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Posts posted by AB34

  1. I loved the blog posts. Really good stuff. I think the mix of post game stuff that you couldn't sneak into the gamers and the travel stuff, mostly nightmares it seemed, were great. I hope Stu continues that. Although it's a personal thing, of course. To had his way with writing those blog. Very stream of consciousness. I loved it. Not for everyone though.

  2. Tom was great and I'm very sad to see him leave. I loved the post-game/travel blog.

    A few things:

    We're a niche audience. The P-D knows this, as do other mainstream outlets. There's only enough real estate for coverage. I have to assume from their website analytics they can figure out that Billikens coverage is on the lower end of the Sports readership. Otherwise, it'd have more prominence. Or they have an idiot running things for their analytics or an editor who doesn't pay attention to it. But eyeballs is the main driver, so I have to think they do.

    Let's not overlook the fact that we have several other outlets for Billiken info, not just the P-D or TV. If you want scouting info, check out BWeixlman on Twitter. This board is a great source of info.

  3. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="jimmy two times" data-cid="350161" data-time="1362633972"><p>

    We have softball games and marching bands. These guys play at the Cintas Center where you might get shot!</p></blockquote>

    I have an obligation to tell you that if you accuse Ellis or Loe or a terrible shooting night without proper evidence, pull be subject to a billikens.com court martial for professional misconduct.

  4. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="jimmy two times" data-cid="350150" data-time="1362633353"><p>

    We lost. On the road to a tough team. On Senior Night. Terrible shooting by Ellis and Loe, it happens. This doesn't count against us, it is one big BFD. The refs didn't cost us anything or lose anything for us (yeah, the one timeout call was atrocious, but so what).<br />

    <br />

    Start a new streak on Saturday.</p></blockquote>

    Maybe if we work at it, we can get the refs charged with thenKennedy assassination.

  5. Yeah, it can be like that scene from Finding Neverland, where the little kids get seats among the adults and then all of a sudden, the adults find Peter Pan entertaining and enjoyable. Maybe getting some students among the $$$ crowd would get them to find SLU basketball entertaining and enjoyable.

  6. We'll need to connect with an independent bar. Not one of the Four Corner Tavern bars - they are too cookie-cutter and locked into too many schools. I have a great relationship with a few bars in the hot West Loop that we could try......

    Just have those independent bars follow Two Times around for a weekend as part of the recruiting process. The bar tabs from his crew will get them to get a SAINT LOUIS banner on the front door in no time.

  7. The only point I made is that it ain't over. No one knows whether it is just a "he said, she said" situation. The fact that there was no prosecution does not necessarily lead to that conclusion. There could be additional circumstantial evidence against the players but not enough for the prosecutors to believe they could have run the gauntlet of a St Louis city jury. Further, the standard that the university discipline board will apply shall be much lower than the prosecutors would have faced. Without a criminal conviction, the matter may end up in a grey area left total up to the discretion of the SLU administration. You have to know Larry ain't happy. How he deals with it is anyone's guess.


  8. I love the addition of Loe, but I think it's going to take a couple games of Correction announcing his name before I stop having flashbacks to the UMass-SLU game in 1995 or 96 when Loe Roe dropped like a 28-14 on us. I remember Mike Owen (right?) deep voice after every bucket, "Lou Roe." Haunting.

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