. Express,

    If you are referring to the post that CAG made, he was making a statement that the local kids that are being recruited by big time schools will not come to SLU and SLU needs to go after the second and third tier players. SLU needs to make a committment to the local kids that are not even being looked at by the UNC's, KU's and Duke's of this world. To jump to conclusions like that tells me you are foolish and not following these threads or SLU basketball.

  5. Canadian,

    Your comments about who cares if SLU wins any of their remaining games is pure foolishness. Have you ever played organized sports with a team? Do you like losing? What about losing several games in a row? Kinda takes the wind out of you and you start to put negative thoughts and feelings into your head. It's not fun at all. This is certainly no way to finish out the season. You want to taste victory and know how it feels and gain that confidence and bring it into the post season. I will agree that SLU has not shown any type of consistency on the court this year and it is hard to feel comfortable with this team heading into the A 10 tourney but you still need to sit back and realize what you said.

    Not that this means anything but take a look at the Boston Celtics? They have lost at least a dozen games in a row and look so confused and frustrated on the court. It's embarassing to see them play. Now if you want SLU to do this, then maybe BS will receive his pink slip faster than this Board realizes.

  6. Well, SIU has been rolling 11 for years now and in my opinion will continue this trend. Roy, we are all mad now and the SIU loss probably aided in our feelings. But until things change locally here at SLU, I think a majority of us will have these opinions. True, SIU's facilities are average and the campus is fair, but explain to me their success and success at luring local St. Louis talent to their school?

    I think all of us are a little angry when we see local kids go to other local schools and have success when SLU either showed a lack of interest or did not recruit these kids hard enough. I think the numbers show up in tournament appearances and career numbers for these kids.

  7. Well said Box and Won, well said. I feel the same way about our lack of local recruiting and really don't have an answer. I guess the only answer I have right now is that these kids are signing with local schools that actually show interest in them right away and are winning. SLU sits around to see if these kids can improve their grades and improve their character. Someone earlier mentioned the fact that we did recruit a kid that has some grade issues. Well, that is working out right now.

    SLU is not showing interest (lack of committments) in these local kids and while SLU is winning, they are not making it to any post season tourneys. Why would a kid sign with SLU when he can go to a school that has had a nice run at post season tourneys and they expect that trend to continue?

    I feel like a Cubs fans right now.... wait til next year.

    How long do we have to keep stating this?

  8. TL definitely has the potential to be an NBA player. However, he is still at least a year off. His ball handling skills need improvement if he is to even smell the NBA draft and he needs to prove that he can hit the outside jumper consistently. Remember guys, the draft is two rounds with guarantee money in round 1. With European players and freshman (Durant) potentially coming out more often, you leave yourself little room in the draft. Tommie has the tools and potential to make it but in my opinion right now he needs all four years in college to develop into a NBA prospect.

    But you guys are correct in stating that some scout will come calling him name pretty quick here (if not already). TL and his family just need to understand that this will happen and realize he needs some time in college.

  9. SLU looked good Saturday. Ian hit his free throws and was a factor in the first half. I think he had 9 of the Bills first 15 points. He did disappear in the second half but I think that his free throw shooting was key. He was 8 of 9, I believe, from the charity strike.

    TL took over late in the second half once again. Huge. The dunk was insane but he easily could have been called for a technical for taunting. He was probably still pissed from that hard foul earlier as I saw him sorta throw an elbow while he was on the floor. Don't know if it was the same guy who received the facial a little bit later.

    I thought the refs were a little inconsistent and both coaches were close to receiving technicals. Hobbs did not like a palming call and was basically pointing a TL implying that he does it all the time. Brad got ticked off for some tick tack foul on Meyer, I believe.

    Overall, good game and great heart by KL.

  10. Like others have stated earlier, SLU needs to win the conference tourney. Enough said. When the tourney committee sits down to pick the at large bids they look at several factors: your overall conference record, play the end of the season (last 10 games), away record and "good" wins and/or "bad" losses.

    With that said: SLU is playing very solid right now but there are still some tough road games ahead and as we all know SLU's road record is terrible. Strike 1. Now, look at SLU's good wins...... Xavier, GW, and MO St. Not bad but the committee won't be impressed at all. None of those teams are ranked. Xavier was for a while but no more. Bad losses..... Bonnies, Temple, Duquesne, home to NC, away to SIUC, away at A&M. Too many strikes in my opinion and some of those losses were quite large.

  11. OK Roy, so does he sign an agreement to start his freshman year? You have got to be kidding me? You think he has that much power to demand to start? Sure, a coach can say you will start but I have never heard of a player demanding a starting spot right away or else he won't sign. Your play will dictate that. Foolish post Roy!

    How many freshman start at the beginning of the season? Not many unless your name is Oden, Durant, Hughes, or your team sucks and they have no choice.

  12. Great idea. He showed some potential last night (Gordon is sick by the way) and would be a HUGE name to have on campus. However, in my opinion, Father Jordan will want to get this kid to a school with some big time exposure and national headlines if he could. Any ideas on who is recruiting him? I know they have to be mid tier D I schools. Probably DePaul, Loyola, SIU, etc.

  13. Bryce did seem to gain a little confidence once he was out on the court for a while and I was really happy with his play. I do believe he needs more minutes (especially with Lisch potentially on the shelf). However, let's see him put together a few more consistent games before we all jump on the Bryce train.

    By the way, is JJ really on the team? What a poster boy for inconsistency.

  14. I think right now it is:

    1. Tucker

    2. Durant

    3. Brooks

    Tucker and Durant get more of the television coverage and it is a shame for Brooks because he is pretty damn good. If Wisconsin keeps playing this well (I know they lost last night but Tucker had 23), I would say you have to go with Tucker because Texas probably won't crack the top 10 and Wisconsin will receive more coverage due to their lofty ranking.

  15. Roy,

    Verbal commitments, while not binding by any means, still mean something in my opinion. These tell me that a coach is actively working on getting talent to his team and this could aid in convincing other recruits to seriously consider a school where top rated players are going or even where their friends are going. You are seriously trying to tell me that early verbal commitments mean nothing..... you're crazy if you feel that way. To say that Brad keeps his recruiting to himself is a bunch of crap. That tells me he has no one!!!!

  16. Someone definitely needs to watch and see if Obi Wide finds a home at another college. I heard he went back home to Texas? I am sure Bobby Knight would love to have that lazy boy on his team.

    The Board needs to keep a watch on Obi to see if he lands anywhere.....

  17. Guarantee that St. Joe's will play that sagging defense like last year and make SLU beat them from the outside. Our guys still need to prove that they can beat a team with consistent outside shooting. I am still not convinced they can. From the look at the size of St. Joe's starting lineup, they will bunch it in and terrorize Ian. Hopefully our turnovers are not insane as they were against Houston. If SLU wins the turnover battle and makes free throws, they should take this game.

  18. And things could get a lot worse. We have away games vs. St. Joe's, Xavier, Dayton, Rhode Island and UMass with home games vs. GW, LaSalle, Dayton, and Richmond. Mmmm, let's see: we might win 2 out of 5 on the road (noting SLU's lack of road wins) and 3 of 4 at home. That puts us 8 and 8 in a poor conference and most likely an 7 or 8 seed in the A 10 tourney. Not good enough in my opinion. No chance of an NIT bid unless we go to the championship game.

    How many spots do we have open for next year? 4 or 5? And Brad has signed no one as of today. Does he think that kids are just waiting for him to call them? Heck no! They are signing with other schools that show interest and have proven that they want to win. In SLU's case, I am beginning to wonder......

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