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Larry the Legend

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Posts posted by Larry the Legend

  1. Roy,

    Again you are saying foolish stuff. Once the ball hit the players hands in bounds, the clock starts... and keeps going until it either lands out of the bounds or the clock hits zero. Well my friend, the ball did not land until it went into the crowd and the refs were stuck with trying to figure out when their wistle blew and when the ball would have most likely landed and the clock stopped. Hence more than two tenths of a second and they had to count on a stopwatch to take off the 1.2 seconds. Do you think there is an imaginary line out of bounds where the clock manager has to stop the clock once it passes the line? No way!!!!

    You are being too quick to blame the refs on this one once again Roy.

  2. Roy,

    You are by far in the minority on this one. Sorry to break it to you. Roy, what is your million dollar solution my friend? You don't have one.... plain and simple. Yeah, maybe a ref does decide a game here and there... but you have to consider the amount of games being played annually and one game a ref blows....it happens Roy. What are the odds? These guys are humans and until you can get that straight in your head, you will continue to cry like a baby. To make excuses is simply foolish. You never answered my questions about the "other" aspects of the games..... the missed free throws, open layups, etc. No one wants to talk about that because it doesn't make for good conversation with all the people that want to cry and moan about stuff they cannot control. You pick an easy way out - the refs. What about the rest of the 40 minutes? How was the game decided?

    End of discussion!!!

  3. The SIU comment was a blanket statement that I made and not geared towards you. Now in regards to the refs, I made a statement saying that for the most part the refs are making good calls and performing well. You just complain about silly things. That is the way this game has always been and you cannot cry about the refs. My point to you is that you cry about things that are near impossible to control. You were probably a kid who complained about everything and cried when things did not go your way. Oh wait, you still do that now.

    My entire point to you Roy was that refs are human and simply cannot make all of the calls you or I want. IMO they are doing a good job and yes, I do agree that they make some bad calls sometimes. If you want to change things, get your butt in some pinstipes so I can start yelling at you for your lack of consistency. It's not as easy as you think.

    The problem I have with people complaining all the time about refs is what about what happened during the games with the players? What about Acie Law's missed layup? What about Faulkner's lack of free throw shooting? What about Tatum's 1 3-pointer?

    You just want to make excuses and complain

  4. After the ball was touched by the Memphis player the clock started and does not stop until it lands or falls out of bounds. Since the Memphis player touched it and it flew by Calipari, the refs had to make a decision on when the ball would have landed and that's when the clock should have stopped. In the end, it was the right call and you can hear this on all of the news reports today. That was the right call. However, I believe the refs took too long to make that decision and making the kids wait was painful. Yes, another second would have helped A&M but it was the right call.

    The foul on the other end, now that was a crime. In addition, Mr. Clutch Law missed a wide open layup that would have provided a cushion for A&M. Tough break for a good kid. Future solid player in the NBA.

  5. Roy,

    Seems like you are in the wrong line of business and should become a ref because none of the current refs are doing a good job in your opinion. You amaze me!! Yes, there were some inconsistent calls last night and throughout the tourney. That's just life man. For the most part, I believe the refs have done an admirable job. You have to remember that they are human just like the rest of us and when things are going full speed, their decision making needs to be instant and not every push, touch, grab, etc., is a foul in their opinion. They only issue I have with refs is to be consistent for an entire game. Calling one half with picky fouls and then not calling anything in the second half is just plain wrong.

    SIU plays tough, rugged defense and IMO it is not cheap or illegal. They just got beat by a more athletic and taller KU team last night. This team probably had the best defense of any of the remaining 16 teams IMO. SIU is a quality team and let's give them credit when it is due and stop making silly comments about refs.

  6. I think we can almost all agree that BS will coach out his two remaining years of his contract. If things go drastically bad next year, maybe a drastic move will be made to can him but I doubt it. IMO, BS simply does not have the marketability or image in the St. Louis area. He is nowhere to be scene on tv, no advertising, no public appearances, etc. I am sure it has a lot to do with the local professional sports teams and the lack of success that SLU has had. Unfortunately, if you were to ask 10 St. Louisians who SLU's coach was, you would probably get 3-4 who knew. Will this change when the arena is up and when/if SLU makes a tourney? Maybe, only time will tell and local Bills fans are getting very anxious and will not stand for this average play two years from now. At least I won't.

