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Posts posted by NYBill

  1. What's unsubstantiated? I'll tell you about unsubstantiated - that Iraq was buying weapons grade plutonium, that Iraq was involved in the Sept. 11 attacks, that Iraq had WsMD. Those are things your President looked you in the eye and lied to you about.

    Is it unsubstantiated that we don't have enough people in either Iraq or Afghanistan? Of course not. If we had enough troops in Afghanistan we wouldn't need to perform as many stealth missions. Stealth missions are required when you are badly outnumbered.

    We didn't need to go into Iraq. IRAQ DID NOT PRESENT AN IMMINENT THREAT TO THIS COUNTRY. That is a fact that even Dick Cheney would have to admit to at this point. We lost attention on Afghanistan - where the mass murderer bin Laden was living - to invade a country that did not present any threat to the United States. And by doing so we do not have the military force necessary to hunt down the real mass murderer of thousands of innocent Americans.

    This is an outrage. President Bush should be impeached for lying to this country and costing thousands of innocent lives (tens of thousands when you include innocent Iraq lives).


  2. I hate to admit it, but the first thing that went through my mind when I read about this Tillman is that he was just some guy who wanted to go kill people so he signed up to do that. Will I apologize to his family.

    I've now read a few articles about this extraordinary man. Apparently he just wasn't materialistic at all and wanted to give something back on account of the comfortable life he led. I think he was misguided in what he choose to do - joining the Peace Corps would be way better than taking war directions from this lunatic Bush.

    If Bush hadn't have dropped everything to invade Iraq we could have put the proper number of people in Afghanistan and probably have bin Laden by now and almost certainly Tillman would be alive right now. Instead, we have a skelton undermanned crew in both Iraq and Afghanistan and lots of people are dying needlessly. It's an outrage, a crime. Bush's arrogance is costing hundreds of real lives everyday - and America wants to re-elect him...

    P.S. - It would not surprise me if we do have bin Laden right now and Bush is just keeping him in a box until 4 weeks prior to the election. Innocent people dying trying to track him down now? Bush wouldn't care, he thinks God's will to have him re-elected is more important than a few workaday people's lives.

  3. It's rare that SLU plays a top 5 team in the country. We will get blown out (yes I know Louisville was no. 2 last year, but they were clearly overrated and that was a home game).

    Let's be realistic here. If we played the game 100 times we would maybe win twice.

    I just don't understand a one shot game like this. I agree with a post in the previous thread - much better a home and home with Virginia or NC State than one road game at Duke.

    I think this scheduling makes us look like amateurs. That said, Brad apparently has learned from the 3 cream puff mistake this year and hopefully will learn from this.

    Although he would save himself some heartache if we would check with us here on billikens.com before scheduling!!!

  4. I understand that - I really feel for those that are brought up in an environment where they have virtually no chance to succeed. But that's exactly my point. TL, primarily due to basketball skills, will have the chance to get a college diploma. I just want to make sure he has the skills necessary to take advantage of that opportunity.

    Maybe I should have used a different word - but when you get to college there is so much going on (especially for an athelete) you need to have the basics down or there is no way you can keep up. I just want to make sure TL has the basics down. I truly believe (despite how it will impact Billiken basketball) that the best thing for TL - or any nonqualifier (or even "barely" qualifiers - as TL might end up being) is to take that year of prep school and use it to hone the basics so you put yourself in the best position to get your degree and succeed in life.

  5. I agree wholeheartedly, but apparently TL has decided that's one of the ways he wants to prepare for life. If you're going to do something you should be prepared to do it well. All I'm saying is that in my opinion (based solely on test scores and grades, but those are important despite what some may say) TL could benefit and gain more from the college experience by taking an extra year to hone his (nonbasketball) tools.

  6. Come on - that's a complete punt. I wouldn't be shocked by research showing minorities don't perform as well on standardized tests, but I'm talking about getting a qualifying score. That's not too difficult.

    EVEN IF you are correct that the test is so biased as to make it reasonable for minorities not to achieve the NCAA's qualifying score, a GPA of 2.5 (which is what's been posted on this board) at a public school in East St. Louis is not indicative of someone prepared for 4 years of high level (being somewhat generous here) college education.

    To start hurling around insults about bias and possible racial prejudice is beyond the pale. Frankly, I was more worried about TL's own well being than anything else. I'm telling you right now if my son has 2.5 gpa and non-qualifying score on the ACT I WILL BEG HIM to go the prep school route. That's what it's for - to PREP him for the world and (hopefully) 4 years of college education.

  7. Do we have reason to believe Foster would come here if offered?

    From what I've read, he seems to have a nice game. I certainly wouldn't wait around for TL to qualify if we have a chance for Foster. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

    And let's be brutally honest for a moment - if you can't get over the NCAA's ACT hurdle on the first try you need some remedial education. It might not be the worst thing for TL to have a year at prep school to better prepare himself for life.

  8. I love listening to Earl Austin - that's why I pay for the Real Radio subscription (granted, TV isn't an option for me out here). Even though Rammer drives me nuts sometimes, I just love Earl. Never met him, but he seems like one of the nicest, most down to earth, unassuming people you could ever ask to meet.

