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Larry the Legend

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Posts posted by Larry the Legend

  1. Wow, I didn't mean to upset you fella. Maybe "instant" wasn't the best wording but we are all in the same boat when we talk about satisfaction. I was just making a point to some of the "older" Bills fans out there that we demand success now for the reasons you mentioned - new arena, fair number of "star" players on the team, weak conference, etc., etc.

    Some posters were pointing out the fact that "we" are being impatient and to just wait and see things develop. I was writing that there comes a time when you need to put your foot down and demand success or make changes.

    In prior Conference USA years, I think the talent wasn't there and expectations weren't as high due to plenty of talent on other teams and the quality of the conference. However, the A 10 is a different story....

  2. Not a chance Duke plays in the NIT. They are NCAA bound barring a major collapse. How about the fact that this is the first time in 11 years Duke is not in the top 25? Amazing!!! They most likely won't even have a .500 record in the league but a top 20 RPI and some big wins will push them into the tourney. However, you just never know...

    How about just wanting to play in a post season tourney? Expectations might be too high on the Duke call. But I like the research on the history between the two teams.

  3. Then your comparison with Notre Dame really doesn't work then? I mean, they win on a consistent basis and their huge fan base with deep pockets expects national championships (because they have won them in the past) and not just top 25 rankings. I really see no direct realation to SLU basketball. Far stretch in my opinion.

    However, I agree that the young fans may be a little more impatient than long time Bills supporters. I guess the younger generation wants instant satisfaction and will demand change if they don't get results in a short period of time. I cannot say whether this is good or bad, it is just a generation thing and I think that it is here to stay. I also think that most, if not all of us agree that the next 12 months could possibly make or break Brad's tenure here at SLU.

  4. That would be pretty sweet if this happens. Great find Nark. I loved going down to Mississippi Nights and seeing all of those old concert flyers framed around the building. Not to mention drinking draft beer and listening to bands like Cracker, The Samples and The Big Wu. I wasn't there on the closing night, but I heard that they took down all of concert flyers as well as any other fixture that could have left the building. Those things are priceless and will show up again in St. Louis. Hopefully right next to the new Arena.

  5. You're telling me you don't like the Landing? Come on... where else can you go and see half naked women in bars drunk and completely clueless as to where and who they are? Oh, I forgot about the fights that take place every weekend down there. Mmm, that's why I don't like the place.

    However, with the new casino and other plans North of the Dome, I sure hope the Landing will change. I am staying positive.

  6. I think that gradually over time, more non-BCS programs will get a "hard" look come Selection Sunday. However, I find it hard to believe that once it comes down to a Michigan State versus a Creighton, that the committee would take the smaller school. I know we would all like to believe they are unbiased, but the $$$ have to be in the back of everyone's mind when deciding between a big time school and a smaller school that just doesn't have a huge fan base that travels and would spend the dough. Now with that said, I think with some of the success that non-BCS schools are having now, this gap is and should be getting smaller.

  7. True, but as "new" members to this board, we do have opinions and should at least have the opportunity to explain our reasons for either being positive or negative regarding the Bills program and any other aspect of it. If the "older" members have issues, then tough. However, rules are rules and with moderators having the ability to lock threads, I can live by this.

    I think I have been very vocal lately about wanting to talk about basketball and if this includes opinions on a certain coach, state of a program, its players both present and future, then should I get the chance.

    This board is alive and strong and I think that the "veterans" of this board would agree. Why not welcome new members? The stronger the Bills Nation is, the more chance to build a greater fan base and maybe one day get a TV contract. Well, at least growing the fan base would be a start.

  8. Bay Area,

    Nice analysis. I do agree that in the BCS conferences, an above .500 league record will definitely be looked upon favorably come Selection Sunday. I think that once a team makes it to that point in the selection process, the selection committee will then look at the "other" factors which include: record in the last 10 games, away record, and the key wins and key losses. However, RPI in my opinion, is first and foremost when deciding on selecting an at-large team to even consider for a tournament bid. If you have an RPI team of 60 and one with a 40, I think the committee throws away the 60 and then "considers" the 40.

    I think there is a lot of uncertaintly still around in most of the conferences as there are still plenty of big games left. Duke plays at Clemson and North Carolina. Those could both be losses and Duke will almost have no way of a .500 league record. But with an RPI so low (most likely under 25), do you leave them out? I wonder if any of your stat magicians know the lowest RPI school to not receive a bid?

  9. I could not agree more with your post. I think we have all kissed Roy's ass enough and agree that he has done a ton for this board and is a passionate Bills fan and supporter. We are all adults here and would love to have him back so we can continue our "heated" discussions. What, the man decides to "give up" over a few bad discussions. Does he do this in the real world when things are rough.

    Let's end this and get back to the things we love to talk about: basketball!!!


  10. kshoe,

    Agreed, while I have not seen Suggs play I am pretty impressed by his numbers and what a lot of this board has had to say about him. I also like the fact that Kramer was quoted in today's Post Dispatch that he thinks Suggs is the best player in Missouri. I am sure BS is telling his kid to talk with Suggs and see what is on his mind and how he feels about the schools that are recruiting him. And some nice compliments can go far especially if Suggs and Kramer are building a friendship.

    I think it will all come dowm to whether or not he is impressed with the new facilities, the coach, and the team. I believe it will have nothing to do with the conference. While this is not rocket science, I think we can all agree that SLU needs this guy and he could really help out this program.