  7. Roy,

    Not all all. In fact, I was the one saying that the Stanford selection was terrible and Drexel should have been in. Marquette and Duke deserved their seedings and no one was talking about them. Yes, Duke had a down year but IMO their #6 seeding was just fine.

    I am talking about the fact that some posters on here, and I believe you are one of them, really dogged the Big 10 and Illinois for no reason. Now, Illinois could get smoked tonight but that is not the point. The point is that the Big 10 did deserve all of their selections and is and always will be one of the top conferences in D-1 basketball. The A 10 does not compare to the Big 10 in any category. Comparing any A 10 team or player for that matter is simply nonsense. Yes, I do agree that TL and KL could play for some of these teams. But how do we know where they would fit in? We don't know and by making that statement I believe you are diminishing the quality of the Big 10 and its players. Especially when you say that Illinois has bad guards. I will take Chester Frazer over DP any day, any time.

  8. I think that is the point of the post. You do need to bring in a coach who will do this and it is up to the administration to make that effort. Plain and simple. They need to spot talent just like a coach needs to and bring it in. Another example of coaches improving teams is Bobby Cremins at the College of Charleston. They almost won their conference tournament under their first year head coach. He surely did not bring in many recruits, if at all, and takes his team to the finals of the Southern Conference tournament. Not too bad for a first year coach with none of "his" players.

    Now was that move foolish?

  9. So, SLU does have D-2 caliber players on their roster? I would be interested in seeing how many you think belong in D-2. I know some should but for the sake of being harsh, I won't list them here. Or is their maturation process being slowed by other factors - coaching, weak drills, practice, offensive planning, lack of competitive players around them, etc. I am just asking the question. Some players do come in with limited skills and then become stars or well rounded players for their school. I guess many factors can contribute to this and am just wondering what everyone else thinks. What makes a player improve from a potential bust to a solid athlete. IMO, we need that to happen at SLU for some of the players.

    A prime example that I can think of off the top of my head is Russell Carter from Nortre Dame. This man basically sat on the bench for three years (was going to transfer) and then is probably the second or third best player in the Big East. Nice accomplishment!!

  10. While I know it is only the middle of the first round and there are still three more Big 10 teams that need to play their first game but 3-0 in the first night is not too bad. Right now all of you Big 10 haters (you know who you are - we just had a discussion regarding Illinois and the rest of the Big 10 last week) are most likely quiet. GW lays an egg and X gets by. Not bad for the Atlantic 10 but you simply cannot compare a power conference like the Big 10 to the Atlantic 10. GW - what an embarrassment!!!!

  11. Come on, are you saying that is good or bad? It is basically a crapshoot to predict those seedings. No one knows what the committee is debating on and where they place the teams. That is irrelevant IMO. Actually, to accurately predict 11 seedings is fairly impressive. I am sure you faired better though, right? The man is pretty damn good and he has always been nearly perfect in predicting tournament bids. That was the purpose of my post. Not how he failed to predict the actual seedings of teams.

  12. Yes, Xavier did beat Illinois - at home and early in the season. I will give them that quality win. That really was it, right? And that wasn't much of a quality win considering Illinois was the last team in most likely.

    My point is that the bottom dwellers in the A 10 still do not stand up to the ones in the Big Ten. I could be wrong but the talent in the Big Ten is simply a lot higher than the talent level in the A 10. Teams like Xavier, GW, and UMASS could compete in the Big Ten but still would stand behind the likes of Indiana, Purdue, Iowa, and Illinois.

    No one stil has acknowledged the fact that the good teams in their conferences should be beating these weak teams and thus not hurting their RPI. SLU could not do that this year, plain and simple. Plus, we all can see that RPI is not even close to being the sole determination for making the tournament. Quality wins, wins on the road, last 10 games, etc., are all factored in.

  13. Agree with Air Force as well as Drexel. How in the world was Drexel left out? And Stanford in?

    Joe Lunardi was 63 out of 65 correct in his predictions and his incorrect ones were Illinois and Old Dominion, I believe. He had Syracuse and Drexel in if memory serves me.

    So all in all, I think the committee did good once again. There is always one or two teams that can go either way. That is the beauty of college bb.

    It's awesome baby!!!!

