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Posts posted by Kahok

  1. I have always been proud of my SLU education but there were times in 1969 that it was not such a good place. I had an English Class that I signed up for and when I attended the first day of class the English Professor asked if he had any Viet Vets in there, when I raised my hand, he proceeded to tell me I should think about transferring out because he didn't think I would do well in the class. When I got up to leave the class applauded. I had a philosphy instructor tell me the same thing. In 1969 it was not the best place in the world for some of us. So everytime I hear people talk like this is the greatest learning institution I can't help but remember and cringe a little bit.

  2. A good post, I would just like to point out that being in a bad conference does not preclude our being a top 50 program. It does however point out the need for having a top coach that can recruit and coach. Conference USA is a bad conference but Memphis still is able to recruit top players, Gonzaga is in a bad conference but can get top players to play there. Dana Altman keeps his teams playing at a top level each year. Utah State was in a bad conference but was always a top program when they had a coach. And there are other teams that are good year end and year out that do not play in top leagues, but they do have coaches that can sell the program and his style of play. I believe that you keep changing coaches until you find the right one and then give him the pay and the resources to develop that winning program. And try to find the right coach for your program sooner so that you don't have to make the changes every four years.

  3. What would you tell a kid you are recruiting, If my livelyhood was based on getting recruits I would say the same thing, unfortunately it is true. It is time for the University to s*** or get off the pot. Either give him an extention so that can not be used against him or fire him and bring in someone else. Why would a kid that likes Brad sign here if he is only going to be here another year or two.

  4. I have never weighed in on the debate between the MVC and the A-10, but I wil say this. Half of the fun of college games is the rivals that you have. With the possible exception of Xavier and Dayton, which of the A-10 schools do you think consider us worth being their rivals. Please don't say charlotte, because they are already feeling the effects of the A-10. Having said all of that can you imagine the atmosphere wit SLU and SIU or Creighton or Missouri State or Bradley playing for the MVC title even the ones you look down on, You saw the games in the tourney in St Louis, Do you really think that the atmosphere in the A-10 tourney will compare, how many of the Bills fans are there!!!! You can debate the advantages either way, but I would rather have the atmosphere and the rivals to play against. And I gaurantee the teams in the MVC would look at us as a rival not just some team in the midwest that they have to play.

  5. I can't believe I am hearing some of this, are you not the same people that looked down their noses at schools that hired a coach or a father to get the kid, now you want to get a kid that will not help the team and get him so you can use the dad's name. Give me a player that can help and screw the name.

  6. Don't worry about my SCUM friend, He would not be an agent that would represent Tommie, He was just sharing what some scouts have said.

    Tommie shoots over 50% from Three

    He could be the A-10 player of the year

    He is looked at as a point guard,

    Unselfish and a good passer and assist person.

    FYI Not everyone is a scumbag. You have redline scumbags in your profession also.

  7. I spoke with a friend of mine over the weekend and this person is a sports agent, He represents a few basketball players, but primarily football players and coaches. Anyway he tells me that TL is starting to get a lot of looks and could work his way into the first round. Scouts like his long range shooting abilities as well as his ability to drive and his unselfishness. Like I said take it for what it is worth.

  8. Everybody wants to put the blame on UB but there is enough blame to go around for everyone. There is blame on admin and us as fans. The fans want an up tempo game and the Admin wants it because it will be exciting and put fans in the stands.

    We have a head coach that, his strong point is a half court grind it out style. The good years that he had were half court teams that ground it out and played tough defense. We expect him to learn a new style and recruit to that style. Our current team is half suited to grinding it out IV, KL and LM and half are suited to a faster paced game, DP.TL and DB.

    We have not recruited players that would be best suited for a grind it out half court game, EX: Ahern. UB has tried to recruit players that are suited for a full court, fast paced tempo, But in recruiting these players, it is harder to get them because many teams play an uptempo game and the competition for these players is intense.

    It seems to me that as fans we have two choices and that is to support UB and accept a half court grind it out team and support that team and let UB recruit to his strength. The second option we have is to push for the resignation or firing if you will of UB and hire an uptempo coach that can recruit those type of players to the system.

  9. Roy I agree with you about Liddell, but with Polk playing the off guard especially when you have a bigger quick guard on Tommie, you will also have more double teams coming because they can cheat off of Polk, he is not going to kill anyone from three point range. And he will not shoot you back into the game with dishes from Liddell.

  10. No disagreement on Tommie being the best dribble, drive and kick, but if you are going to use him that way instead of coming off the wing then you have to have someone that can shoot the three's, Polk is not that person.

  11. Now that we have had a couple of days to Digest the Ole Miss win, and I am keeping in mind that Ole Miss will be a bottom feeder in the SEC. My thoughts on the line ups used by Brad run this way. If we are going to use TL at the point then the 3 should be Danny. However I still think that TL should be at the 3 spot and Polk should be running the point. Danny doesn't play enough minutes to really be consistent and get into the flow of the game. TL is still turnover prone at the point and his moves would allow his game to flourish at the 3. Polk is a good ball handler but makes a terrible 3 because of his size. I have no problem with KL at the 2 spot or with LM at the 4 spot, but I think that if we are to continue to use TL at the point then Brown needs to be in there. To me the best line up is still Polk at the point and TL at the 3 spot with Danny subbing at the 2 or 3.

  12. There are a lot of similarities between SLU and Ole Miss. Neither are deep teams, both have a decent center. Height goes to SLU but their big man has good hands and quick feet although only about 6'8" max. They have a good point guard that can't shoot but he doesn't turn the ball over much, so it will be tough to press them. They have shooters that can either light it up or be cold as ice.

    It should be a good game, game may be decided by which big man can dominate the other.

  13. I think Tennessee plays on ESPN2 Wednesday night, if you get a chance take a look at the power forward on The Tennessee team and see if you see any resemblence to Luke. They have a 6'4" power Foward and I don't think they are unhappy with the way he plays. In fact you may see a little of Luke in the way he plays.

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