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Larry the Legend

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Posts posted by Larry the Legend

  1. My entire point was that I think you are not giving SIUC much credit at all. I think you are implying that SIU is not as good as their lofty ranking or RPI. As we have all debated here, RPI tends to be misleading. According to the AP polls, SIU is the 14th best team in the country. So, their Sweet 16ish according to you this year would seem about right for the 14th ranked team in the country, right?

    I guess we just have to wait until the tournament to see if indeed SIU is too hyped.

  2. You said "Sweet 16ish at most? ? ?" Are you kidding me? What school would not take a Sweet 16 spot to build a program on? Recruiting? "Hey, look at us, we made the Sweet 16 last year. Want to play on national TV." Pretty good tool IMO. If SIUC makes it to the Sweet 16, IMO, that simply solidifies that fact that this program and coach are for real. Come on..... only 16 teams in the entire country (what out of 325 D 1 schools) and you make it sound like no accomplishment. Please.

    Here we are praying that SLU wins the A 10 tournamnent just to get in the tourney and we are saying that SIUC is too hyped.

    Now, SIUC could lose in the first round but this team is not too hyped up by any means.

    Maybe just on this board and through the local media.

  3. but starting a play with less than 7 seconds simply does not give you any second chance opportunities. I believe that SLU should start plays with more time left to give them a shot at those second chance opportunities and put backs. SLU does not have a consistent go-to guy who can hit that final shot everytime. You cannot tell me you are 100% confident that TL will hit that shot everytime. Ain't happening.

    Comparing Acie Law to TL is a little bit uneven IMO. Acie is a proven 4 year player who demands the ball and has shown to finish. TL, while he has hit some huge shots in the past is not there yet. He could be though....down the road.

  4. Yeah, an 8 seed right now and the last team in. Things can and will change drastically in this last week of regular season play. I also agree that the NIT is worthless and no one really cares about it. However, I think the organizers of this tournament do a decent job of at least finding home games for teams that will fill the seats and make for decent ratings on Mon-Wed when no other sports are on tv.

    Finally, the only positive aspect of SLU making the NIT is to get one more game to play and fluff up players stats.

    Does anyone remember who won the NIT last year? Well, it was South Carolina. Two in a row for that matter. I don't know what it has done for the program but they have two NIT trophies on their campus.

  5. We 'hope' it will be a good signing. From what I have read about this kid, he has the height and runs the court well. I just haven't read much about his shooting. Will he be a slasher? Maybe a better version of Danny Brown? Who knows? He has definitely been around quality talent the last few years. Remember, there was plenty of hype the last two years in regards to Obi and Horace so time will tell. Let's not get too carried away here. It was a good start to the signing period but we all know BS needs a 4 and some other 'quality' players before the verdict is out regarding his recruiting ability.

    I do like the fact that other schools seemed interested in this kid. However, the sources are always suspect as to their accuracy.

  6. He came from a high school with great basketball tradition and played against some of the best Chicago area players. Playing alongside Julian Wright probably didn't hurt either. HF was always in the big time tournaments during his stay there. Throw in some prep school work against top recruits and this kid seems ready for D-1 play. Let's just hope academics are not an issue.

    Nice pickup BS!!!

  7. I will guarantee you that the student body will be well represented at the games. We will just have to wait and see how "exciting" they are. The student body right now has no motivation or incentive to go to games. They actually have to make an effort to get on a bus and wait in lines.... and get out of bed. Poor students. With the new Arena, these kids can just hop out of bed and walk down to a game. The students will use it as a social outing and hopefully the majority of the students realize that college basketball is exciting and the team on the court is actually competitive.

    We will see.....

  8. If URI or Xavier do not win the A 10 tournament, then one of those teams will be left out; most likely URI. From the stats and RPI's that others have listed below, I just cannot see 3 teams from the A 10 make it. There are plenty of other "at large" teams that will have better and stronger credentials than a 3rd A 10 team.

  9. If SLU can't beat Duquesne on a neutral court, then they don't even deserve to be in the A 10. St. Joe's played in the A 10 championship last year and were a pretty tough team. Duquesne, on the other hand, is average at best. SLU should....(and I agree Billiken history does have a strange way of repeating itself) beat them if given the second chance.

  10. Let's just presume the Bills win both games at home - Dayton and Richmond. Now taking into consideration SLU's strong road record, I would be very, very happy to see them win one on the road - UMASS or Dayton. Doesn't matter. So, best case scenario leaves SLU 19-11 going into the A 10 tourney. With a 6-7 seed, SLU would play a lower seed like a Charlotte, Temple or Duquesne in round 1. I would like to see a rematch against Duquesne since SLU was embarrassed by them earlier this year. Win that game and off to play the #3 seed which might be Xavier.

    Well, there is your 20 win season. It stops in round 2. Yeah, 20 wins is really nice but I guess with expectations so high it will be painful to not watch SLU in any postseason action.

    But you never know..... we have all seen small wonders before (2000).

  11. Against one of the worst teams in the A-10. And at home. A win is a win however, and I agree it was exciting down the stretch but a rather dull game other than that. 23-23 at halftime. Not much excitement in the first half at all.

    Now those top 25 scores you posted? Every single game was intense and I hope you are not comparing SLU-LaSalle to any of those. Did you see the UL-Marquette highlights? 3 pointer at the buzzer. UL is making a strong showing for the NCAA and with that win against Marquette they are definitely in. Looks like Romar and his squad will have to opt for the NIT.