  11. What, is St. Louis becoming the South Beach of the Midwest? I mean, are these guys partying it up at Humphrey's every night and losing focus? Well, for some that might be the case. I know it is tough to be an athlete and maintain good grades at the same time but losing focus on a team's goal either tells me there is a lack of leadership or simply players are not "stepping" up to the plate and showing emotion and leadership.

    Where and who is our vocal leader? DP? KL? I wonder... just trying to figure out the lack of consistency.

  12. Wow, are we all going to get in a group hug now? While I never want to see a board member leave, we don't need to kiss this guy's as@! Roy, there have been lively debates lately and yes I do agree that some people do come on here just to stir things up but isn't that what debates are all about. I applaud all of the work and effort you have put into this board but stop the complaining. Also, no one is forcing you to even respond to some of the nonsense that is posted here. Personal attacks, well that is a different story, and I am sure that has come and gone in the past.

    So while I might not have agreed with many of your posts I think you should stop this sympathy trip and either stay on or get off. We are all grown ups here and chose to post or not. I chose to read this board for years and made a decision to sign up this year. Does that make me a lesser Billiken fan? Does that make me inferior to all of the other "regulars" on this board? HELL NO!! I am a fan just like the rest of us and am entitled to make and post my opinions and post discussions with others whether I agree or disagree with them.

    Larry the Legend continues......holla!

  13. you think he posts under the name Greek Power? Now that really isn't a name on this board (I hope). What would happen if players started posting on this and writing comments? A big scandal would ensue I am sure. Probably not even a good question to ask. Sorry.....

  14. do you think Ian lost his aggressiveness due to the double teamings and the inability to stay in game? I think that foul trouble has had a huge impact on his game. You sit for long periods of time and it is hard to get into any kind of rhythm.

    As far as the recruits go, I am glad to see the number of potential players high for next year. Let's hope BS lands 3-5 of them. A PF would be nice.

  15. Rich Rich Rich,

    Let's put this nonsense to rest and move on like mature adults.

    I don't even understand your garbage you write. Let's talk about something more meaningful, ok? Like SLU basketball.

    The purpose of my posts to you were to state that I am entitled to my opinions and make comments on how I feel about certain situations. For you to shoot back like a pissed off man is frankly scaring me.

  16. They are not lies, just my opinions. And how is that sad that I can state them on an open forum. I believe that others are in somewhat of an agreement when I made that statement. Do I have to authenticate myself every time I make a comment? Do I need to cite a source? Well, I would only do that if I had in fact made a statement something to the liking of: "I heard from a source that KL chose SLU not matter who the coach." Did I write that? Not to my knowledge.

    In my opinion and from reading the USA Today article, I simply stated to the fact that KL chose SLU for family and location first and not the coach. So crucify me if I was wrong. And why are you getting so worked up with this? Are you in bed with BS? Am I sensing a little anger in your comments? Maybe because BS has not had success with recruiting so far and SLU is hurting by having local recruits turn away SLU's offers, you resort to calling me an idiot.


  17. I have not shown to be a hating fool. I may be a hater, but I ain't no fool.

    I was simply refering to the USA Today article in that I, maybe not you, came to reason that KL and NOT TL chose SLU because of location and family. Was there ever a mention of TL? Calm down. There was no mention in that article that he chose SLU because of BS. That was my point. Now, if I am wrong, then so be it. I am entitled to my opinions, right? Isn't that what this board is about?

    Now, I will take back my Zen comment if you contact KL and ask him if he chose SLU because of BS.

  18. Billikan,

    So you are saying that new members have not been Billiken fans for years? Is the billikenboard the end all for Billiken basketball? You are short minded if you think it is. I, personally, have been a season ticket holder for several years and attend most games if possible. I also was a student at SLU and attended almost all home games in four years. Can't really say many students did or still do attend Bills games. To imply that new members to this board are not as faithful is simply crazy.

    What, you guys can't take a little criticism and heated exchanges from others? Don't tell me you are just like most of the fans at the game that sit down at the start of the game and don't get up until the clock reaches 0? Now, those are real fans here!

  19. ...but you still make posts trying to talk a big game. If you hate it so much then why do you continue to post negative crap?

    The point of this board is to express feelings and ideas (whether right or wrong) and hopefully open a diaglogue on SLU basketball and any other topic for that matter.

    I really don't know who made you the zen master of basketball but it sure sounds like you think you are.

  20. Doc,

    Like I stated earlier, I agree that BS will be around for the next two years. And I know we have to deal with it, but can you at least sense our frustrations with the program right now? I think that we are all hopeful that BS's recruiting efforts will pay off. I am a little worried that BS efforts are not that successful right now. However, things can change and I agree that we all need to have some faith. Like someone stated earlier in a post, verbal commitments are not binding and maybe the boys at SLU can corner Roundtree and convince him to go to SLU. Maybe some of us should show the boy the finer things in life on the East Side of the river.

    Doc, I also wonder how long you will remain happy that BS is around? Another lack of postseason play year after year?

  21. Tonka,

    I think we talked about this a few weeks back and we simply put it to rest. Like you said, wait til the end of the season and I really don't think BS will be fired this season. He has 1 or 2 years left on his contract, I believe, so SLU will not want to eat up a large portion of that just to find a new coach and pay him more. And to really answer your question as to the calliber of coach - there is really little chance to lure any big time guy out of retirement (Lavin, Majerus, Richardson, etc.) simply because they will cost too much and I think there is no way they will want to coach in the A 10. I am sure these guys have been offered better paying jobs in higher rated conferences. So, that leaves us to think about a mid major coach or a quality assistant at a big time program. The possibilities are endless.....

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