    Nice to have Earl Austin associated with SLU basketball.

    Nice season, at least we notched a postseason win.



  9. It amazes (and dissapoints) me that a post cheering the team on for tonight's game receives primarily small-minded "but I knew we would have a winning record" responses to an off-hand comment. It's really pathetic. Congratulations on your presience though!

    TRich - I'd love nothing more than to see the Bills make it up to MSG. If not, I'll see them at Fordham in a couple of years!

  10. It's nice to finally see of excitement from someone about this game.

    Sure, it's only the NIT. But who in their right mind thought we would have a winning record this year? Let's be realistic - it is a nice accomplishment to make the NIT and to host a home game.

    This is a chance to beat a team that finished fourth in the Big 10 on national television. It would be a great win and possibly (probably) set up a game versus Notre Dame.

    I really hope the Billikens show up tonight. Iowa has played close games against some very tough opponents. I hope to see some maturity from this team - come out strong and ready!

    On a personal note, tonight will be the first time I've seen the Billikens play in over 2 years!! I don't have cable so I missed the Arizona game. I usually listen to the second halves on the internet. Tonight I'm forcing a friend who has no interest in the Billikens (or the NIT at all) to let me watch this game at his place. DO ME PROUD BILLIKENS!

  11. The first e-mail was never replied to, so I forwarded it to Doug Woolard with a polite FYI and maybe you should have someone else be the point person for arena contributions e-mail. He wrote back and asked me to call him and we spoke for about 10 minutes. He seems optimistic that the arena will get done (of course his job is to say that). I'll be contributing and am willing to help organize an event in NYC so I'm doing all I can up here!


  12. Let's be realistic, SLU's (basketball) graduation rate isn't anything to brag about. Also, Soderberg has shown a propensity to recruit athletes that may not put an emphasis on being a student - see Morris and TL. BUT, I don't think there is anything wrong with that. The athlete wants to play basketball, the school gives the athlete that outlet and the option to pursue a degree. If the athlete chooses not to fully pursue that option, that's not the school's fault.

    Let's just not kid ourselves into believing we're a .500 program with impeccable student-athletes (again, basketball only - I think we have a better track record in some other sports). Recent history shows that not to be the case.

    Please don't bring up Cincy or Mizzou to show how much better we are than other programs. It is irrelevant to the analysis because the on-court performance of those programs far exceeds SLU's (for now) (not counting Mizzou this season!).

  13. Dayton's class has been ranked in the top 25 by at least two sources of such rankings, but put that aside: What exactly is your point?

    Is your position that SLU's recruiting is fantastic?

    Is your position that Dayton's recruiting class is inferior to our's?

    I really don't understand what you're getting at with the senseless comments when the facts speak clearly - SLU's recruiting needs to drastically improve. I think your reasoning skills are in the same position.

    Yeah, I realize we beat Dayton this year. That won't do much for me as I'm watching the NIT and their fans are watching the NCAA.

  14. Maybe I shouldn't have used Gregory as an example because he was a candidate for the SLU job. I'm really just pointing out that we shouldn't give Soderberg too much of a pass on the recruiting front because other coaches have come in and had recruiting results right off the bat.

    It will take time has been the motto for the last 8 years! We have an arena on the way, new more stable conference affiliation, new coach, this should be a great time to bring in recruits.

  15. Come on, even if that were true it is irrelevant. The fact is that Gregory has a fantastic recruiting class coming in next year. We need to start doing the same.

    Those poor saps at Dayton, look at their pitiful recruits...

    CHRIS ALVAREZ – 6-8, 215 forward

    JIMMY BINNIE – 6-7, 190 forward

    TRENT MEACHAM – 6-2, 185 guard

    NORMAN PLUMMER – 6-7, 210 forward

    BRIAN ROBERTS – 6-1, 170 guard

  16. Not that I'm throwing in the towel on this season - I thought at the beginning of the season that an NIT appearance would be a good result with this squad - but unfortunately next year is shaping up to offer similar low expectations.

    As high as everyone is on TL (and taking into account the very real possibility that he's a no-show), our lack of an inside game is an achilles heal that never seems to be addressed.

    Who will be the inside players next year? I really like Frericks, but he is only providing about 25 minutes a game. After that we have IV - a big question mark; BH - a huge question mark; JJ - I have no idea what's going on here, but it obviously isn't good; and this 6'6" guy from Frericks' school may grace us with his presence...

    I just don't think this gets us where we want to be next March, or the March after that. As much as I want to give Soderberg the benefit of the doubt (and I know this comment will cause grief, but sorry it's true), Brian Gregory has a hell of a recruiting class coming into Dayton next year - we need to raise the bar and it just doesn't seem to be happening.

    I don't know how much TL missed by, but I'm concerned that the only reason we landed him is because others severely discounted his value due to the eligibility issue. To me that's not much of a recruiting win. I'd be willing to tutor him for the ACT if he's reading!

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