  12. I think people are also looking for those players who can make an immediate impact. There are plenty of potential recruits out there that can be "impact" players and start right away. SLU needs some of those players. Yes, guys who will develop and start their Senior year are just fine, but SLU needs impact now, especially when they have a "core" group of guys that will only be here for another 2 years. Brad cannot just recruit those "average" guys that might or might not develop. With that, we won't know who these immediate starters are until BS lands one of them (or any for that matter). Until then, we can just sit back and hope he does land some of these guys.

    SLU needs a stud freshman or two now or the new era in the Arena will be off to a bad start.

  13. I can't see this happening. The only way a coach would do this would be to rest a hurt or sore player. The Selection Committee is so unpredictable with at large bids that I think you would be playing with fire to try this.

    Has a team ever done this? I mean rest their players in conference tourneys? I can't remember this ever happening and would be shocked to hear a situation where this happened.

    Why would a coach want to rest their players or dog the conference tourney? They may be playing for a higher seed and want to keep their players fit and motivated.

    With that said, in today's sports world you just never know....

  14. Hey, I am just replying to a topic that someone else started. It is relevant because it is regarding college basketball, a school near St. Louis, and it is a relevant issue in today's society. Plus, I believe that there are a lot of Illini fans on this board, including myself.

    I don't think anything is wrong with a little debate on other topics besides SLU and SLU athletics. At last check, SLU athletics is not the powerhouse of the NCAA and there is life outside of SLU. I choose to cheer for all SLU sports and talk about issues directly relating to the team whether it was a win or loss. However, if this board was solely for SLU athletics and Billiken basketball, it will die a slow death and will not gain any new membership. I have read this board for years and the dynamics here are good and the diverse topics that are discussed are what brings me to this board. You have your opinions and I have mine, I respect that.

    Now, I never said that I have given up the season and do realize that SLU does have a shot at a postseason birth. Now in my opinion, they have zero shot at the NIT but could win the A 10 and thus the automatic bid.

  15. Thanks for the history. I will be the first to admit I have little knowledge on American Indian culture and appreciate your input.

    However, I still am a little confused as to why this mascot was getting all of the attention when it was the aforementioned issues you stated that are more serious. Why resort to this mascot at a University? It seems like the big picture in this issue is a little distorted.

  16. >They're caricatures of Indian heritage,

    >not accurate representations. And even if they were accurate,

    >reducing a people's patriarchal and spiritual leaders to a college mascot is totally inappropriate.

    In what way? Is a mascot some low life piece of garbage? I simply don't get it? Tell me why?

    There are plenty of caricatures of heritages all over this world. People express this through art, music, culture, etc. So why is this anything different? If someone drew a picture and you saw it in an office building, would you protest it because it wasn't a good representation of whatever the heck it was trying to portray? (I know that wasn't a good example, someone else help me)

  17. OK, first off how is his portrayal offensive? I see nothing of the sort. Every time there is this discussion, nothing is said on how Illiniwek portrays the Indian heritage in a negative way. Isn't this how they dressed and wasn't this some of their customs and rituals??? Why are people questioning this?

    However, I guess Illinois looked at the bigger picture and the additional revenue that would come from hosting NCAA events on campus. I still see no reason how the use of the mascot in athletic events was disrespectful at all. Call me blind but I think that this is simply the way things are moving in society - that freedom of speech and expression are being called into question on everything. People's feelings are on very little thing. It is ridiculous!!!

  18. guys, what years were these? That's right 20+ years ago. I know things were bad but come on.... things need to change and if we are going to keep up that St. Louis attitude of "it's not that bad, things were worse" crap, then this program will just be AVERAGE and not change!!! I think a lot of St. Louisians are reluctant for change and are willing to accept AVERAGE. Not this guy. People complained about the New Busch Stadium.

    I do not want to wait 50 years to see this program finally take off. If the University is OK with just being a mid level and average athletic University, then fine. Just don't go on record stating that you want SLU to be a top 50 program and this and that. CL, BS, and Biondi have all stated this. Yes, I do believe you need to set goals... but you have to be committed and use resources to obtain them.

    Stop living in the past and make an effort to change the future. We can sit here all day and talk about how the past was so bad and today's program is not even close.. I am tired of it!!!

  19. but we sure have some nice statues on campus. If you were a recruit wouldn't you want to come to SLU just so you could gaze at some of the crap that Biondi has paid for? Not this guy.

    I will commend his effort at transforming SLU into one of the more impressive looking private city schools in the land.... however, his athletic IQ leaves something to be desired. And I agree that until he makes an effort to either step up the resources to take the program to the next level, SLU will be stuck at average with .500 seasons coupled with the occassional 17-12 record.

  20. Great class and most of us would be besides ourselves if SLU were to get at least 3 of these High schoolers. But have you stopped to think or at least ponder the question as to "why" SLU is not getting local recruits? What are the reasons? I really don't have a solid answer for that.... many possible explanations, however.

    Now I know that these guys are still all undecided and there are "reports" out there that SLU is interested in most, if not all, of the list you mentioned. But are these kids really interested in SLU? Or are they just going the PC route and making general commments like "SLU has a good team" and "SLU is a good University." Have these kids publicly stated that want to come here or SLU is one of their top choices??

  21. No vocal players right now

    No spark off the bench

    No consistent PG

    Too many turnovers

    = inconsistent and average play. It's as simple as that.

    SLU has no one that is willing to send a vocal message to the other team. No one that makes a hussle play and then insights the crowd with a little fist pump. We see that a little bit with KL and DP, but not on a consistent basis. Who really is the team leader???

    Should be the Seniors, right????

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