  14. You are not making sense once again. You are supposed to beat the weak teams on their home courts if you expect to have a successful season and make it to postseason play. That is what good teams should do. Illinois beat most of the weak teams in conference that they were supposed to beat. SLU did not. They could not beat the Dukes and the Bonnies who suck!!! Come one, you are Mr. Basketball IQ and should know that you need to beat sad teams on the road. SLU could not win a road game and no committee would put them in a postseason tourney.

    As far as I can see there are six teams in the the Big Dance from the Big 10 and only two from the sad A 10. At last glance the Big Ten got a #1(Ohio St.), #2(Wisconsin), #7(Indiana), #9(Purdue), #9(Mich. St.) and a #12(Illinois). The A 10 got a generous #9(Xavier) and a #12(GW). No comparision IMO. And it doesn't matter what these teams from the Big Ten do in the tournament, it is what they did in the regular season that got them there. Yeah, they have sort sucked in the Big Dance in the last few years but they are a far superior league top to bottom that the A 10.

    Once again your loyalty is commendable but full of nonsense.

  15. another disappointing year for SLU basketball. IMO, SLU did not have a chance to make it in the NIT and I would be very surprised to see them as the last two or three teams out. Show me who said that and what the other teams were. SLU just did not do well enough in their conference and cannot win on the road, plain and simple. Very few "quality" wins and the NIT committee was not going to give SLU a road game as I think we all knew that St. Charles was the only hope for a home game and IMO, the NCAA has given up on that damn arena. It sucks for college bb!!!

    Well, I guess we can all sit back and enjoy the "quality" basketball that we will be watching the next three weeks and hope that one day we will be watching SLU in one of these games.

  16. comparing the Illini - Wisconsin game to the SLU - GW game is pretty funny there Band. The Illinois - Wis game was all about tough, rugged defense and it also did not help that Illinois shot something like 30%. There was no trapping and the pace of play dictated a low scoring game. Did you even see that game? Tucker basically won that game for Wisconsin because he is probably the second best player in the men's basketball (behind Durant). Who would guard him for SLU? I am sorry, I love SLU basketball but you cannot compare 2 top Big Ten teams to SLU and GW. True, Illinois would like to have KL and TL, who wouldn't? That is not the point here. The point is that Illinois surrounds themselves with more than just two players and actually has bench help. You also say that Illinois had two wins against bottom dwelers..... wait a minute? SLU could not even beat the Bonnies or the Dukes? Come on, those teams would get smoked by Minnesota or even Northwestern for that matter.

    You love towards SLU is commendable, but please don't put up nonsense that simply doesn't make sense.

  17. Roy,

    Well said. From reading those RFT articles regarding Vashon and understanding public schools systems and eligibility requirements, your home address dictates where you can go to a public school. Plain and simple. There is really no discussion with that. These boundaries have been set for years by some Board - State or Local - and you cannot simply give an address that is within the borders and say you go to that school when in fact you do not physically live there. It is cheating the system!!!

    I think what Bonner did is commendable and ethical. He should not be chastised one bit for what he did.

  18. I think it was a great team effort last night and BS did make some good calls. Putting the bigs in more together and playing JJ more than DP due to UMASS's size. However, one game does not make a coach's year or career for that matter. We need consistency and that has been lacking this year. And proven recruiting is a plus and will go a long way. Howevever, I will take run like this at the end of the year anytime and I am enjoying the ride.

  19. I agree. 20 wins is not that impressive anymore and not a guaranty to get into the Big Dance. Especially, in a weak league where SLU should have won 11-13 conference games. They should have 24 wins right now and we would not be debating a NIT bid, we would be debating a NCAA big. Anyway, enough of that already.....

    I was very happy with the win last night and SLU could pull this off. They have beaten GW before, so we all know what they can do. But let's not get too carried away with BS and begin this talk once again. SLU has definitely underachieved this year and we can point the finger in many directions. However, SLU is on a nice run right now and let's just enjoy it. Once it is over, we can begin the talk about what went wrong....

    Someone needs to step up again tonight (besides the big three). JJ, BH, or DP. One of them... or all of them.

  20. Right now TL is not SLU's PG of the future. He needs to develop a right hand and make better decisions passing the ball. These one handed passes will catch up to him. I believe that TL is more of a slasher and 2 guard than a true PG. He crashes the board's and does not belong at the PG position IMO. SLU needs a quick PG who has ball handling skills and can shot. We don't have that right now....and that is the biggest need... oh, and a PF wouldn't hurt.

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